If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 53: It's not too much to play with this leg for 10 years, right?

Thirty minutes ago.

Nanxuan City.

Blossoms club.

A party hall that is specially designed for young people and integrates various leisure and entertainment items.

Including, board games, billiards, script killing, chess and card room, VR room, baking room... and so on.

The main consumer groups, of course, are college students and young professionals who have just graduated.

At this moment.

A group of young people have been waiting at the door for five or six minutes.

At this time.

An Audi A7 appeared at the intersection and slowly drove towards the crowd.

"Hey, that car wouldn't be..."

Someone suddenly noticed something.

as expected.

The Audi A7 quickly and slowly stopped in front of the crowd.

Pushing open the car door, it was Lan Jiabin who stepped out of the driver's seat.

"Sure enough, it's classmate Lan!" A girl whispered excitedly, "I had a hunch just now!"

"I've heard of him before, no wonder they all say that he's the second middle school clerk, so handsome!"

"Did you see him turn the steering wheel with one hand just now? It's exactly the same as the president in the TV series!"

"That's right, that's right, I didn't expect to see such a boy in reality!"

The girls chatted in a group.

[lv6 Iron Man], Xu Weijian squinted at the group of girls, snorted coldly, and expressionlessly squeezed two words from his teeth: "Childish."

"So they all care about Brother Lan, am I the only one who cares about what to eat tonight?"

[lv6 Evil Eater], Pang Wu let out a long sigh.

"Wait a minute, look!" The girls started making noise again, "Classmate Lan is here with someone!"

I saw Lan Jiabin walking down from the driver's seat.

Not in a hurry, he slowly walked around the front of the car, walked to the passenger seat, and opened the door for the people inside.

The person who came out was Xiong Yuwei dressed in a casual style.

"Wow, that girl looks good too, woo woo..."

"That's right, I look good in such casual clothes, I'm so envious..."

"But what is her relationship with Classmate Lan? Why did she come in Classmate Lan's car?"

Xu Weijian took a few steps away from the girls.

Oh, is this a woman?

It's really boring.

"I really don't understand why they all like women. Isn't it delicious to type in the code?"

Xu Weijian couldn't help but feel a dull feeling in his heart.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, classmates!"

As Lan Jiabin walked towards the crowd, he showed a warm smile and waved at the same time.

"Not too long!"

"Just waiting for you, classmate Lan!"

"As long as it's classmate Lan, you'll be fine if you wait a little longer... 嘤嘤嘤..."

When Lan Jiabin appeared.

The girls were all excited.

Seeing such a scene, the smile on Lan Jiabin's face became even stronger.

Although he is used to such scenes...


Be reasonable.

No matter how many times you encounter this kind of thing, you can't bear to feel a little uncomfortable, right?

At least that's what Lan Jiabin is. He's too cool now.

But of course it won't show on the face!

After all, a male god's standard is a poker face, at most it is a sinister smile, no more.

"Are you all here?" Lan Jiabin asked, "Follow me, classmates."

"Chen Yilang hasn't arrived yet," Xiong Yuwei said.

"Oh." Lan Jiabin's tone became a little impatient, "Why is he late again?"

"Although he was late, he wasn't completely late." Pang Wu shrugged, "It's only 6:50, and it's not even seven."

"That won't work, the big guys are here, shouldn't we just wait for him?" Lan Jiabin said.

At this time.

Lan Jiabin's voice just fell.

Then only heard a low engine sound coming from behind.

Look back.

A beautiful black Cayenne parked in front of the door.

Under the neon lights shining at the gate of the flowers.

The body reflects the light that flows brightly like mercury, which is particularly dazzling.

"Wouldn't it be our alumni's car?" Xiong Yuwei said.

"How can it be!"

Lan Jiabin laughed out loud, "That car is a Cayenne, it's the latest model released this year, and it's going to cost two million to land!"

"From my observation, none of our alumni has such a family background."

Lan Jiabin thought his Weiwei idea was too cute.

A car worth two million Chinese dollars!

How many freshmen can drive a $2 million car when they are just entering school?

Lan Jiabin felt that he was already too strong.

His Audi A7 car was a gift from his family before he went to college. It was close to 800,000 Chinese dollars. The whole car was equipped with top-level equipment, and it was a slap in the face.

This is also the reason why he took the initiative to run to pick up Xiong Yuwei today.

I finally got a chance to pretend to be a **, of course I have to drive the car out for a while!

A girl.

Although you can't say it, who doesn't like the feeling of sitting in a luxury car?

The experienced Lan Jiabin has already figured out everything.

But at this time.

The door of the Cayenne opened slowly.

The one who stepped out first was a pair of stilettos, a long black dress with high slits, and slender, fair legs.

Lan Jiabin's eyes brightened a little indifferently.


Good legs!

Just like this, playing for ten or eight years is not too much at all, right?

But just for a moment, Lan Jiabin's expression returned to his signature male god's cold face.

But the corners of his eyes follow those legs completely uncontrollably...

The owner of the legs is a very delicately dressed woman.

Unlike girls of the same age, UU reading www.uukanshu.com she has begun to exude the hormones that belong to mature women.

"This **** charm." Lan Jiabin thought to himself.

It has to be admitted.

Although there are indeed many little girls who are fascinated by him.

But the woman in front of her was definitely the type that Lan Jiabin couldn't hold.


With Lan Jiabin's eyes moving upwards.

He seemed to see something strange.

—Chen Yilang.

This boy, who was wearing loose jeans and a T-shirt and looked like a student, actually walked with this woman chatting and laughing.

The woman's voice is very soft, and she will smile at the boy from time to time, and the degree of gentleness is probably between the mother and the old sister.

If you only talk about appearance, the two seem to be a good match.

After all, that boy is not bad looking, but he didn't pay much attention to his image, so he looked like a stinky little brother.

"I don't know who this person is."

"Anyway, if you have a chance, you must get to know each other." Lan Jiabin thought to himself.

after all.

From Lan Jiabin's point of view, those who can sit on the Cayenne are definitely not small people.

Lan Jiabin's parents were both businessmen, so he understood the importance of networking since he was a child.

It's definitely not a bad thing to know more awesome people.

After waving goodbye to the woman, the boy in jeans walked towards the crowd.

"He's here." Xiong Yuwei was the first to recognize it.

"Who is that person?" Lan Jiabin asked curiously.

"He is Chen Yilang!" Xiong Yuwei said.

Lan Jiabin: "???"

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