If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 51: Go to my sister's car first...

【Ding! 】

[[lv5 Road Rage] used [Angry Roar], causing a lot of damage to you! 】



Chen Yilang felt a little dizzy.

But with Chen Yilang's current strength, this damage is nothing.

A mere fifth-level mobs?

Brother Lang at level seven is not afraid at all, right?

At this time, [Road Rage] frantically honked the car's horn, as if planning to drive Chen Yilang away.

The vehicles that were driving normally around and the passers-by who happened to pass by,

At this time, they all stopped and looked sideways, looking at the situation on this side of the road.

"What is that kid doing? Begging for money?"

"No way, this kid is well-dressed, so he wouldn't do such a thing, would he?"

"I'm afraid it's not because he can't think about it. It's just that Cayenne. If he rubs it a few times, oh well, tens of thousands of dollars will be gone."

"That old man doesn't seem to have a good temper. Will you get out of the car and beat that kid directly?"


The old drivers who were watching the fun and didn't think it was a big deal, as if they were deliberately fanning the flames, also honked their horns along with the [Road Rage].

beep beep beep-

Eh, it's just for fun!

Wouldn't it add another fun to this ordinary working life?

Seeing this [Road Rage]'s temper exploded like he had eaten gunpowder, Chen Yilang's face also turned cold.

Oh shit.

Lao Tzu chased for half a street to deliver things to you. Is this your attitude?

What's the use of this broken mission?


"Uncle, since you said so, then I'll leave."

Chen Yilang took out the folder in his hand and dangled in front of [Road Rage].

"What are you doing here to show off that shit?" [Lu Lugua] continued cursing, "Climb, hurry up, don't get in the way of me here!"

Just at this time.

From the back seat of Cayenne, a woman's voice floated.

"Little Li."

"How do you talk to others?"

Through the gap between the Cayenne driver's seat and the side doors.

Chen Yilang saw the speaker.

——It was the woman who was in a hurry who I met at the school gate just now.

This woman's voice was a bit lazy, but it was extraordinarily aura and deterrent, which was fascinating.


Hear the woman's voice.

[Road Fury] As if some acupoint was tapped, the tiger's body was shocked and froze.

"Do you know what that is?" the woman asked again.

[Road Fury] After being stunned for a while, he shook his head like a rattle.

"Documents to be used for business discussions with President Jiang tonight." The woman said coldly, "It's very important."

[Lu Lugua] was stunned again: "How could it be in his hands?"

"Probably fell on the road just now." The woman said helplessly, "I just found out."

I only saw that moment.

The expression of [Road Rage] has changed visibly with the naked eye.

From the very beginning, he directly changed into the mask of pain.

Oh shit.

In this world, how could something so embarrassing happen?

"Brother, brother, brother!"

[Road Rage] Immediately rolled down the car window frantically, with an embarrassed look on his face, he lowered his voice and said, "Sorry, brother, I was wrong, that document is very important, I can count on it for business tonight. Wearing it!"

Chen Yilang pretended not to hear and left without looking back.

"Hey, hey, brother, brother, brother!"

[Road Rage] hurriedly pushed the door and got out of the car, staggered towards Chen Yilang, and grabbed the hem of the latter's clothes.

"Brother, brother, brother, I was wrong, brother, I don't have eyes, and I didn't recognize my elder brother when he came, so you should calm down?"

"Oh?" Chen Yilang raised his eyebrows, "Uncle, did I hear it right? You seemed to be asking me to crawl just now? A big business of several million can't delay you!"

[Boom! 】

[You used [Yin-Yang Weird Qi], causing a lot of damage to [lv5 Road Rage]!]

[Get: ①Gold +342 ②Experience +234]


"Brother, brother, brother, I was really wrong, brother!"

[Road Fury] quickly grabbed Chen Yilang's arm, and said with snot and tears:

"Brother, that thing in your hand is really important. If I don't go back, my boss will fire me directly!"

"It's not easy to get a job these days. Just think that I just gave a shit, brother, I won't pay you back!"

"...Uh, eldest brother, I understand, but can you let me go first?" Chen Yilang, who was almost locked to death by [Road Rage] with his macho body, said with some difficulty breathing.

The old drivers who were watching the excitement all around were dumbfounded.

Are you kidding me?

The development of this plot shouldn't be that the irritable old brother hits hard and beats Ma Lu to sell young people, right?

Why did this big man suddenly have pear blossoms and rain, and pitifully hugged this young man's thigh?

Just when the old driver and passersby were puzzled.

But I saw the window on the rear seat of the Cayenne slowly lowered.

The old drivers tilted their heads and stretched their necks, trying to see who was sitting in the car.

I saw that sitting in the back seat was a wavy lady with delicate lipstick and sunglasses.

Although I can't see her face clearly, the temperament and aura she exudes make people think she should be a pretty beautiful woman~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Huh? "

"She's actually a good girl!"

The old drivers were unexpectedly dumbfounded.

I saw the woman leaning out of the car with a graceful gesture, then stretched out her slender white onion fingers, and made a "get in the car" gesture towards Chen Yilang.

"I'm sorry, brother."

"Don't bother with him, he doesn't know the situation at all."

"Sister, I apologize to you. Come to my sister's car first, brother."

The woman said in a nice voice.


The old drivers were all stunned.

How is this going?

They seem to have vaguely seen a clue.

The old man who suffered from road rage doesn't seem to be a big guy.

Looking at it this way, he is probably just a driver...

The big man who can really talk seems to be the woman sitting in the back seat.

Don't ask why, you can see it with your toes.

Although the old drivers were very confused, Chen Yilang already knew it at this time.

this woman.

It was the person he was looking for in the mission conditions.

Because in Chen Yilang's sight, an exclamation mark of a quest NPC was already lit above her head.

that's it.

Under the puzzled and surprised eyes of the old drivers.

The young man sat in the Cayenne.

The uncle with road rage didn't have much more to say, and he walked all the way, and he nodded and bowed all the way to apologize to the young man...

The window was slowly rolled up again.

The red light ended, and the Cayenne slowly drove into the distance.

No one knows what happened just now...

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