If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 39: Happy to be a father?

At that moment.

The [Qianjin] mark above Jiang Linguo's head disappeared immediately.

clang clang-

A large wave of shiny drops flew out right after, and was fully collected by Chen Yilang through the function of [Auto Pickup].

how to say.

Looking at the falling objects on the screen, he was once again in his pocket.

There was only one word in Chen Yilang's heart.

- It's so **** cool!

"Hurry up and see what you can find." Chen Yilang opened the system message bar.

[You have obtained [The Origin of All Evil x66]]

[You have obtained [Breath of Unruly x54]]


Not bad, the needle does not poke.

As expected of [Daughter Jin], even the dropped items that exploded really fit her style.

"If only there could be more of this [the source of all evil]..."

Money is the root of all evil, let me bear this pain!

Chen Yilang silently thought about a fart...

No, wait a minute.

Why did I suddenly kill [Qianjin]?

Chen Yilang was dumbfounded.

He didn't seem to do anything just now, didn't he just chat with Lin Jie for a while?

I don't understand...

"Forget it."

Chen Yilang was too lazy to think any more.

Anyway, he's done, so why bother with him?

Moreover, he didn't come to Yunzhou this time for the 【Qianjin】, but mainly to complete the task.

Who would have thought that, inexplicably, he would kill another big monster?


Chen Yilang glanced at the system subconsciously, only to realize that this time it was not the system's beep, but his own mobile phone WeChat.

Chen Yilang took out his phone and took a look.

It's a new piece of news from Jiang Linguo.

Jiang Linguo: "Dad."

Chen Yilang: "???"

What the hell?

What's the matter with this sudden acquaintance?

Chen Yilang's waist was almost unbroken.

But when he suddenly calmed down and thought about it, Chen Yilang understood what was going on.

Jiang Linguo seemed to have said something to him before.

- Whoever counsels his son.


Chen Yilang didn't expect it at all. Jiang Linguo actually took it seriously when he said what he thought at the time.

It seems that the degree of honesty and integrity of this [daughter] is not very low...

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations, you have unlocked a new achievement: Happy Dad. 】

[Conditions to be fulfilled: This achievement can only be achieved when the other party willingly calls you daddy. 】

[Achievement details: Maybe you didn't even guess it yourself, now you are exuding a steady stream of affinity, and you can even make the other party feel like calling you old father! 】

[Achievement additional attribute: Your charm value has increased a little. 】

【Character: Chen Yilang】

[Attributes: Strength 4, Toughness 2, Wisdom 5, Spirit 2, Agility 2, Charisma 3, Luck 2. Comment: You seem to be trying to be charming. 】

"Fuck." Chen Yilang was dumbfounded again.

I never thought that the achievement system could still play like this?

But let me tell you, this is really rare.

To make [lv5 daughter] convince to call Dad, this difficulty is probably not much easier than getting 600% on the college entrance examination.

But well.

Whether Jiang Linguo is really convinced is not important anymore.

The important thing is.

After Happy Ridge is over.

Chen Yilang found out that Jiang Linguo never hated himself again.

Even when he was present, Jiang Linguo stayed on the side quietly, and even his voice dropped a few points when he spoke.

This made Chen Yilang puzzled.

Damn it, does Lao Tzu look so fierce?


In any case, this trip to Yunzhou, in general, was quite rewarding.

Three days later, the group returned to get acquainted with Beijiang City again.


"It really is a city by the sea."

"Even the wind blowing has the smell of salty and wet sea water."

After walking out of the station, Chen Yilang involuntarily sighed.

After everyone said goodbye to each other, Chen Yilang returned home.

What greeted him was naturally another table of good dishes.

After a full meal.

As usual, Chen Yilang returned to the room and started the life of a salted fish lying on a corpse.

"Let's play a new wave first, and then start two qualifying matches."

"I haven't had time to experience the skin that Liu Shiya gave me last time."

Chen Yilang quickly made arrangements for tonight's itinerary.

For Chen Yilang.

It wasn't just the start of the longest vacation of his life.

It was also the end of his high school career.

Chen Yilang spent a month so happily.

In this month, he discovered some new and wonderful ways to swipe gold coins and money.

For example, if you do push-ups at home when you are too busy, you can get bounties and experience points for every one you do.

[You completed a push-up! 】

[Get ①Gold +9 ②Experience +2]

Although it is true that you can get a bounty, but one thing to say, this efficiency is indeed slightly lower.

For Chen Yilang, who has risen to level 6, this point is not even enough to scratch the itch.

Of course, if you can be tough on yourself and do him hundreds of push-ups a day, then the benefits will be quite considerable...


After watching a movie, reading a book, and listening to a song.

Finished a game.

Apply the mask once.

After reading a game guide. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

You can actually get a certain bounty for things like that.

Soon, Chen Yilang seemed to have concluded a commonality.

——Everything that can improve one's own quality seems to be able to get bounties and experience points.

this moment.

Chen Yilang suddenly realized that he finally understood the meaning of the existence of the system.

"It must have wanted me to be a good person."

Chen Yilang came to a conclusion.

Although I always feel that the line "You are a good person" sounds a bit strange...

that's it.

During the month of squatting at home, Chen Yilang, who had no chance to trigger a new task, just relied on these things to earn thousands of gold coins and experience points.

Chen Yilang also deeply understood a truth.

When people are idle, it is actually quite scary.

Every day seems to go by so fast.

When you feel as if you haven't done anything yet, you suddenly realize that the time in the upper right corner of the screen has already pointed to 12:00 in the middle of the night...

Chen Yilang felt very anxious and could only play a game to suppress the shock.


Chen Yilang's salty fish days will soon come to an end.

One night a month later.

When he was still comfortably lying on the bed, he was chasing Fan with the happy water.

At this moment, the mobile phone was suddenly bombarded by the notification sound of the WeChat group chat.

"Brothers, brothers!"

"Big news, big news!"

The first person to bubble up directly dropped a depth charge in the group.

"I just checked it online!"

"The college entrance examination results are out, everyone!"

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