【Ding! 】

[You have equipped: Cassia Pillow. 】

[Attributes: Strength 5, Toughness 2, Wisdom 5, Spirit 2+1, Agility 2, Charisma 3, Luck 2. Comment: There seems to be some light in your dead fish eyes. 】


Just as he expected.

After equipping [Cassia Pillow], his own appearance did not change in any way.

But the data on his panel has indeed increased.

Moreover, after equipping the [Casamine Pillow], Chen Yilang also vaguely felt that his sleepiness seemed to have become a bit thicker in an instant.

fair enough.

Otherwise, if he really wore it on his body and went out with a pillow on his back, wouldn't he be beaten directly by passers-by as a monster?

Chen Yilang ended his experiment and continued with [Equipment Pickup].

The way to pick it up is also very simple.

Because everything that can be [picked] has already been [highlighted] by the system.

Even the oversized wardrobe in Chen Yilang's room was no exception.

However, when Chen Yilang chose to [pick up] the wardrobe...

【Ding! 】

[The equipment load is full! 】

[Please increase the load value by increasing the level or increasing the strength value! 】


"……never mind."

Chen Yilang gave up the idea of ​​continuing to pick up the wardrobe.

Anyway, he has seen it, the quality of the wardrobe is still only the ordinary level of the white name, and the effect is also mediocre.

Even if it was picked up, it would only take up one more slot in the equipment depot.

In the end, Chen Yilang put the [Casamine Pillow] on again, and after this drowsiness, he soon fell asleep.

These days.

Chen Yilang, who originally had a good sleep quality, fell asleep every night after having the [Cassia Pillow], like a dead pig.

A few days later, Chen Yilang, who entered the salted fish mode again, saw this question on the forum—

"After the results of the college entrance examination, what are the top three dogs concerned about?"

The answer to this question, of course, is to fill in the college entrance examination volunteers.

In the past, Chen Yilang had never considered this issue.

After all, in the past, he didn't need to think about which school he should go to, but should think about which factory had more factory girls...

This is also the reason why Yang Mei subconsciously always thought that Chen Yilang was a part-time worker in a factory.

But now, times have changed.

Chen Yilang held a book of volunteer strategies that was as heavy as a brick, and studied the school seriously for several days.

The final conclusion is that there are two options.

The first is to seek stability and apply to Beijiang University, which is expected to be a little big on the line.

Beijiang University happens to be located in Beijiang City, and belongs to the upper-middle-level existence of 985 universities.

With Chen Yilang's current score, if he wants to apply for Beijiang University, if he fills in a voluntary program, he is fairly stable, and the majors he can study are not bad.

The second option is to give it a go, Nanxuan University.

Nanxuan University is a well-known C9-level university in China.

Not bad reputation, and it is considered a very good card!

It is a school where Chen Yilang can gamble on his luck and try to rush to a wave.

Just thought of this.

A lot of news about Nanxuan University popped up in the class group chat.

"Have you heard of it? Many experts have analyzed that this year, NTU's score line may drop a lot!"

"It's very well said, so I'll report to Western University."

"One thing to say, a university like NTU, according to our score line, if you don't get 700% in the exam, you really won't be able to get anywhere."

"What if? What if I bet right, and I'll report it for more than 600 yuan?"

"Go to sleep, brother, you haven't even been online."

"And you didn't even bet on the multiple-choice question in the finale, so where did you have the courage to bet on NTU?"

"You know the shit! Give it a try, and the bicycle will become a motorcycle!"


There was a frying pan in the class of Class 6 of Senior Three.

However, this conversation really caught Chen Yilang's attention.

He cracked out a line of words and sent it out.

"Ask if you don't understand."

"If you apply to NTU with 666 points, how likely is it to be admitted?"

Hit the Enter key.


When Chen Yilang's news appeared on the group chat.

The news that had been scrolling frantically on the screen suddenly stopped.

After a while, the screen swiping message started again.

"Brother Lang, you really don't need this wave."

"Yeah, Brother Lang, with your score, just pick a better 985, isn't it fragrant? Is it not worthy of Beijiang University, Brother Lang?"

"Reporting to Nan Daxuan, Brother Lang, even if it is reported, it will be hard for you to be thrown into some strange professions!"

"Farewell to Brother Lang, why don't you honestly report to Jiang University with me? There are so many good brothers, and it's close to home, isn't it nice?"

"Brother Lang, others, Chen Jiahui, haven't dared to say that she is going to NTU, how can you dare to think like that?"


Chen Yilang has heard of Chen Jiahui's test scores. It seems that in this year's college entrance examination, Chen Jiahui's performance was a bit abnormal.

If it is said that the normal level is played, with Chen Jiahui's real strength, he can even sprint against the best Beijing University and Huaxia University in China.

Forrest Gump said that life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like.

Who would have thought that the [lv5 Ultimate Learning God~www.wuxiamtl.com~, who is always stable as an old dog, turned over a wave of cars at the most critical moment?

Chen Jiahui's mood is probably not very good. She is usually quite active in the water group. At this time, she has not sent a message.

Chen Yilang fell into his own thoughts.


In the end, do you want to calmly seek stability, or do you want to give it a shot and fight it with high mountains and seas?

Chen Yilang fell into thought.

Time goes by day by day.

Before you know it, the day of volunteering came.

The college entrance examination volunteer fills in the day.

The Chen family was sitting around the coffee table, and they were talking fiercely in front of the reporting interface on the computer screen.

Even her cousin Liu Shiya joined in as a military advisor to advise Chen Yilang.

"You guys listen to my opinion first."

"First of all, I analyzed the current situation of Langlang, and I feel that applying to Jiangcheng University is indeed the best choice."

"First of all, six hundred and sixty-six points is indeed a pretty good result."

"But now there is a very embarrassing problem."

"According to this year's score line, although Lang Lang's grades are not bad, they are indeed not high enough to be stable in a prestigious school."

"It's still too reluctant to go to Nanda University. I don't think it's necessary to take such a risk."

Father Chen Junfeng first expressed his opinion.

"Hey, I don't quite agree with what you said."

Mother Yang Si said, "People go to high places, and water flows to low places!"

"If we don't have dreams, what's the difference with a salted fish?"

"Besides, even if Nanda can't make it, don't we still have a second choice?"

"Just fill in Jiangcheng University as your second choice, as a guarantee!"

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