If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 38: Kill [lv 50 gold]

The so-called life is like a play.

You never know whether what is waiting in front of you is an accident or a surprise.

Take Chen Yilang today, for example.

I came to Yunzhou unexpectedly.

Inexplicably, they arrived at Happy Hill.

Again, he found the [City of Fear] in confusion.

In the end, God opened the [Bronze Gate] with a random wave of operations, and directly passed the copy of [City of Fear]...

have to say,

The fate of life always seems to be so wonderful.

And this moment.

Still haven't recovered from the system's prompt sound.

He was surrounded by a large group of extremely excited brothers and sisters, and then was pushed and pushed to the end...

This stance and battle almost made Chen Yilang doubt his life.

The person who opened the [Bronze Door] was obviously him!

How can it make it seem like they are the ones who passed the customs...


that's it.

Like a hero, Chen Yilang was pushed by a large group of tourists to the exit.

"Congratulations to all the explorers present, you all worked together to find the clues hidden in the [City of Fear] and escaped the castle successfully!"

MC, who was at the finish line, came immediately and announced the final result to everyone with a smile.

Chen Yilang glanced at it.

About 20 tourists escaped from the castle before the bronze door finally closed.

The rest of the tourists, of course, just didn't have time and ultimately failed.

Chen Yilang glanced at the crowd again, and found that Jiang Linguo didn't seem to be seen.

This is a bit strange.

Logically speaking, she could, like this group of people, run back quickly after hearing the sound of the radio, and escape the castle at the last moment.

As for why I didn't see her...

It can only be explained that she did not return at all, but chose to give up directly and returned to the starting point.

"I want to ask, who is the tourist who finally found the key and opened the last door?"

MC stuck his head and asked, "Can you raise your hand and let us take a look?"

Chen Yilang was about to say something, but the excited old man had already called out for him.

"It's this big brother!"

He even grabbed Chen Yilang's hand and raised it directly.

Chen Yilang: "..."

Damn it!

You are forced to finish pretending, so am I not embarrassed?

However, the group of old tourists looked very enthusiastic, and Chen Yilang couldn't say no to it.

"Then congratulations to this little brother for being the best winner of our batch of City of Fear players!"

"We have prepared a small gift for you, please come up and claim a prize now!"

The old buddies under the stage wailed again and encouraged Chen Yilang to the stage.

Miss etiquette who presented the award walked up with elegant steps, and handed a small delicate box to Chen Yilang's hand.

Chen Yilang looked down.

Packed in a small box is a shiny necklace, showing a beautiful silver color, and the shape is the logo of Happy Ridge.

"It always feels a little ugly."

Brother Lang, a straight man, made a pertinent evaluation in his heart.

However, when he looked up, he realized that a large group of melon eaters surrounding the finish line were all looking at him with envious eyes...

It seems that what he is holding in his hand is not a box of necklaces, but a bundle of red tickets.

【Ding! 】

[You have caused a lot of mental damage to [lv1 Lemon Essence]! 】

[Get: Gold +188 ②Experience +144]

[You have caused a lot of mental damage to [lv2 Lemon Essence]! 】

[Get ①Gold +145②Experience +157]

【Ding! 】

[You caused a lot of mental damage to [lv4 Lemon Essence]! 】

[Get ①Gold +145②Experience +157]


"..." Chen Yilang was ashamed.

This is really what he didn't expect.

I really don't understand.

This thing is so ugly, how many people still want it?

But if you take a closer look, those lemon essences who have been hurt seem to be girls.

After the slightly awkward awarding session, the three left the capital of fear.

From a distance, Chen Yilang saw Jiang Linguo trotting over.

"How is it, how is the situation?"

Jiang Linguo seemed to be impatient to ask, "Why so slow, I've been waiting for you at the starting point for a long time! Did you escape from the castle?"

"Of course!" Lin Jie said, "We arrived at the last minute. It's a pity that you didn't come with us."

"Is that so?"

Jiang Linguo frowned in disbelief. After thinking about it for a while, he asked again, "Then... did the bronze door finally open?"

"Then it must be open, otherwise how can we escape? And didn't the radio already say it at the time?"

"Who opened it?" Jiang Linguo asked.

"Of course it's Brother Lang!" Lin Jie said, "We Langge have a bunch of them~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I don't know where they got the bronze door keys. Anyway, we just opened the door like this."

"..." Jiang Linguo was stunned.

This is impossible!

Jiang Linguo felt that even if he was killed, he couldn't believe this fact.

How is this possible?

A novice who has never been in contact with a haunted house at all, actually cleared the city of fear directly?

Who would believe this kind of thing!

"Seriously, don't you think the design of this necklace is pretty ugly?"

At this time.

The voices of Chen Yilang and Lin Jie talking beside him reached Jiang Linguo's ears.

"It's a little bit like that."

Lin Jie also nodded in agreement, "But many girls want this stuff, because it seems to be very popular on the Internet, and many girls have brought their boyfriends to Happy Mountain because of this, so Happy Mountain is very popular this holiday... …”

"Speaking of which, isn't Jiang Linguo only here for this? She said before that she was bound to win, but she didn't expect to be cut off by Brother Lang..."

Jiang Linguo was slightly startled, and glanced sideways at Chen Yilang.

I saw this guy put the necklace on his index finger and turned it around at will, as if he was playing with a bunch of keychains, and then he kept making all kinds of straight men's complaints...

"That's it." Chen Yilang shrugged and said, "To be honest, I'm not interested in this stuff at all... I'll show it to my cousin another day, if she likes it, give it to her."


At this moment, Jiang Linguo's heart was broken.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Invisible Pretend] to cause tons of damage to [lv5 Qianjin]! 】

[You delivered a fatal blow and successfully killed [lv5 Qianjin]]!

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