If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 52: Alien 1 like...

Inside the Cayenne.

[Lu rage monster] nodded again and again at Chen Yilang: "I'm sorry, little brother, this man is illiterate, and I don't know that you are here to find our President Gu..."

good guy...

This reaction is too real.

Can you turn your face faster than a book?

Chen Yilang smiled lightly: "I see."

This kind of apology may not be really sincere, so Chen Yilang is too lazy to waste his expressions and feelings.

As for Mr. Gu, as mentioned by [Road Fury].

It was the woman sitting in the back seat of the Cayenne.

——Gu Binghan.

At this moment, the expression she looked at [Road Fury] was somewhat indescribable, and seemed to be somewhat intangible.

But Chen Yilang always felt that this driver might not be used to work tomorrow...

And the reason why he knew this woman's name was because there was a mark on her head.

[NPC: Gu Binghan]

[Remarks: A woman who is quite aura and incomprehensible, seems to be very cold. 】

Seeing that the other party was an NPC, Chen Yilang was also slightly relieved.

After all, there were so many monsters he saw all of a sudden in the past few days, and he was already feeling a little overwhelmed.

And thinking about it carefully, he really hasn't seen an NPC for a long time.

Gu Binghan took Chen Yilang's document bag, took out the documents inside and flipped through it.

After confirming that it was indeed the document that he accidentally lost, he finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you, little brother."

"This document is very important to me. If you hadn't sent it in time, I might not have had time to find it."

"By the time the contract is signed tonight, it's probably too late."

Gu Binghan said with a smile, and took off her sunglasses at the same time.

She is indeed a very beautiful woman, and her makeup is just right.

Chen Yilang made a visual observation and found that Gu Binghan was about twenty-six or seven years old.

For him, she is indeed a sister-type woman, and every gesture exudes the feeling of a mature woman.

"You're welcome, Mr. Gu, it's just a little effort." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have completed the task: race against time! 】

[Get: ①Gold +2999②Experience +833! 】

[Your level has been raised! 】

[Your various attribute points have been improved! 】

[Attributes: Strength 6, Toughness 3, Wisdom 6, Spirit 4, Agility 3, Charisma 4, Luck 5+3 (Asylum Bracelet)]

"The overall attribute value seems to have increased."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

【Character: Chen Yilang】

[Level: lv8 (552/20000)]

[Get: Assignable attribute point x1]

[NPC Gu Binghan's favorability has been improved! 】


Chen Yilang observed.

The favorability progress bar above Gu Binghan's head instantly increased a little.

But it seems that this has not reached the level of triggering new events.

After thinking for a while, Chen Yilang added the newly acquired attribute points to the charm value.

[You consumed a little attribute point and increased your charm value by a little. 】

[Attributes: Strength 6, Toughness 3, Wisdom 6, Spirit 4, Agility 3, Charisma 5, Luck 5+3 (Shield Bracelet). Comment: You may not realize that you are a little more handsome. 】


At this moment.

At the moment when the charm value is added.

Chen Yilang saw it again.

On top of Gu Binghan's head, his favorability level has risen by a large level!

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Chen Yilang felt that the corner of Gu Binghan's mouth seemed to rise slightly, revealing a shallow smile.

"I really don't know how to thank you, little brother."

"Well, add me on WeChat."

"If you encounter any difficulties in the future, send me a message."

"Sister Bing has been out of society for so long, so she can still help with some tasks."

With that said, Gu Binghan took out her mobile phone and called up the QR code, and handed it to Chen Yilang.

"Then thank you Sister Bing." Chen Yilang added Gu Binghan's friend with a smile.

"Where are you planning to go later?" Gu Binghan asked ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If you drop by, I'll take you there. "

"A place called the Flower Club." Chen Yilang said, "I don't know if Sister Bing has heard of it?"

"Blossoming flowers!" Gu Binghan was delighted, "What a coincidence, I happened to be going there too."

"Ah, is that so?" Chen Yilang was a little surprised, "But Sister Bing, didn't you say you were going to talk about business tonight?"

"Yes." Gu Binghan smiled, "Can't we talk about business when we go to Fanhua?"

"Hahaha, that's how it turns out." Chen Yilang understood in seconds.


Along the way, the two chatted happily.

After talking about it later, Chen Yilang learned that Gu Binghan also graduated from Nanxuan University, and she was still his senior sister.

The common topics suddenly increased.


Cayenne gradually drove to the destination of the party.

Through the glass of the Cayenne.

Chen Yilang can already see that many alumni are already waiting in front of the club.

"Are those your classmates?" Gu Binghan asked.

"Yes." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "I feel like I'm going to be late."

"It's nice to be young." Gu Binghan suddenly sighed.

"Speaking of this, Sister Bing, you are also young." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

"It's just your sweet mouth." Gu Binghan smiled, "Have fun tonight, and tell Sister Bing if you have anything."

The car slowly stopped in front of the Flowers Club.

By this time.

Chen Yilang, who realized it later, noticed this.

The eyes of the alumni looking at Cayenne seemed to show a look of surprise and a bit of envy, as if they had seen something from the sky...

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