If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: Sixty-seven [Leader Frenzy]!


A simple word that couldn't be simpler.

But in the moment when Chen Yilang hit the chat screen,

Once again, a new spark was detonated.

"What do you mean by this, classmate Chen? @陈一波"

"Have you logged into the course selection system?"

"Good brother, don't come here without opening your mouth. Sister Renzhen has spoken, and the campus network has collapsed. How can you log in?"


In the class group, the classmates were chattering, and there was a commotion.

Chen Yilang smiled slightly, and sent an emoji with a panda head on it, then continued:

"There is always someone who can take shit, so why can't it be me?"

Then press the screenshot button, select it, and send it.

next moment,

A class schedule with Chen Yilang's name and student number,

It was sent directly to the group chat.


After the image is loaded,

The classmates in the group were all dumbfounded.

——On Chen Yilang's timetable, physical education classes and electives have already appeared!

This shows that Chen Yilang has already obtained the course quota and completed the course selection.

"Fuck, Brother Lang and Niu Bi!"

"Good brother, you are too real. How can I remember that you said that someone would come when you opened your mouth a second?"

"It's too strong, classmate Chen, how did you do it?"

"That's right, why can't I log in to the Academic Affairs System? Teach me!"



A large group of curious babies,

He began to frantically ask Chen Yilang questions.

Chen Yilang, who didn't know how to explain it, could only scratch his head, typed out a paragraph in a serious manner and sent it out.

Chen Yilang: "It's very simple. In fact, as long as the network configuration is slightly modified, the probability of connecting to the campus network can be increased by at least 50%."

Chen Yilang: "However, how should it be configured specifically? I'll probably tell you in a while and I won't be able to tell you."

Chen Yilang: "Well, let me see who else needs to help grab the class, and send me the student number and password privately."

"Student Chen, I want it!"

"I want me too!"

"You dodge aside, obviously I came first!"

"Fortunately to have you, Brother Lang!"



In Chen Yilang's Penguin,

In an instant, overwhelming news poured out,

Almost half of the classmates were sending him messages.

【Ding! 】

[Your [leader aura] has been strengthened to [leader frenzy]! 】

[You used [Leader's Frenzy] and successfully fought against [lv7 Valkyrie]'s [Valkyrie Majesty]! 】

[Target 1 lost the [Submit] effect to [lv7 Valkyrie] and entered the state of [Embrace] for you! 】

[Target 2 loses the [Submit] effect...]

[Objective 3 lost the [Submit] effect...]

[You have successfully defeated [Valkyrie Majesty] and caused a lot of damage to [lv7 Valkyrie]! 】

[You have obtained [Unyielding Martial Spirit x1]! 】

[Unyielding Martial Spirit: The rare material from [Valkyrie]'s body symbolizes the determination of Kong Wu's powerful Valkyrie to never give up. 】


No matter if you say no, it's mine anyway...

Chen Yilang was too lazy to think about it, and directly put [Unyielding Martial Spirit] into his backpack.

"Don't worry, don't worry, come one by one."

Chen Yilang was in no hurry and helped the classmates in the class to grab the class in an orderly manner.


The duration of [Surf Grenade] is a full hour.

There are 26 people in the municipal class 214, and only half of them came to him for help.

The average person spends two minutes,


An hour is enough for him to help the whole class get this done.

【Ding! 】

[You successfully helped a classmate grab a class, and got: Gold +456, Experience +235! 】

[You successfully helped a classmate grab a class...]

[You successfully helped a classmate grab a class...]


[Your reputation has been improved! 】

[Current reputation: 650! 】


This was beyond Chen Yilang's expectations.

totally unexpected,

After a wave of class grabs,

He actually got so many rewards!

And what he has to do is actually not difficult at all, that is, just move the finger and click the mouse, it is just a matter of someone.

The only thing I have to say is that it is difficult,

Then it can only be said that,

The internet speed is really awesome...

Chen Yilang dares to say that the online field created by [Surf Grenade] is definitely the fastest time he has experienced in more than ten years.

It's so fast that men all over the world pay attention!

All in all, Chen Yilang is right.


"I just sent the account number to my brothers. I've already grabbed the class."

"Refresh your timetable yourself and see if there is any update."

Chen Yilang said.


There were students in the class one after another,

He also uploaded the timetable of the courses he had already selected.

"It's awesome, Brother Lang is awesome!"

"Thank you Brother Lang, I finally got the body dance class with the most girls!"

"I've been greedy for that 3-credit elective course for a long time. If it wasn't for Brother Lang, I'd be so angry that I would drop out of school!"

"Brother Lang, YYDS!"

"Brother Lang, the fastest man in the world!"


"Small thing."

Facing the news on the screen, Chen Yilang simply made an OK gesture.

"Okay, Brother Lang!" Zhang Jian couldn't help but pat Chen Yilang's shoulder, "This wave of you seems to have a little intention of tearing down Wufeng Zhentai!"

"That's right, you can see that she doesn't dare to speak anymore. I haven't seen her send a message for a long time." Feng Tian echoed.

"No, classmates~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Chen Yilang smiled and shook his head.

But speaking of this,

Chen Yilang noticed that,

Wu Fengzhen was indeed one of the few remaining students in the class who did not come to him to help grab the class.

Maybe it's because you really have a hard time on your face?

[Valkyrie] Well, it's definitely not that easy to show weakness to others!

As for whether she grabbed the class or not, that's not Chen Yilang's concern.

But interestingly,

Some time ago,

From time to time, there will be @wufengzhen news from time to time in the class,

And these days,

However, there will be more news about Chen Yilang.

For example...

The night after the class was over—

"Brother Lang, there are five rows and four missing one, and there is a younger sister! @陈一波."

News like this has never stopped...

Chen Yilang felt a little pained.

Dare to love that he has done so many things, but the only thing that impressed these brats the most was his game skills?

However, Chen Yilang didn't mind.

Playing games is a very happy thing in itself. If you can still bring a sister, it will be double the happiness.

So when something goes wrong,

Chen Yilang often has five happy rows with the group of sand sculptures in the class.

The game was on and off, and Chen Yilang gradually became acquainted with many students in the class.

He also found that his reputation had increased by a point or two when he took the whole audience to carry alone a few times...

can only say,

Really happy!

that's it,

After the leisurely days gradually passed,

The day of the class committee election came as scheduled.

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