If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 4: Rude but comfortable

Memory bread?

Chen Yilang was stunned.

I always feel that this thing seems very familiar, but I don't remember when and where I saw it.

After carefully recalling it in his mind, Chen Yilang remembered a blue, round little fat man.

Isn't this memory bread the future prop of that fat blue man?

Chen Yilang was a little excited.

He immediately opened the inventory and chose to use [Memory Bread Design Drawings].

[Props used successfully! 】

[Mastered skills: lv1 memory bread making. 】

[Memory Bread: The memory bread of the Xiao Ding-Dang co-branded model is copied or engraved on it with the words and formulas that need to be recorded. After eating and digesting it, a longer-term memory can be formed. Remarks: Applicable to those with **** and severe amnesia. 】

[Materials: toast, knowledge points. 】

"Sure enough."

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth couldn't help but frantically twitch up.

That night, Chen Yilang did not stay in the classroom for evening self-study with his classmates.

He found a shabby reason similar to "My potato chips are about to expire, I want to ask for leave to go home to eat potato chips", and asked Molly, the head teacher, to take a leave.

After school in the evening, Chen Yilang rode a small electric stove, speeding down the road at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, scavenging the toast in the nearby supermarket.

Whole wheat, rye, buckwheat…

Because the type of bread was not specified on the design drawings, Chen Yilang simply brought back some of the various types of bread.

"Langlang, why didn't you study at school today?"

Seeing that Chen Yilang suddenly pushed open the door and entered, Yang Si asked in surprise.

"It's more atmospheric at home."

"What did you bring back, such a big bag?" Yang Si glanced at Chen Yilang's bulging schoolbag and asked with a frown.

"Of course it's spiritual food." Chen Yilang said, "I won't tell you about mom, I'll go to study first, and then call me at dinner."

Chen Yilang went upstairs without looking back.

Yang Si was left blankly standing there for a while.

When did this stinky boy start studying so hard?

Yang Si was inexplicably relieved, although he always felt that there was something strange...

After returning to the room, Chen Yilang immediately opened his schoolbag and poured out all the breads in it.

I looked at the inventory in my inventory again.

【Knowledge point X6】

There are only six knowledge points from Chen Jiahui's body at the same table.

But it should be enough for Chen Yilang's actions tonight.

[Synthesizing memory bread...]

【Ding! 】

[Unfortunately, the synthesis of memory bread failed. 】

[Ascension: Failure is success, let's do it again, Sao Nian! 】

Chen Yilang: "..."

Your broken mouth is so sweet, so comforting.

[Synthesizing memory bread...]


[Synthesizing memory bread...]


[Synthesizing memory bread...]


Lost five times in a row.

Chen Yilang suddenly felt a little big.

This was something he didn't expect.

In this way, the situation is a little embarrassing.

Although he has a lot of bread in his hand now, he has run out of knowledge points, and now there is only one left.

But luckily it wasn't a waste.

Because he found that every time he made memory bread, his proficiency in [lv1 memory bread making] would increase, even if the final production failed.

"Forget it, leave him alone."

"One last time, if it doesn't work, it will be pulled down."

Chen Yilang gritted his teeth and performed the synthesis operation again.

[Synthesizing memory bread...]

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! Successfully synthesized memory bread X1]

"Ness, it worked."

Chen Yilang was very surprised.

Taking another look at his inventory, there was already a new piece of bread.

"Try it now."

Chen Yilang glanced at his class schedule.

The first class tomorrow morning happens to be the class teacher Molly's Chinese class.

According to the usual style of the old class, the classical Chinese and prose in the morning reading class can't be run away.

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang's body was shocked, and he quickly found a Chinese textbook from his schoolbag, and turned to Classical Chinese.

But soon the problem came again.

The length of a piece of classical Chinese is generally about three or four hundred words, how can I remember such a special piece of bread...

Chen Yilang began to frantically scratch his head.jpg

Suddenly, he seemed to have a new inspiration.

Damn, wouldn't it be enough to make a miniature version?

Chen Yilang did what he said.

He turned on the computer, selected a piece of classical Chinese in the textbook, and used the document editing tool to directly compress it into the minimum number of words and minimum line spacing.

After printing it out, Chen Yilang took out the memory bread and slapped it on it like a stamp, and actually printed all the dense handwriting on it.

After such operations, Chen Yilang discovered that a piece of his memory bread could actually fit two classical Chinese texts!

After all, a piece of toast has both sides, and he can even find a small corner and fill in one or two hard-to-remember English words after filling two classical Chinese texts.

"I'm gonna start now."

Chen Yilang meditated in his heart, took out the toast and took a bite.

To his surprise, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com memory bread turned out to be slightly better than he thought.

At least it wasn't as bad as the European rough brown bread that could be used as a brick, and it even had a faint sweetness to it.

But of course the point of memory bread is not the taste.

Shortly after eating a piece of bread, Chen Yilang felt as if he had entered a new world.

The steady stream of classical Chinese content seemed to be decomposed from his stomach, and then poured violently upwards, directly into his cerebral cortex.

Very rude.

But it's also very comfortable...

Less than a minute.

Chen Yilang felt that he had memorized all the contents of the two classical Chinese texts.

Not right.

It shouldn't be said that I remembered it myself.

It should be said that these two texts broke into his body by themselves.


Even if you want to forget, you can't forget it.


Chen Yilang suddenly felt that he had lost hope.

Chen Jiahui was right.

In the last time, he did get the first place in the class, but it was only the countdown.

The second model is approaching soon, followed by the final third model and the college entrance examination.

If he didn't hurry up, he might not get into a good university.

Thinking of the hopeful and disappointed eyes of the father and mother, as well as the gossip of the seven aunts and three aunts... Chen Yilang felt a little overwhelmed.

"Since this system has given me a chance to be a human again, why don't I cheer up?"

Chen Yilang suddenly felt himself on fire.

"Fuck it!"

Chen Yilang began to figure out his big plan to turn the salted fish over...


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