If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 5: Forcibly confront the pit [Breath of Inner Volume]

"Chen Yilang."

"Recite "Peach Blossom Spring" by heart."

The next morning.

In the morning reading class of Class 6 of Senior Three.

Molly's eyes floated to and fro, and she didn't know why she floated on Chen Yilang's body.

Yesterday, I was chatting with Yang Shijun about her class in the office, and I heard him say that Chen Yilang actually wrote a not-so-easy topic in class.

The point is, he did it faster and more accurately than Jiang Ming.

This made Molly very interesting.

After all, she has been the head teacher for three years, and she has also brought this group of brats for three years. She knows the characteristics of each student like the back of her hand.

A child like Chen Yilang, who has no sense of existence in the class and is almost completely lying flat, is basically unlikely to do such a thing...

Human curiosity has three realms, the first is pure curiosity, the second is cheap, and the third is to do things.


Molly wants to do something right now.

So she named Chen Yilang's name randomly, not deliberately at all.

As soon as he heard that Chen Yilang was named, the atmosphere in the class suddenly became active again.

[Scholarly Scum] They all put down the mankers sandwiched between the textbooks, and invariably focused their attention on Chen Yilang.

When he heard Molly's voice, Chen Yilang was still thinking about how to get more knowledge from Chen Jiahui.

He still needs a lot of memory bread now, but if he has bread without the necessary [knowledge points], it will be very uncomfortable.

Chen Yilang reacted just now when he noticed the gaze that was focused on him from the class.

This time, Chen Yilang stood up unhurriedly.

"In the Taiyuan period of the Jin Dynasty, the people of Wuling fished for their business..."

"In the beginning, I was very narrow, but I was able to understand people. After walking dozens of steps, I suddenly became enlightened..."

Almost without any interruptions, Chen Yilang memorized the entire text.

The sound of Lang Lang's book reverberated in the classroom, flowing like clouds and flowing water.

When Chen Yilang finished reading the last sentence, the entire classroom was silent for four or five seconds.

Almost all the people in the class have been stunned, and they will not be able to return to their senses for a while.

Their rogue brother...

Is this the rhythm of rising?

I always feel that this guy seems to have taken the wrong medicine these days, and suddenly he seems to be a different person.

"Not bad, not bad, memorized it word for word." Molly's face showed a look of surprise, and she finally smiled and nodded in praise.

[NPC Molly's favorability has been improved. 】

The sound of the system made Chen Yilang panic a little.

He was afraid that some hidden mission would be triggered suddenly, and Molly left him double the homework for tonight.

"Chen Yilang's study status has been very good recently, and he deserves encouragement. Everyone should learn from him." Molly continued, "Especially Yang Tao, Li Fu, and Zhou Zhikuan, you should quickly adjust your status."

[Successfully caused a lot of mental damage to the lv4 student scum, and obtained ①Gold +12 ②Experience +8]

[Successfully inflicts a lot of mental damage on the lv2 stalemate, obtaining ①Gold +9 ②Experience +6]

[Successfully caused a lot of mental damage to the lv1 scumbag, and obtained ①Gold +5 ②Experience +3]

The three good brothers who were suddenly named by Molly may never have imagined that they were killed. They all lay under the car and could be shot.

Although this wave of unexpected gains was a bit of a surprise, Chen Yilang also discovered that as his level increased, the rewards he received from these low-level scumbags became less and less.

"It seems that there is no future in killing mobs all the time."

"It's time to step out of the novice village."

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang's eyes drifted to Chen Jiahui involuntarily...

This white, tender and juicy [Ultimate Learning God] must be won!

A day of study and life has gone by like this again.

After school, the classroom of Class 6 of Senior Year 3 was the same as before, and soon a large group of people left.

Those who stayed in the classroom and continued to work overtime and study were still the group of [Student Masters] and [Student Gods].

But today, Chen Yilang was not in a hurry.

Chen Yilang is like a sheep in sheep's clothing... no, a sheep in wolf's clothing mixed in with a group of terrifying monsters.

He has coveted Chen Jiahui, the [Ultimate God of Learning] for a long time, so he started to find a way to fight monsters.

After a while.

The people in the classroom are almost gone.

Those who stayed in the classroom were still the same group of [Student Gods] and [Student Masters] from before.

Everyone began to re-enter the state of learning.

Especially Chen Jiahui, she simply put on headphones, completely isolated all sounds from the outside world, and immersed herself in her learning world.

The familiar low pressure hit again, and Chen Yilang began to feel the familiar physical discomfort again.

[The breath of involution is coming, please be careful to dodge! 】



"Oh shit."

"It started bleeding again."

Chen Yilang felt a little big.

If it goes on like this, let alone killing this big monster, it will probably be a problem whether you can save your little life.

Looking at the slowly decreasing blood bar of his own, he made up for the scene of the equipment and gold coins bursting out when the monster was hacked to death.

Chen Yilang gritted his teeth and made up his mind to hold on for a while to observe the situation more.

A real man! Should have held on a little longer.

Just like that, Chen Yilang carried the [Breath of Involution] raised by [lv5 Ultimate Learning God], and sat silently on the side without making a sound.

HP has gradually dropped to 80% left...

Chen Yilang quickly turned his head to think, UU read www. uukanshu.com suddenly had a wonderful idea.

What is the way to deal with involution?

Are you fleeing?

Not right.

The best way is to be more curly than it is!

This is the experience handed down by the older generation, the scientific name is "fighting poison with poison".

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang opened the door to a new world in an instant, as if he was enlightened.

He immediately took out the math workbook from his schoolbag and began to study.

It seems that she heard the movement beside her, and Chen Jiahui looked sideways with some doubts.

that moment.

She suspected that she was watching a science fiction movie.

—Chen Yilang, he is actually doing his homework!

She has always been at the same table with Chen Yilang under the arrangement of the head teacher.

It has been three years since the first year of high school, and it was the first time that she saw Chen Yilang doing his homework seriously.

And after school, he consciously left to study actively!

So this guy has his brain caught in the door recently?

No matter how you look at it, it's not normal...

Chen Jiahui was a little confused.

But the sudden change in Chen Yilang made Chen Jiahui feel a little uneasy.

Even a crane tail like Chen Yilang is starting to get angry, so why doesn't she have to study hard?

Thinking of this, Chen Jiahui raised her spirits and continued to devote herself to her studies.

[The concentration of the breath of the inner volume is rapidly increasing! 】




Chen Yilang: ????


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