If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 40: lady sister-in-law

As we all know, there are many sand sculptures in Class 6 of Senior Three.

Chen Yilang has seen them blow up in the class group chat more than once or twice.

But this time, they were right.

This is indeed a very heavy news.

In the three years of high school, this is definitely the most exciting moment.

Chen Yilang glanced at the time in the upper right corner, and did not realize that one item had reached zero, and it was time to check the score.

Chen Yilang slowly turned on the computer, logged into the score-checking website, and entered his admission ticket and ID number into it.

Pages begin to slowly add in...

Chen Yilang stared at the loading progress bar that kept spinning in circles in the center of the screen, and his fingers began to tap the desktop involuntarily.

In fact, the whole process only takes about ten seconds or so of waiting time.

But Chen Yilang felt as if he had spent a long century.


The moment the screen is fully displayed.

Chen Yilang saw the numbers on the screen—


Chen Yilang calmly closed the query interface, and then reopened it again.

After checking it again, it's still the same number, 666.

"I wipe?!"

Chen Yilang was so frightened that he almost threw the keyboard out the window, and his face instantly lost expression management.

Unbelievable, Chen Yilang read the admission ticket and ID number again, convinced that his score was correct.

"Oh shit."

"I actually have such a 6?"

Chen Yilang was dumbfounded.

In fact, before that, not long after the college entrance examination, the official website had already released the standard answers.

But Chen Yilang had absolutely no idea of ​​checking and evaluating the scores.

Curiosity always kills the cat, and human curiosity is inherently cheap.

After spending these three months of vacation happily, isn't it fragrant, why do you want to find something for yourself?

So Chen Yilang never knew what level he had passed the test.

The only feeling is that the whole exam process seems to be going smoothly, and there is no abnormal performance.

But Chen Yilang never thought about the number 666 points.

After all, he has been in the scumbag circle for so many years. With a score of 600 or more, Chen Yilang has no idea at all.

In his opinion, those who can get this score should already be at the level of a big boss.

But who would have thought.

Is this score really obtained by his dead salted fish?

this night.

Chen Yilang was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.


I always feel like I can't sleep...

The news of the class group chat has never been interrupted.


For high school seniors.

Tonight will be a sleepless night.

All of this happened a bit suddenly, and Chen Yilang would be a little bit confused for a while.

Although for Chen Yilang, it was more of a surprise.

Everything about the three years of high school suddenly came to my mind at this moment.

this moment.

Brother Xianyu Lang suddenly felt a lot of emotion.

"In the future, you have to work hard like the third year in high school."

Chen Yilang looked at the sea of ​​stars and stars outside the window, and suddenly felt that his secondary illness was about to recur again.

After tossing and turning for a few hours, Chen Yilang, whose sleepiness gradually came to his mind, fell groggy and fell asleep.

The next day.

When I opened my eyes, it was almost noon.

After ordering a takeaway and simply having lunch, Chen Yilang stayed at home and played games all afternoon.

At five or six in the afternoon, Chen Yilang heard the sound of the door opening from the first floor.


"Hurry up and pack up and get ready to go out!"

"I'm going to my grandmother's house for dinner today!"

Yang Si, who just got home from get off work, shouted upstairs.

"Hey, okay." Chen Yilang reluctantly quit the game and walked downstairs slowly.

"Langlang, I heard that you got your college entrance examination results today?" Yang Si asked while sorting his clothes.

"Ah, yes."

"How is it? How many points?"

"Six, six, six." Chen Yilang said.

"Liu, you big-headed ghost, I still have a cold, so I won't make a draft for bragging!"

Yang Si smiled and scolded, "Forget it, it's too late, come back and check the score again, quickly pack up and go."

"...Mom, I really did six, six and six." Chen Yilang said helplessly.

However, Yang Si, who was in a hurry, didn't hear Chen Yilang's words at all, and hurried outside to prepare the car.

…never mind.

Then come back tonight and talk about it.

Given my mother's temperament, if she really knew it, she would probably have to be excited for a long time. It would be a big headache to ask questions.

After all, Yang Si's performance against Chen Yilang is still at the same stage.

Because of the final sprint for the college entrance examination, the school canceled the weekend during the next two mock exams, and Chen Yilang never had time to come back and report his grades at home.

If mom finds out about this, will she be scared out of her head?

Chen Yilang obediently got into the driver's seat and followed his mother to his grandmother's house.

"Langlang, you are eighteen years old this year, and you are already an adult."

"Remember to use less mobile phones and talk to everyone more."

"Otherwise, others will only think that you are rude."

along the way.

Chen Yilang began to review Yang Si's familiar lines again.

Such conversations are basically repeated by Yang Si every time he goes to see relatives, and Chen Yilang is about to form a permanent memory.

Just talking and talking. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The two of them came to the door unknowingly.

After the door opened.

Standing behind was a woman about the same age as Yang Si, who was quite ladylike.

But in fact, this woman is half a lady.

She is Chen Yilang's aunt, Yang Mei.

When he was a child, Chen Yilang heard some parents' stories and knew something about his aunt.

According to relatives, it is probably that Yang Mei is a good fortune teller.

Since she was a child, Yang Mei, who did not like to study, did not do her job properly, and often skipped school and clubs, failed to find any good jobs after graduation, and her life was a mess.

Yang Mei doesn't have any great skills, but fortunately, she was born with water spirit.

In addition, Yang Mei can make up and dress up, so the relationship between the opposite **** has always been not bad.

In the end, Yang Mei married her uncle, a small and wealthy boss. It is said that since then, the quality of life has skyrocketed, reaching the sky.

Although Chen Yilang has never seen his uncle in person for so many years...

After all, the auntie's rich and romantic uncle is either on a business trip or on the way to discuss business.

Of course.

Of course, Chen Yilang doesn't know what Yang Mei's true story is, and it's not easy to evaluate it casually.

It's just what I heard from the outside world, roughly the same.

"Wow, isn't this Lang Lang?"

"Long time no see, come and give Auntie a hug!"

Yang Mei warmly opened her arms

"It's been a long time indeed."

Chen Yilang smiled politely and hugged Yang Mei.


At the moment when he got a little closer to Yang Mei.

A strong and nostalgic smell suddenly hits my face...

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