If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 48: Enrolled, enrolled!

"..." Chen Yilang.

Chen Yilang was dumbfounded.

This eye-catching kill prompt almost shook him to death on the spot.

The gold coins and falling objects that filled the screen exploded directly across the phone screen, gushing out like rain.

The speed of the [Auto Pickup] couldn't even keep up with the speed at which they poured out. Within Chen Yilang's line of sight, these bounties and drops had completely spread all over the room.

A lot of glittering gold.

A mess, but not a complete mess.

[You have completed the achievement: One enemy to many! 】

[Conditions: Kill more than ten monster units at one time. 】

Chen Yilang just stood there for a few minutes, watching the function of [Auto Pickup] put everything into his pocket.

【Ding! 】

[You have got +8651 gold coins! 】

[You have gained experience +2059! 】

[You got [Broken Wood x23]]

[Broken wood: common material, from the paddle used by the rowing monster. Legend has it that the oars made of this kind of wood can be said to be stable with waves when rowing the water. 】


[You got [steel-made liver x1]]

[Liver made of steel: a rare material, usually born in the body of the liver emperor. 】


[You have obtained [Glittering Knowledge Crystal x15]]

[Glittering knowledge crystallization: Rare materials are generally born in the body of advanced study gods. It is said that after thousands of knowledge points have been summarized and refined, a shining knowledge crystallization can be born! 】


【You got... 】

【You got... 】


Then, Chen Yilang spent another half a minute, watching his equipment warehouse fill up little by little.

It's almost a storm.

Chen Yilang glanced at it.

From [lv5 Ultimate Learning God], he obtained [Steel-made Liver], [Glittering Knowledge Points], and [Unyielding Will]...and a lot of other things.

Unexpectedly, although the level of [lv5 Ultimate Learning God] is not very high, the bounties and drops are outrageous!

"Fortunately, I finally killed this monster." Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking to himself.

But this is not surprising.

Although Chen Yilang's score in the test is not too low, no matter what, Chen Jiahui also scored more than 30 points more than herself.

Thirty points are already a lot in this era when one point in the college entrance examination kills a thousand people.

Not to mention that at a level close to 700 percent, the difference in every point is almost a gap.

However, there was a thirty-point gap, Chen Yilang still enrolled in the same school, or even the same college, as her.

As for the majors, they will be divided according to the situation after enrolling.

That is to say.

from this moment.

All the achievements and brilliance of the past are completely erased at this moment, and they are directly cleared.

Chen Yilang, who has been at the tail of the crane since his first year of high school.

Already standing on the same starting line with her.

So say it.

Like this kind of thing, who doesn't have an explosion of mentality?

I saw it from this moment on.

Chen Jiahui seemed to have disappeared again, dived into the water again, and never spoke again...

On the other hand, everyone else was almost boiling.


"Damn it! I didn't expect it! Is NTU's score line this year so low!?"

"This wave is simply a big explosion... No, the nuclear explosion is unpopular, right?!"

"Lang! Brother!! Bull!!! Force!!"

"Brother Lang, yyds!!"

"Sorry, I'm already standing up and cheering."

"Cry, you **** cry for me!"

"Brother Lang, no, Chen Shuo, no, Chen Bo, you look familiar to me, if there is a chance to talk in the future, I will hug your thigh!"

"? What did you just say? Chen Bo? Are you looking down on me, Director Chen, now?"


Crazy, crazy.

These people are all crazy.

Chen Yilang turned off the chat interface dumbfoundedly.

At this time, Chen Jiahui sent a message.

"Congratulations, tablemate."

"You are really amazing, and you have a talent for learning."

"We will be alumni in the future. If you have any questions in the future, please take care of me! (handshake

"Of course, it's a good tablemate. (Claps fists Chen Yilang replied.

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

I still remember back then, when I was a salted fish, I had to pick up Chen Jiahui's homework every night to go home and copy.

Later, when the college entrance examination was approaching, he also pestered her to ask all kinds of questions every day, and unknowingly stole all kinds of [knowledge points] from her...

Who would have thought that in the near future, it would be Chen Jiahui's turn to ask him questions?

After getting up, Chen Yilang immediately reported the good news to his parents.

"Really or not, Lang Lang?"

Chen Junfeng, who was the first to object, immediately took over the phone, glanced at the information on it, and smiled like a 300-pound child:

"Admitted, admitted!"

"Damn it, come and have a look!"

"Our family has made a lot of money, and they were all admitted to Nanxuan University!"

"It's still a business school, you old man!"

"What? Let me take a look!"

Hearing this, Yang Si immediately wiped his hands on the apron and ran out of the kitchen excitedly.

Two old husbands and wives, two heads, just leaned in front of Chen Yilang's mobile phone, pushing against each other.

Chen Yilang couldn't help laughing at this picture.

In my heart, I was also filled with emotion.

Three years.

It was the first time for Chen Yilang to see his father and mother so happy.

Over the years, they really have been worrying too much for themselves~www.wuxiamtl.com~night.

Chen Junfeng and Yang Si, it's time to make a phone call, and it's time to go out to meet a friend.

The two of them couldn't wait to start running and telling each other.

Chen Yilang even had a hunch.

It is estimated that it will not take until the next day. Those three aunts and six women in the family will soon know about this matter.

It may even affect other parents in the class...

After all, there is a small group of parents in Class 6 of Senior Three.

A small group of parents with similar social identities often get together to chat and fight, and occasionally have a volleyball appointment.

But this is not what Chen Yilang cares about.

that's it.

After completely relaxing, Chen Yilang finally spent the longest and last vacation in his life happily.

The night before I was going to report to Nanxuan University.

Just as Chen Yilang drank the Fat House Happy Water and posted a barrage happily, he received a new message on WeChat.

Looking down at the phone, he found that he seemed to be pulled into a new group chat again.

The name of the group chat is: Beijiang No. 1 and No. 2 Middle School occupied the secret plan discussion base of Nanxuan University.


Chen Yilang almost didn't laugh out loud again.

There are enough middle school students.

The name is obvious at a glance. In fact, it is the alumni group of Beijiang No. 1 Middle School and Beijiang No. 2 Middle School in Nanxuan University.

As expected of a brother school, even the alumni group must be bound together.

at this time.

There was a lively chat in the group, and it seemed that they were discussing the activities of the alumni meeting.

At this time, Chen Yilang found an acquaintance in the group.

Xiong Yuwei.

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