
Xiong Yuwei has also been admitted to Nanxuan University.


Chen Yilang just didn't think of this person for a while.

But the accident is not unexpected.

After all, Xiong Yuwei is a very good sports student. The kind of person who is weak in winning various trophies and awards. It is not difficult to enter Nanxuan University by relying on sports expertise.

Not to mention, Xiong Yuwei's performance in culture class is not bad.

Apart from these two people, Chen Yilang never saw any other familiar faces.

The old girl Liu Shiya applied for another college in China that was comparable to Nanxuan University. Since then, she has ended her life of studying in the same city as her cousin since childhood.

As for the other people, although everyone has already noted their names, Chen Yilang still has no impression.

However, there were not many people in the group chat, only about ten people.

"And it seems that Chen Jiahui didn't join the group." Chen Yilang noticed something.

Not surprising though.

It is estimated that most of the scroll kings like Chen Jiahui will not be interested in things other than study.

Soon after Chen Yilang joined the group chat, a new message was posted.

Lan Jiabin: "Okay, then we'll happily decide! It's set at seven o'clock tomorrow night, Flowers Club, see you all!"

Chen Yilang glanced at the name Lan Jiabin.

Just like that.

I don't know if I don't see it, I was really startled when I saw it.

The system marked this guy as: [lv20 Crazy Trench Troll]


Chen Yilang's body was shaken, and he almost dropped his phone on the ground with a shake of his hand.

Are you right?

Level 20 monster! ! ?

Chen Yilang was immediately dumbfounded.

You must know, the current him has just been promoted to level 7, and directly encountered the monster of level 20, what did he want to make trouble?

There is a kind of hand trembling that wrongly clicks the advanced copy, and the result is directly dead in the first picture.

---【lv20 Crazy Trench Troll】--

Level: BOSS

Aggressiveness: very high

Talent: Banknote Ability

Features: Domineering and domineering in his behavior, he has the terrifying ability to drive ghosts and even grind ghosts.

Note: It is recommended to stay away! Recommended to stay away! Recommended to stay away! Important things are said three times.



Chen Yilang gasped again uncontrollably.

Oh shit.

This is a boss-level monster!

The first big boss I have met since I became a [player]!

A veritable, real "monster"!

At this time, [lv20 Crazy Trench Troll] spoke again.

Lan Jiabin: "Again again, I'll treat you tomorrow night. If you don't come, you won't give me face, and you'll be fined for drinking!"

Xiong Yuwei: "Wait a minute, we have a newcomer here, welcome first!"

Lan Jiabin: "Huh? Why isn't everyone here yet? Which brother is it? Squeak."

Chen Yilang: "Hello everyone, my name is Chen Yilang. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please take care of you in the future."

Pang Wu: "Aiya, it's alright, we all just joined the group today, and we didn't know each other before."

This man named Pang Wu also has a note.

---【lv7 Evil Eater】---

Level: Normal

Aggressiveness: none

Talent: Gluttony

Features: A monster whose stomach capacity and digestion speed are far faster than ordinary people. It is rumored that their stomach acid can corrode reinforced concrete.

Note: If you don't want to play in its stomach, it's better not to provoke it when it's hungry.


This [lv7 Evil Eater] doesn't seem to be easy to deal with.

But fortunately, this guy doesn't have any aggressiveness at all, so we can ignore this guy for now... right?

Xu Weijian: "I just want to say that the dozen or so of us are still thinking about occupying Nanxuan University? Is it a little too much?"

This person named Xu Weijian, just finished speaking, the group became cold.

Although I don't know what's going on, Chen Yilang has an inexplicable feeling that this person seems to have a bit of cold-field attributes.

Sure enough, when you look at the name, there is also a systematic labeling.

---【lv7 Iron Man】---

Level: Normal

Aggressiveness: very low

Talent: Extremely straight brain circuits and thinking, as well as extreme horn drilling

Features: When a hot-blooded man's soul is poured into hot molten steel, he becomes an iron man.

Note: When communicating with Tie Nan, the way of speaking should be simpler.


Chen Yilang probably understood.

The so-called "Iron Man" is probably what people call a straight man of steel...

Moreover, the ironness of this [lv7 Iron Man] seems to be a bit high.

It's just a joke when someone takes a group name. Why are you so serious about this bullshit?

You will be regarded as an honest person like this, good brother.

Lan Jiabin was too lazy to reply to Xu Weijian's words: "Okay, let's explain the situation to the newcomer now."

Lan Jiabin: "Tomorrow is the day we will report. Everyone will complete the registration and accommodation procedures as soon as possible, and then we will gather at the Flowers Club in the evening. Let's get together for a while, and then I will post the positioning in the group. "

Lan Jiabin: "After all, everyone is also alumni. They all came out of the same high school. We should take care of each other in the future."

Lan Jiabin: "Do you understand what I said? If there is no problem~www.wuxiamtl.com~ we will see you tomorrow night."

Xiong Yuwei: "Okay, hard work Lan has organized an event."

Pang Wu: "I can hear it clearly, how can I be the first to come here."

Xu Weijian: "Got it, so can you change this exaggerated group name now?"

Chen Yilang: "Okay, thank you Lan."

The rest of the people followed suit.


After discussing what happened at the party the next night, the group started talking about new topics.

Although there are more than a dozen people in the group, these are the only people who often talk.

Chen Yilang glanced at the group chat list again.

[lv1 diving monster, a little monster with no aggressiveness and almost zero sense of existence. 】

[lv1 diving monster...]

[lv1 diving monster...]


A pure diving monster.

All right.

It is impossible to expect other people to speak out.

However, Chen Yilang also planned to dive first to see the situation.

and found out.

The person who spoke most actively was indeed this [lv20 Crazy Trench Troll] named Lan Jiabin.

Next are Pang Wu and Xu Weijian.

However, Xu Weijian can be ignored. Although this guy talks a lot, almost no one can pick up what he says every time.

At this time, Xiong Yuwei, like herself, did not continue to speak.

Ding dong.

Chen Yilang received a private message.

Xiong Yuwei: "What a coincidence, classmate Chen, see you tomorrow!"

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