If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 69: buff: [The finale debuts]!

Wu Feng was right.

Since childhood, she has always been the class leader.

Due to her sharp and straightforward style of speaking and doing things, she was even called "big sister" by her classmates.


Wu Fengzhen, who always thought that he was not afraid of the sky and the earth,

But it was really a little panic.


This guy, why is he smiling? !

Wu Fengzhen was a little hairy when stared at by Chen Yilang.

The upward curvature of the corner of this guy's mouth made Wu Fengzhen completely unable to see through any thoughts in his heart.

This made Wu Fengzhen start to lose his mind a little uncontrollably, and the way of speaking also became a little stumbling and incoherent.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Evil Smile], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv7 Valkyrie]! 】

[You got: Gold +454, EXP +365! 】

Chen Yilang: ? ? ?

Is this okay?

In fact, he didn't think about anything else just now. He just thought that Wu Fengzhen's serious speech was a little funny...

And really,

Not to mention, it's just that her thick brows will automatically turn into upside-down brows when her expression is serious, which makes her very happy, right?

Unexpectedly, he just smiled casually and caused a new wave of damage to Wu Fengzhen...


The client, Chen Yilang, did not know,

What he thought was funny,

In Wu Fengzhen's eyes,

But it was nothing different from a wave of ridicule.

until after a while,

Wu Fengzhen just recovered from the previous state.

"Everyone probably knows that."

"After school starts, there will be many new jobs in the class soon."

"For example, the input of students' information, the work of granting grants, the organization of class activities, and the recent distribution of teaching materials and the purchase of military training clothing..."

"I don't know if everyone knows about it."

"But as far as I'm referring, these things are things that need to be arranged and resolved very soon."

"And I have done my homework for these things in advance. If I were to be responsible, I dare to say that I will be able to arrange all these things securely."

Wu Fengzhen said, "In the end, I won't say any more."

"Who is really suitable to be the squad leader, I can only say that everyone can see it."

"So what the final result will be, I'll leave it to everyone to make a choice."

After speaking,

Under the warm applause,

Wu Fengzhen also strode off the podium.

"One thing to say, I think Sister Zhen's speech is very good."

"Indeed, and really thoughtful, I didn't even know the squad leader had to do so many things."

"Me too, I originally thought that I would also try to run for the squad leader next year, but when I said that, all my thoughts were dispelled."

The students were discussing.


As one of the protagonists tonight, Chen Yilang also fell into thought.


It has to be admitted that,

Everyone is indeed right.

Wu Fengzhen, really thoughtful.

As an old salted fish, Chen Yilang didn't know until now what kind of work the position of monitor really needs to be responsible for.

"Fortunately, fortunately."

Chen Yilang silently rejoiced in his heart.

Thanks to him holding his breath, he didn't speak on stage first in front of Wu Fengzhen.

Otherwise, he would lose this wave of the most crucial information, and he would be crushed to death by Wu Fengzhen during the speech.

By that time, it's probably too late to try to turn the tide.

"Are there any classmates who want to run for the class committee?"

After Wu Fengzhen finished speaking,

Seeing that no one in the audience stood up anymore,

The class assistant asked a symbolic question.

The implication is to hurry up, hurry up and go to dinner or go back to the dormitory to play games, isn't it delicious...


at this time,

Someone stood up.

Suddenly there was a burst of cheers in the class,

There was also a wave of applause that was no less enthusiastic than the previous applause when Wu Fengzhen came to power.

The class assistant who realized it in hindsight,

Just now I suddenly noticed,

Things don't seem to be that simple.

——In this class, there is another important character who did not appear on stage!

Generally, such people are basically people who are very popular in the class, and everyone likes to joke and play with him.

"This guy, it's kind of interesting."

The class assistants were all here, and they soon noticed a different atmosphere.

"Brother Lang, I want to learn from Luna!"

"Brother Lang is awesome, Brother Lang will take me to the top!"

"Brother Lang, it's up to you for the brothers to sign in in the future, you know!"

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth couldn't help twitching.

What kind of monsters are you all! ?

This is too different from other Wu Fengzhen's style of painting, isn't it?

Chen Yilang glanced at Xiao Dong, the head teacher sitting beside him, with a guilty conscience.

I saw Lao Ban looked at Chen Yilang with a half-smile, with an expression of "I didn't hear anything" on his face.

【Ding! 】

【Notice! 】

[You get the buff [finale debut]! 】

[The finale debut: In this state, the attention of the target will be greatly increased, and the increase and decrease of the prestige value will receive additional bonuses! 】

Chen Yilang's eyes light up slightly.

Oh shit!

This buff is a bit complicated!

It can be said that it is a wave of high-risk and high-reward operations.

At this moment,

There are more than 20 pairs of eyes in the class,

Zheng Zheng gathered on Chen Yilang's body in unison,

Looking forward to their Lang brother's performance.

After Chen Yilang took a deep breath,

After adjusting his breathing state, he just started to speak:


"Good evening, classmates and teachers."

"My name is Chen Yilang, and the class committee member I want to run for this time is the class leader."

As soon as these words came out,

as expected,

In an instant, there was a restless voice in the class.

"Damn it, Brother Lang, it's really good!"

"Brother Lang is really a man, I support you!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's interesting and interesting, it seems that there is a good show to watch tonight!"

The melon-eating crowd who watched the fun and did not think it was a big deal all cheered up one after another.

And Chen Yilang's brain is thinking fast,

He thought carefully about what Wu Fengzhen just said,

Looking for a loophole that the latter can attack. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Then he smiled and said:

"Very sorry."

"There are many things in this world that are just so coincidental."

"Student Wu wants to be the monitor, and I happen to have a dream of being a monitor."

The monitor's dream?

What the **** is this?

Someone in the audience couldn't help but laugh.

after all,

They are also very rare. It was the first time I saw Brother Lang so serious about his literary style.

"It is true that Wu has many years of experience as a class leader. This is her strength, and I cannot deny it."

"But what I want to say is..."

"Although I, Chen Yilang, have never been a squad leader, I have had countless experiences with squad leaders."

Chen Yilang smiled lightly, "Because from childhood to adulthood, I was the lucky little boy who was taken care of by the monitor under the teacher's arrangement."

When talking about this,

There was a friendly laugh from the audience.

"Yes, I have never been a monitor."

"Since I was a child, I have always been the one sitting at the bottom, just like most of you, unknown, quietly shining a light that is not particularly dazzling."

Chen Yilang continued unhurriedly:

"Student Wu is right."

"Of all the people here, perhaps no one really knows the squad leader better than her."


After Chen Yilang paused for a while, he revealed a smile:

"I dare to say,"

"Everyone sitting in the classroom, no one knows you better than me!"

Say it all.

Inside the spacious classroom, it was quiet for a few seconds.

next moment,

There was thunderous applause.

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