If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 41: Lang Lang, come to work in the factory?

It's day!

What the **** is this!

Unprepared, Chen Yilang, who was caught off guard, almost fainted.

After a few seconds, Chen Yilang realized what was going on.

——This is the fragrance of Yang Mei's body.

But I don't know if it's because of the brand and color number she chose, or because she sprayed too much, the smell is really pungent and unpleasant.

【Ding! 】

[[lv5 Mother Bear] used [strong poisonous gas] to cause a lot of damage to you! 】

[You have entered a [stun] state! 】



Only then did Chen Yilang find out.

On top of Yang Mei's head, there is also a sign of a monster.

But what does [Mother Bear] mean?

However, Chen Yilang has no interest in researching it now.

This wave of Yang Mei's attacks is really too hard to resist.

He just smelled Yang Mei's perfume and felt a little dizzy.

"No, you have to retreat strategically first."

Chen Yilang thought so.

So after saying hello to the relatives briefly, they went back to the room.

As soon as she entered the door, Liu Shiya really stayed in the room.

"Did you check the score!"

Seeing Chen Yilang's first glance, Liu Shiya asked directly.

It can be seen that this little girl is indeed quite interested in this matter.

"Nonsense, I must have checked." Chen Yilang said.

"You're just talking nonsense, hurry up!" Liu Shiya patted the table impatiently, "How many points?"

"Ms. first, you speak first." Chen Yilang smiled.

"Don't ask, it's all bad in the test." Liu Shiya sighed, "I didn't even get 700% in the test, only 698!"

Liu Shiya was not in Versailles.

For the first grade of the second middle school, it is not surprising that Liu Shiya can get this score.

"What about you?" Liu Shiya patted the table again, "Hurry up, I'm dying of curiosity!"

Chen Yilang was about to speak.

But only to hear Liu Shiya's mother, who is also Chen Yilang's aunt, Yang Xinping called from outside the door:

"Liu Shiya, how many times have I told you, you are not allowed to speak so loudly!"

"Girls, can you be quieter?"

"Tell your cousin to come out with you, ready for dinner!"

Liu Shiya stuck out her tongue and had to shut up.

The two walked out of the room and sat at the dining table.

A large family of relatives sat at a table, and the atmosphere was lively.

Relatives were chatting hotly at the table, Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya sat in the corner and played black solo on their mobile phones.

"Hey, you two little ones, eat more vegetables." Yang Xinping greeted.

"By the way, I heard that the results of the college entrance examination seem to be released today." Yang Mei suddenly said, "How did Yaya do in the test?"

Yang Xinping paused for a while and then said, "About six hundred and ninety."

"Hey, it's really good! It's not in vain that you signed up for so many extra-curricular remedial classes for her." Yang Mei said, "As expected, it is really useful to sign up for so many expensive remedial classes!"

"The main thing is Yaya's own efforts." Yang Si smiled.

Yang Mei's eyes lit up: "Do you know any good institutions? It's okay to be expensive, as long as you teach them well."

"I'll have to enroll my son in more remedial classes in the future, and enroll him in more than a dozen or twenty courses, but I can't lose the starting line."

The little boy sitting next to Yang Mei's expression suddenly became a little wrong.

It was also at this time that Chen Yilang noticed the boy.

It should be Yang Mei's son, his seven-year-old cousin was right.


There is also a logo on the top of his little cousin's head.

【lv6 Furbolg】


Chen Yilang gasped silently.

Is it actually a level 6 monster?

It has been so long until now, this is the first time Chen Yilang has seen a monster of this level.

before this.

He has been fighting with monsters below level five, almost forgetting that his level is already level six.

So it's not surprising to see more advanced monsters.

After listening to Yang Mei's words, the [lv6 furbolg]'s facial features instantly twisted into the shape of a melon.

[[lv6 Bear Monster] Affected by [lv5 Bear Mother], it has entered a state of [Sorrowful Resentment]! 】

[Grief: In this state, the target is in a state of irritability, the strength value is significantly increased, the spirit value is decreased, and the intelligence value is significantly decreased. 】


"It feels a little bad."

Chen Yilang's heart skipped a beat, and for some reason he had such an ominous premonition.

"Hey, speaking of this..."

Yang Mei seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and continued to ask:

"I want to ask Lang Lang, do you have any plans after graduation?"

"If there is no way out, do you want to go to work in my uncle's factory?"

"Uncle's side is short of manpower recently. If you come here, I can just take care of you."

【Ding! 】

[[lv5 Mother Bear] used [Poison Tongue Whiplash] and attacked you! 】

Chen Yilang's attention was dragged back.

At this time, Yang Mei had just finished speaking.

The dining table suddenly became quiet.

For a while, no one answered Yang Mei's words.

"You're right, Yang Mei?"

After a while, Yang Xinping said, "Your husband's factory is full of assembly line workers. You asked Lang Lang to work there, isn't it overkill?"

"No, what do you mean by that? Why is he overkill?"

Yang Mei didn't understand it anymore, and her voice raised a little involuntarily, "My husband's factory, the treatment is not bad, right?"

"Many high school students who can't go to school are doing well in my husband's factory, right?"

"You let Lang Lang find other jobs after graduation~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You may not be able to find a better one than my husband's!"

The table was quiet again.

Yang Xinping originally wanted to say a few more words, but now she doesn't know how to say it.

Yang Mei's words are very unprofessional.

Everyone knows that Chen Yilang's academic performance is not very satisfactory, so most of the time, the topic of grades is generally not openly discussed at the dinner table.

Even if he did say it, he would consciously avoid Chen Yilang's situation.

So when we ate today, everyone tacitly didn't ask the two brothers and sisters about their college entrance examinations.

But Yang Mei had to talk about this matter, isn't it just embarrassing?

Now that we've talked about this, how do you make people fight in this round?

Yang Si's face also sank a little.

She didn't care what Yang Mei said.

All the time.

In terms of academic performance, Yang Si has never been too demanding of Chen Yilang.

She only hoped that Chen Yilang would be a kind and upright person, and then spend her life happily.

What she was most worried about was that Chen Yilang would be hit.

After all, Chen Yilang is still young.

The world of adults is a little more complicated, and she is worried that Chen Yilang will fall into negative emotions because of this.

Just when Yang Si was thinking about what to say.

But I didn't expect Chen Yilang to speak.

"Auntie, don't worry."

Chen Yilang smiled slightly, "When I go to college, I will graduate in four years."

"Uncle's factory shouldn't have closed down by then, right?"

"If it doesn't close down, I'll think about it again?"

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