If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 46: Lock in volunteers!

What Yang Si said did sound reasonable.

But it's not that simple at all.

After listening to Liu Shiya on the side, she quickly shook her head and said:

"No, no, auntie, it's not that simple."

"First of all, based on my cousin's grades, if you want to go to NTU, you probably won't be able to apply for a good major. If you don't obey the adjustment, you may face the risk of being withdrawn."

"Secondly, Beijiang University has protection for the first volunteer. If the cousin, the first volunteer, does not apply for Beijiang University, if he is unlucky, there are many people who apply this year, and he may not be able to apply."

Um, that's right.

It's just a wave of analysis.


Chen Yilang, who had been thinking about it for several days, just thought for a while before filling in Nancheng University as his first choice.

"Langlang, have you really thought about it?" Chen Junfeng asked.

"Let's think about it again, cousin. Seriously, with your score, even if you choose the obedience adjustment, it's really difficult to report to NTU." Liu Shiya added earnestly, "In case you can't report to NTU, you can fill it in. If you have your second choice, Jiangcheng University will probably have to adjust you."

"It's okay, that's it."

Chen Yilang smiled slightly, made Nancheng University his first choice, and chose to obey and adjust.

The second choice, Beijiang University, is subject to adjustment.

These days, Chen Yilang has been thinking clearly.

As a person who is used to salted fish.

In fact, Chen Yilang doesn't have so many bells and whistles.

If it's a big deal, I'll give him a shot. If you lose the work on the construction site, if you win, you'll have everything...

Anyway, in terms of stepping back 10,000 steps, even in the worst case, he can stay at Beijiang University.

At least it's a 985, not too bad.

Chen Yilang doesn't have any big dreams. Even if he can't be someone else's child, as long as he doesn't embarrass his parents, it's fine.

"Think about it for another day, Lang Lang." Chen Junfeng urged, "Anyway, the application deadline will be tomorrow, so don't be so anxious."

"Okay, Dad, I'm very measured." Chen Yilang said.

Go back to the room.

Chen Yilang, who had already figured it out, sat in front of and behind the computer.

Opened the volunteer reporting interface, and was about to lock the volunteer, but couldn't help but hesitate.

Chen Congxin Yilang was caught in a tangle again.

To lock or not to lock?

Chen Yilang's fingers tapped the table rhythmically, while the other hand turned on the lamp beside him.

Under the warm yellow light,

A small box under the lamp base was reflected.

Chen Yilang's attention was immediately attracted.

When he was packing up last night, he didn't notice this gadget that he kept throwing aside.

——This is the last time I won the prize in the capital of fear.

Originally, I wanted to bring it back to my cousin, but I didn't expect that, as soon as I came back, I completely forgot about it.

In the end, I didn't expect that I would be thrown into this corner by myself.

The bored Chen Yilang opened the box and played with the chain for a while.

A strange idea suddenly came to mind.

When he got this bracelet, he hadn't unlocked the equipment function yet.

Why not give it a try?

Thinking of this, Chen Yilang immediately turned on the [Equipment].

Activate the [Pickup] ability.

as expected.

The bracelet lying quietly in the box also showed traces of highlight marks!

------------【Blessing Bracelet】-------

Quality: Rare (purple)

Durability: 19/19

Effect: ①Increase Luck Attribute x3 ②Passive Ability: Alertness

[Alert: You can detect dangerous targets within a radius of ten meters]

Note: A bracelet held by an adventurer who was extremely lucky to escape from the capital of fear. According to the adventurer himself, he has escaped death many, many times since he wore this bracelet.



Chen Yilang's eyes lit up.

Ooh, good guy!

It was actually a purple outfit!

Chen Yilang felt that this wave was a little profitable.

Confused, confused, at that time, I was still thinking of giving this thing to my little cousin to play with.

I almost gave away a Buddha.

You know, Chen Yilang rummaged through his entire room, and the only equipment with the highest quality was a blue outfit like the [Casamine Pillow].

But this bracelet, which I had been complaining about at the time, was actually a purple dress.


Anyway, Chen Yilang had no such idea at all.

Then, there is nothing to think about.

Directly select [Pickup], and then select [Wear]!

【Ding! 】

[You have successfully worn the [Blessing Bracelet]! 】

[Attributes: Strength 5, Toughness 2, Wisdom 5, Spirit 2, Agility 2, Charisma 3, Luck 2+3. Comment: You seem to be starting to have some **** luck. 】

Shit luck?

That won't work.

Chen Yilang wanted more. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

He immediately opened his attribute bar.

All the remaining 3 attribute points were added to the lucky value.

[Attributes: Strength 5, Toughness 2, Wisdom 5, Spirit 2, Agility 2, Charisma 3, Luck 5+3. Comments: I have a hunch, you're going to start your **** luck, and this **** doesn't look small! 】

"???" Chen Yilang.

Anyway, it just has nothing to do with shit, right?

never mind.

It can only be the.

after all.

Chen Yilang did everything he needed to do.

You just add some points, and leave the rest to God!

[The Blessing Bracelet is playing a blessing effect...]

[Your luck status: good! 】

Chen Yilang opened his eyes again.

in his sight.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

The voluntary lock button seemed to be flickering slightly.

8 lucky attributes.

Coupled with the courage of breaking the boat and fighting the last stand.

Bet it turns a bicycle into a motorcycle.

There's nothing wrong with this wave, right?

Chen Yilang thought to himself, and finally made up his mind.

and then pressed the mouse.

next moment.

"Volunteers are locked!"

This is the last option.

There is no turning back.

Chen Yilang closed the computer and breathed a sigh of relief.

This three-year turmoil finally came to an end at this moment.

Chen Yilang hugged the back of his head with both hands, leaned on the back of the chair, and stared at the night sky outside the window.

Right now, he just needs to wait quietly.

Waiting for an answer sheet that is marked by fate.

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