If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 47: 【heavy bomb】!

Huaxia 2021, the end of July.


Chen Yilang was lying on the bed and was sleeping soundly.

Suddenly woke up by the sound of news from the class group.

In a daze, Chen Yilang scratched his buttocks, turned around, forced his eyes to open, took out his phone and checked the notification.

"Family, you have received the admission notice!"

This is the first news that caused a thousand waves.

The person who sent this news was Chen Jiahui who had been diving for several months.

During this time, Chen Yilang heard news about Chen Jiahui from many people.

She performed a bit abnormally in the college entrance examination, and finally only got a score of 690 points.

As her deskmate, Chen Yilang certainly knew.

Chen Jiahui's real strength is even higher than that of Liu Shiya. For her, this score is indeed not worthy of the title of [lv5 Ultimate Learning God].

If she plays normally, she should be thinking about whether to go to Beijing University or Huada University at this time...

"I was admitted to the business school of Nanxuan University!" Chen Jiahui said.


"Congratulations to the Academic Committee, the Disciplinary Committee sent a congratulatory message!"

"The failed candidates didn't want to talk to you, and threw a pineapple at you."

"Hey, the school committee, you're not being kind! Early in the morning, it made me anxious."

The group, who had been silent for a long time, exploded again, and everyone kept talking non-stop.

Only Chen Yilang noticed a problem.

The admission notice from Nanxuan University has actually been sent?

Doesn't that mean...

Chen Yilang subconsciously opened the information bar.

In the empty inbox, there is not a single thread of wool.

So **** luck is still not enough?

Chen Yilang scratched his head, feeling a little regretful.

And at this time.

Ding dong!

The belated message alert sounded.

A message popped up, directly on the top of the phone.

"Hello, Chen Yilang! Thank you for your application to Nanxuan University. We hereby inform you that you have been admitted to our business school! The admission notice will be issued in the near future, please check it carefully..."

Chen Yilang was stunned again.

Damn, what a coincidence?

Are you kidding me?

The prudent Chen Yilang looked up the sender's number, and checked a wave of phone calls with the number Bestseller.


It was indeed a phone call from the admissions office, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Oh shit."

Chen Yilang took a slight breath of cold air.

This wave.

He really had **** luck!

Chen Yilang switched the interface back to the class group.

At this meeting, everyone is already sharing the news of the admission notice they have received.

"Hey, what about Brother Lang?" Someone suddenly asked, "I'm so **** curious, which school did Brother Lang go to."

"With Brother Lang's steady personality, I think he must have reported a high 985."

"Damn, Brother Lang must have signed up for Beijiang University and continued to fight with me for four years."




Chen Yilang: "..."

Damn, this wave of madness is too **** targeted, right?

The tip of your needle hit my nostril!

And it's all from the group of dog sons Aite in the dormitory who don't take things too seriously...

Chen Yilang originally wanted to lie down and continue to play dead, but when he looked at the time, it was almost twelve noon.

If this is still pretending to be asleep, it is really unreasonable.

Helpless, Chen Yilang could only say:

"What are you guys doing?"

"It's early in the morning, and I haven't woken up yet."

"Just wait for you to get up, Brother Lang!" Zhao Zigui couldn't help but jumped out, "Have you received the admission letter? Everyone is curious."

"I received it." Chen Yilang said, "I just received it."

"Oh Huo, where did Brother Lang go? Don't reveal it quickly!"

"Speak quickly, I'm dying of curiosity."

"Brother Lang, aren't you cowardly? We've been discussing this for a long time, and we haven't seen a word from you!"

Chen Yilang thought to himself that I would be a jerk. It's not that I got up at 12 o'clock after the holiday to form a habit...

Fortunately, [Casamine Pillow] has been replaced with [Blessing Bracelet], otherwise, this group of people may not see him until evening.


Chen Yilang sent:

"Maybe we will become alumni with our study committee."

Chen Yilang's news has just been released.

The bottom was instantly flooded with a large number of question marks.




swipe the screen directly.

"Brother Lang, what do you mean by that? I don't understand?"

"Is there any affiliated colleges in Nanxuan University?"

"Brother Lang, didn't you get thrown into a profession that specializes in mining fish, raising fish and catching tadpoles?"

"..." Chen Yilang.

Dog days.

Dareqing, these dog sons never read him well.

"Cough, it's like this, I just received the news."

"It was sent by the admissions office."

"It said that I was also admitted to the business school of Nanxuan University."

Chen Yilang said.

"...What are you talking about in your sleep, Brother Lang?" Zhao Zigui said, "Our school committee passed the exam with almost 700 percent, so it was difficult for us to apply to Nanxuan University!"

"Good brother, don't mess with us, our little hearts really can't stand it!"

"I understand, I will repeat the study and report to NTU next year!"


within a time.

All kinds of voices exploded again in the class group.

"When did I, Chen Yilang, make a joke?" Chen Yilang smiled helplessly, "When did I not say that I failed the test, I failed the test, and if I said that the test was OK, it was OK? Unlike someone, who plays brothers every day. ."

Lin Jie: "?"

【Ding! 】

[You used [ruthless connotation], causing a lot of damage to [lv3 school bitch]! 】

[Get ①Gold +288②Experience +102! 】

"If you have it, you have it, and if you don't have it, you don't have it."

Chen Yilang didn't say much, just took a screenshot of the message he just received, and sent it back to the group chat.

Chen Yilang: [Picture]

The image is loaded to the moment it is 100% successfully sent.

Within the class group chat, there was suddenly a long dead silence...

A few minutes later.

[Bang! ! 】

[You used [Bombshell], caused thousands of tons of mental damage, and killed [lv1 Fishing Monster]! 】

[You used the [Bombshell], caused thousands of tons of mental damage, and killed the [lv1 lying flat monster]! 】

[You used the [Bombshell], caused thousands of tons of mental damage, and killed the [lv2 sectarian]! 】

[You used [Bombshell], causing tens of thousands of tons of mental damage, and killing [lv3 copywriting ghost]! 】

[You used [Bombshell], caused thousands of tons of mental damage, and killed [lv3 school bitch! 】

[You used [Bombshell], caused thousands of tons of mental damage, and killed [lv4 Xueba]! 】

[You used [Bombshell], caused thousands of tons of mental damage, and killed [lv2 scumbag]! 】

[You used [Bombshell], caused thousands of tons of mental damage, and killed [lv2 scumbag]! 】

【Ding! 】

[Ding Ding! 】

[Ding Ding Ding! 】

In the system prompt interface.

He was also instantly overwhelmed by countless scrolling messages.

Chen Yilang heard the most crucial thing in the dense sound of ding ding ding.

[You have killed [lv5 Ultimate Learning God]! 】

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