If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 68: No one knows the monitor better than me!

Friday night.

Nanxuan University.

In the large classroom of the sixth teaching building.

The second class meeting of Municipal Class 214 was held on time.

The class teacher Xiao Dong sat in the first row and listened quietly, while the class assistant took the microphone and walked to the podium.

"Everyone already knows the theme of this class meeting, which is the class committee election."

"This is my first time, and probably the last time, to preside over our class meeting."

"Because from today, the person in charge of organizing the class meeting will no longer be me, but the class committees elected by you."

"Then next, please invite those who are interested in running for the class committee to spontaneously walk up to the podium to make a campaign speech."

After speaking,

The class assistant then returned to his place.

And on the blackboard,

At this time, "Squad Leader", "League Party Secretary", "Study Committee", "Disciplinary Committee" have been written...

Wait for the name of the class committee.


Everybody knows,

In addition to the squad leader and the league secretary,

The rest of the class committee members, who are 7788, basically have nothing to pay attention to.

And between the squad leader and the league secretary,

And the position of monitor is the most interesting.

——Brother Lang and Sister Zhen, now they are mortal enemies!

Although the big guys always seem to be peaceful when they get along with each other,

But in fact,

Everyone knows what the real situation is.

After all, the smell of gunpowder between Brother Lang and Sister Zhen can be smelled from a distance of hundreds of miles even with your toes...


What makes the students of Municipal 214 feel incomprehensible is that,

The protagonist of tonight,

Brother Lang and Sister Zhen,

It seems that he has no intention to speak on stage for a long time.

On the contrary, other students,

One is more positive than the other.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhao Fei, and the class cadre who wants to run for election this time is a publicity committee member..."

"Hello everyone, I'm Song Ying, the class committee who wants to run for election is the organizing committee..."

"Hello everyone, I'm Chen Hui, I think I can do the job of a literary and art committee member..."


Positive is positive.

But everyone without exception,

I didn't have the idea of ​​taking the position of group secretary or squad leader.

After all, an adult!

Everyone knows how to do things.

In the present situation,

If nothing else,

Brother Lang and Sister Zhen must be one of the group secretary and the other the squad leader!

The situation is already so clear, if you continue to do things like that, you will really be Tie Hanhan.

Anyway, the class committee is re-elected every year.

The big deal is to perform well this year, and strive to be the first in a wave of reservists, and come back next year.

But the problem is...

It doesn't matter if the reservists like them recharge their batteries.

Why didn't the two bosses move at all?

Everyone quietly observed the situation of these two people.

I found that Brother Lang and Sister Zhen were sitting far apart, and they didn't seem to want to get up yet.

"What's wrong with this?"

The melon eaters don't understand.


No one knows,

The client, Chen Yilang,

He was also watching silently and secretly.

——Wu Fengzhen's state is changing.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Calm and Calm], causing huge mental stress to [lv7 Valkyrie]! 】

[[lv7 Valkyrie] has entered a state of [anxiety]! 】

[[Anxiety]: The target's mental attributes and intelligence attributes are greatly reduced. 】

[Mental stress damage: HP-11]

[Mental stress damage: HP-12]


can be seen very clearly.

Under the mental pressure created by Chen Yilang,

Wu Fengzhen's health is slowly declining.


This is why Chen Yilang is not in a hurry to run for office.

——As long as he doesn't come to power, the one who panics is Wu Fengzhen himself!


Wu Fengzhen has begun to feel unsure of herself.

Therefore, she must first listen to Chen Yilang's campaign speech, so that she can have a bottom line in her heart, and at the same time, she can better organize language to counterattack on the spot.


The witty Brother Lang has already seen through all this.


I'm not on stage when I'm the monitor, I'm just playing!

Anyway, Chen Yilang didn't panic.

The big deal is to really spend with Wu Feng to the end.

And it was she who kept bleeding, not herself.

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. This famous saying is quite reasonable no matter when I put it.


The two just sat like this,

On the surface it seems to be light and cloudy,

In fact, each has a ghost.

Of course,

Of course, the person who suffered the most was Wu Fengzhen.

"Why isn't this guy on stage yet?"

She felt more and more irritable.

Originally, she belonged to the kind of girl who was more resolute in doing things, but now this situation makes her feel so uncomfortable.


After another five minutes,

Chen Yilang finally saw Wu Fengzhen stand up from his seat.

When she came to the stage, there was applause from below.

"Come on, come on, start!"

"Sister Zhen made a move!"

"Don't talk, the feature film has begun!"


In applause,

Wu Fengzhen stood on the podium,

After looking around the whole class in the audience,

In a low voice, he said:

"Dear classmates and teachers, good evening everyone."

"Everyone must have been able to guess that the position I want to run for when I come to power this time is the monitor of our class."

Wu Fengzhen turned around and wrote his name on the column of "Squad Leader".

The agitation under the stage was actually not as loud as expected.

Because almost everyone knows,

Wu Fengzhen's goal has always been the squad leader.

As for Brother Lang...

There's something so elusive.

After getting along these days, in everyone's eyes, Brother Lang is already a person who doesn't play cards according to the routine.

"Do you think Brother Lang will seek stability after a while~www.wuxiamtl.com~ choose a party secretary?"

"I don't know, but if Brother Lang chooses the monitor, I will vote for him, and I will give him a diamond!"

"It's true, and my class was also robbed by Brother Lang for me..."

The rustling voice came from below the stage.

"Everyone, please be quiet for a while."

Hearing someone discussing Chen Yilang, Wu Fengzhen's face briefly flashed an unpleasant look:

"First of all, as everyone knows, since childhood, I have always been the monitor of the class."

"So, I have rich experience in class management and class affairs."

"In other words..."

After a pause, Wu Fengzhen continued, "I can say that no one knows the squad leader better than me."


As soon as these words came out,

In the classroom, the frying pan suddenly exploded.


"Such a domineering and direct speech is as expected of a real sister!"

"But seriously, don't you think it's a bit exaggerated...?"

"Six, six, six, this makes me want to vote for real sister again."

"Indeed, although Brother Lang is pretty good, Sister Zhen is not really bad..."

I heard the voice from the audience,

Wu Fengzhen finally showed a faint smile on his face.

It seems that it seems to have regained a few points!


Wu Fengzhen caught a glimpse of Chen Yilang sitting under the stage.

This guy also had a faint smile and seemed to look at her meaningfully...


This smile made Wu Feng really tremble slightly like an electric shock, and some unconsciously pinched his legs.

——She started to panic.


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