If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 6: Chen Jiahui's mentality collapsed

Chen Yilang was numb.

It's really a puppy's hook. The development of this plot seems to be out of control. It's completely wrong. Hey!

Why did the strength of [Breath of Involution] increase instead?

Is there something wrong with the way you operate?

Chen Yilang was a little puzzled.

But fortunately, the damage of Breath of Involution is slowly increasing, and it won't die for a while.

Chen Yilang decided to hold on for a while longer.

Under the pressure of [Breath of Inner Volume] on his head, Chen Yilang silently started the calculation on the scratch paper.

Fortunately, I listened to a math class for the first time in the world today, and I also remembered a lot of what the teacher taught. Only then did I successfully complete a question.

[You have finished writing a math problem, and your knowledge points have been consolidated. 】

[Gain ①Experience Points +2 ②Knowledge Points +1]


Chen Yilang couldn't help taking a deep breath in his heart.

Good guy, so you can get knowledge points by doing the questions yourself?

Although it sounds quite reasonable, Chen Yilang never thought of this level at all.

After all, for a scumbag, it is impossible to do homework, and it is impossible in this life.

"Do it again!"

Chen Yilang suddenly felt himself on fire.

Soon, with his full concentration and independent thinking, he also solved the second math problem.

【Ding! You have finished writing a math problem, and your knowledge points have been consolidated. 】

[Gain ①Experience Points +3 ②Knowledge Points +1]


Chen Yilang's body began to get excited inexplicably.

He started to want more!

Strange to say.

On weekdays, Chen Yilang, who is obviously a big head when he sees homework and problems, at this moment actually thinks that this is such a pleasant and pleasant thing.

Chen Yilang subconsciously licked his dry lips, and threw himself into the math homework thoroughly and wholeheartedly.

【Ding! You have completed a math problem...]

【Ding! You have completed a math problem...]

【Ding! You have completed a math problem...]

The crisp prompt sound that kept ringing in his mind had automatically compiled into a pleasant melody in Chen Yilang's mind.

Learning is such a simple thing!

Chen Yilang fell in love.

Chen Jiahui, who was sitting beside her, finally couldn't get out.

Even through the earphones, she could hear Chen Yilang frantically rustling writing questions, as well as flipping through books.

The most frightening thing is that Chen Yilang's frequency is actually higher than hers.

In other words, tonight, she actually lost to Chen Yilang in the speed of doing the questions!

"When did this guy become so powerful?" Chen Jiahui doubted himself a little, "Could it be because I'm too stupid, and he's smart, but he's just lazy?"

Chen Jiahui began to feel a little restless.

Her mind was a little disturbed, and she miscalculated several formulas in a row. She had no choice but to cross it out again, and kept scribbling and scribbling on the paper.

At this time, Chen Yilang, who was concentrating on the question, did not notice the system prompt popping up in his mind.

[You used the method of fighting poison with poison to attack the pit [Breath of Inner Volume], and successfully gained resistance. 】

[[Breath of Involution]'s influence on you has been weakened. 】




After a while, Chen Yilang, who was addicted to writing questions and unable to extricate himself, reacted.

"Is it really effective?"

Chen Yilang was a little surprised.

He hadn't thought of it at all.

The bad idea that I came up with on a whim actually really worked.

Until now, the damage caused by Involution Breath to him has dropped to [HP-0.7] per second.

This level of attack can already be said to be painless, and Chen Yilang can hardly feel any physical discomfort.

"Probably because the speed of blood loss and the speed of natural blood recovery are close to the same state." Chen Yilang thought to himself.


The sound of paper being torn came from his ears. Chen Yilang looked sideways and saw that Chen Jiahui had just thrown a densely written draft paper into the wastebasket.

She took a deep breath, tucked the earphones tighter, grabbed her hair with one hand, and started to calculate at a high speed with the other hand.

With so many years of experience at the same table with Chen Jiahui, Chen Yilang can probably conclude that this girl's mentality is probably blown up.

Usually, she either encounters a problem that she thinks she can solve, but actually can't solve, or she encounters a problem that others can solve but she can't...

"Women are scary."

Chen Yilang, who was completely unable to guess what his tablemate was thinking, could only take a sip of Sprite calmly, and then continued with the math problems.

What Chen Yilang did not expect was.

This question, once written, is endless.

The [Student Gods] and [School Masters] in the classroom slowly left one by one, and in the end only Chen Yilang and Chen Jiahui were left.


At this moment, Chen Jiahui heard the sound of her stomach.

- She is hungry.

Moreover, my brain was a little tired. After finishing a set of papers, my brain was exhausted.

But she was surprised to find out.

This guy, Chen Yilang, hasn't left yet!

Not only did he not leave, he was even writing the topic with great effort!

Chen Jiahui was already dumbfounded...

This guy is definitely not normal!

She really wanted to rush up to grab him by the collar and shake it wildly, and asked him loudly, "Who are you and where did you take the real Chen Yilang..."

But looking at the profile of Chen Yilang who was concentrating on writing the question, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and the attitude of "Learn from death as long as you don't learn", Chen Jiahui gave up.

"You..." Chen Jiahui probed in a low voice, "Aren't you going to eat tonight?"

"Let's go after writing." Chen Yilang said without raising his head.

"Don't you find it annoying?" Chen Jiahui asked curiously again.


Chen Yilang put down his pen, looked at Chen Jiahui, grinned and said, "Learning makes me happy!"


Chen Jiahui showed her eyes as if she was looking at Godzilla.

【Ding! 】

[You have caused huge mental damage to [lv5 Ultimate Learning God]! 】

[Get: ①Experience +17 ②Gold +34]

at the same time.

In Chen Yilang's line of sight.

A large gleaming spot of light shot out from Chen Jiahui's body again and landed on the entire table.

Full of knowledge points!

Chen Yilang hurriedly stretched out his hand and grabbed it on the table, putting it all into the inventory.

After all, he wasn't quite sure if there was a time limit for picking up these things. If it disappeared automatically after the timeout, it would be a little uncomfortable.

【Ding! 】

[Gain Knowledge Points x9]

"What are you doing?" Seeing Chen Yilang's strange behavior, Chen Jiahui asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Chen Yilang waved his hand and said, "Oh right, do you still have your "May 3" mock volume? Can you lend me two to write first, and buy "Must Read Questions" for you another day."


Accompanied by a loud bang inside.

Chen Jiahui's mentality collapsed.


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