If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 37: 【Sage Mode】

[Crystal Cold Spring Water: After using this item, it will purify the target's [anxiety], [fear], [nervous]... and other negative states, and enter the [calm] state. 】

In front of Chen Yilang's eyes, the introduction of the crystal cold spring water popped up again.

The last time Chen Yilang activated the [Synthesis], he managed to combine it a few times, and it has not been used until now.

Almost forgot about this!

Be reasonable.

Although the effect of this thing does not seem to be of much use.

But in the current situation, it does seem to work wonders.

Chen Yilang glanced at his status bar.

【Character: Chen Yilang】

【Status: Fear】

"Damn, it really is."

Chen Yilang was a little annoyed.

He always felt that he was not afraid of haunted houses, but his body turned out to be very honest, either his heart beat faster or his legs were weak.

I always feel that it is a little bit similar to the line "I'm really not drunk".

"In that case."

"Then try the power of this [Crystal Cold Spring Water]."

Chen Yilang didn't think about it anymore, clicked to select [Crystal Cold Spring Water], and then used it.

next moment.

With a bang, accompanied by a faint white mist, Chen Yilang had a small test tube in his hand.

In the test tube, there is about half of the blue clear and transparent liquid.

"Is this the Crystal Cold Spring?"

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly.

This appearance directly reminds people of the copper sulfate solution in the chemical laboratory!

But this is not surprising.

After all, this is the consistent style of the dog system, and Chen Yilang is completely used to it.

All in all, just drink and be done!

Chen Yilang directly lifted the stopper of the test tube, raised his head, and drank it forthrightly.

next moment.

Chen Yilang felt as if he had entered a whole new world.

【Crystal Cold Spring Water】The moment you swallow your stomach.

Chen Yilang felt that his world suddenly became quiet.

It seems that the five sense organs are pure, without desire or desire.

The hustle and bustle of the world, the joys and sorrows of the mundane world.

At this moment, it seems that they have already flown beyond the clouds, and have nothing to do with him anymore...

"Oh shit."

"That's not right."

Chen Yilang suddenly felt a little pain in the egg: "This feeling, I always feel a little familiar..."

【Ding! 】

[You have used [Crystal Cold Spring Water], and the [Fear] state has been purified! 】

[You have entered the state: [Sage]! 】

[Sage: In this state, the target's spiritual attribute is greatly improved! At the same time, the target cannot get any negative or positive emotional buff until the [Sage] state ends! 】

Chen Yilang: "...6"

Everything came so suddenly.

How many sages are there in the sage mode, everyone understands this.

And the effect of [Crystal Cold Spring Water] on Chen Yilang felt like the normal state of a sage had been magnified about ten times.

"It's time to go."

Chen Yilang took a step forward.


As Chen Yilang continued to move forward, countless ghosts appeared one after another.

They rushed in front of Chen Yilang one after another, using every means to intimidate and harass the latter.


From beginning to end, Chen Yilang's face was numb, showing no expression at all.

[[lv3 Evil Ghost] used [Fear Roar] to attack you! 】

Chen Yilang was expressionless.

[You are immune to the [Fear Roar] attack of [lv3 Evil Ghost]! 】

[[lv3 evil ghost] used [weird dance] to attack you! 】

Chen Yilang was expressionless.

[You are immune to the [Strange Dance] attack of [lv3 Evil Ghost]! 】

[[lv3 Evil Ghost] Use [Magic Sound Going Through Ears]…]

Chen Yilang remained expressionless.

[You are immune to [Magic Sound Going Through Your Ear]...]


How about playing Nima!

The mentality of the staff who pretended to be ghosts collapsed.

No matter how they tried their best, this guy just acted like they didn't exist and didn't react at all! Hey!

They even suspected that they were not pretending to be ghosts, but a bunch of clowns.

"Brothers, take a rest, it's been half a day's work, are you not tired?"

Chen Yilang calmly pushed aside the two ghosts in front of him, and continued to walk forward without expression.


A large group of ghosts looked at each other and said nothing.

I had to watch Chen Yilang gradually go away...

the other side.

Chen Yilang, who finally got rid of the harassment of a large group of ghosts, quickly crossed the entire ghost corridor and came to the end.

It's exactly the same as what the previous brothers said.


At the exit, there is a bronze door that seals the intersection.

Chen Yilang subconsciously reached out and pushed.

Very heavy.

It seems that it is impossible to force the customs clearance by a slightly rougher method. No wonder the old brothers just walked back with their heads down.

However, Chen Yilang did not panic at all.

Because when he came to the bronze door.

The system prompt box is displayed on it.

【A heavy bronze door】

[Note: There is still a trace of being forcibly opened, but it seems to have failed. Or honestly get the key over here. 】

Chen Yilang took out the key from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole of the bronze door.

Twist lightly.


Accompanied by a crisp and pleasant mechanical sound.

The heavy bronze door in front of him slowly opened.

【Ding! 】

[You used the [Old Bronze Key] to open the [Bronze Door]! 】

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You passed the dungeon [City of Fear]! 】

[Rewards are being settled...]

[You got ①Gold +2888②Experience +666! 】

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You have completed the mission: [The City of Fear! ]]

[You got rewards: ①Gold +1111 ②Experience +345! 】

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[Your level has been raised! 】

[Level: lv5→lv6]

[You have received a level-up reward: ①Gold coins +3000, UU reading www.uukanshu.com experience +999! 】

wow la la—

at the same time.

The sound of a large number of gold coins being spilled also rang out.

Chen Yilang was a little dazzled when he looked at the large series of information coming out of the system.

But no matter what.

Seeing that the number of gold coins in his inventory was rapidly refreshed, Chen Yilang felt very happy when he heard it.

This wave of harvest is particularly beautiful!

I always feel that I will soon be able to experience the brand-new trouble-making toys in the trouble-making mall.


The bronze door was fully opened.

When Chen Yilang was just about to step out of the gate and meet the finish line.

I just heard a voice coming from behind.

"Awesome, Brother Lang!"

Look back.

Directly, Lin Jie trotted all the way, with an undisguised excitement on his face: "You actually opened the bronze door!"

Following Lin Jie was Chen Jiahui, as well as a large wave of tourists who came back from the same path.

"Cow, ah, ah, ah, brother, ah!"

"Mvp, bro, I won't support the wall today, I'll serve you!"

"As expected of a boss, I thought we couldn't get out today!"

Chen Yilang could only smile awkwardly.

Damn, you didn't seem to say that just now, did you?

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