If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: Thirty-six [Bronze Door] has been opened!

"I want to go back!"

Jiang Linguo complained, "I don't know which idiot designer put together a new project, it's meaningless!"

Chen Yilang couldn't help but smile: "It doesn't matter if you say you're afraid."

【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Taunt] again, causing a lot of mental damage to [lv5 Qianjin]! 】

[Get ①Gold +174 ②Experience +157]


Jiang Linguo was in a hurry, blushing all of a sudden, and said loudly:

"I'm not afraid, I'm afraid of you!"

"I can only say that the design of this promenade is too bad, it's not fun to play at all!"

"And you're so powerful, you can go straight to the end if you have the ability!"

Chen Yilang thought you were right, yes, I just want to go down this road to the end.

And not only have to go to the end, but also all the way to the exit...

Just at this time.

Everyone saw the direction at the end of the [Netherworld Corridor], and ran back to several players who were walking in front.

"It's all gone, everyone!"

One of the boys said with a sullen face, "We just took ten guts to get to the end, and guess what?"

"There's a bronze door blocking the finish line, and it can't be opened at all!"

"Are there any hints on the door?" someone asked.

"No hint!" The boy shook his head and said, "We have been observing for a long time, but there is only one keyhole on that door, and there is nothing else!"


Chen Yilang once again caught the blind spot.

He remembered something.

But by this time, the tourists were already bombed.

"Damn, why do you still need the key? Wouldn't it be a waste of time to walk there now?"

"Damn, it must be hidden somewhere in the old castle, hurry back and find it!"

"Tsk, why is this haunted house so difficult!"

"If you want to say me, I am here today, and no one can pass this haunted house!"

Everyone started to complain.

"Did you hear that?" Jiang Linguo said triumphantly, "No one can walk through this corridor at all! This is the designer's problem, and it has nothing to do with me being afraid or not!"

"Are you sure?" Chen Yilang smiled lightly.

"What are you sure about?" Jiang Linguo asked.

"Are you sure, no one can really walk by?" Chen Yilang asked.

Jiang Linguo was taken aback: "Of course! Or else?"

"Remember what you said." Chen Yilang grinned slightly.

Jiang Linguo was startled again.

Chen Yilang's meaningful smile made her feel a little incomprehensible.

But before she could react, she saw that Chen Yilang had turned around and continued to walk to the end.

"Just wait for me here."

"I'll open the door and be back soon."

Chen Yilang waved his hand and said, "Or, wait for me at the finish line."

The tourists looked at Chen Yilang blankly.

From their angle, they could only see Chen Yilang's back.

A bit lonely, but with a bit of arbitrariness and unrestrainedness.

—— Referred to as the head iron.

"I said that the door can't be opened, why is this person so stubborn?"

"Young people are like this. I'll bet you a pack of spicy sticks, and within ten minutes, this guy will come back in despair."

"I'm afraid he won't be able to walk to the end. This corridor is scary, and walking in it alone will definitely not be able to withstand it!"

"It's gone, don't think about that prize, go home early to wash and sleep."

The crowd dispersed.

"Then...then what should we do?" Lin Jie asked in a low voice.

"What else can I do? Go outside and wait for him."

Jiang Linguo said angrily, "He insists on going in, what can I do with him?"

Lin Jie glanced at Chen Jiahui.

The latter didn't say much, and took it as the default.

The three of them could only follow the original path of the main force and returned.

"Hey, Brother Lang really took it off this time..."

"Isn't this shooting yourself in the foot..."

Lin Jie sighed silently in his heart.

In this way, the three of them returned to the original path, following the main force all the way to the entrance.


Just when everyone is about to arrive.

The central PA system in the castle suddenly rang.

"Explorers, please pay attention! Explorers, please pay attention!"

"The bronze door has been opened! The bronze door has been opened!"

"The bronze door will be closed again in five minutes, please search for clues as soon as possible and rush to the exit!"

"The bronze goalkeeper is..."

The PA system kept repeating the broadcast.

And the tourists who came back the same way were all stunned.

What the hell?

The bronze door actually opened? !

"What the hell? Which boss did it!?"

Someone blurted out and asked.

"It can't be that old brother just now, right?!" Someone replied excitedly, "Only he walked forward without looking back, there is no one else but him!"

"You two talk slowly, I'll withdraw first!" Someone ran straight away and ran back to the location of the [Shadow Corridor]...


The three of them were stunned on the spot.

Especially Jiang Linguo, his mind went blank all of a sudden.

How can it be?

How could that guy be able to open the bronze door?

Where did he get the key?

You can't just use violence to kick it away with one kick, right?

That is definitely against the rules of the game!

not to mention.

Not to mention the matter of opening the bronze door.

Just walking through the Nether Corridor is already quite a terrifying thing~www.wuxiamtl.com~ And he is only one person!

"Brother Lang is awesome!" Lin Jie said in surprise, "Let's go back and find Brother Lang!"

"Well, let's go back quickly, otherwise the bronze door will be closed, and it will be too late!" Chen Jiahui also nodded quickly in agreement.

"Hmph, I'm not going, I'm going to you." Jiang Linguo turned his head and left, "How could he do it? There must be something wrong with the system."

"Guoguo..." Chen Jiahui was about to call Jiang Linguo back, but Lin Jie had already pulled him away.



Twenty minutes ago.

Chen Yilang, who was walking alone in the Nether Corridor, seemed to feel an increasing coolness.

Everyone is complaining about the designer of this new project, but Chen Yilang feels that the design of this corridor is actually very interesting.

Because the further you go inside, the lower the temperature of the air conditioner it sets, and the dimmer the light is.

A variety of horror elements are also placed accordingly.

This invisibly gives tourists an increasingly suppressed sense of fear, thus achieving the effect of a haunted house.

What Chen Yilang has to admit is—

He really didn't dare to go inside.

Yes, Brother Lang took his heart.

There were already fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and his back started to get cold involuntarily.

Continue to move forward, or let it go.

After Chen Yilang thought for a while, he still chose the former.

After all, the cow blown out is like water thrown out, and it is impossible to get it back.

While hesitating...

Chen Yilang suddenly remembered something.

——His [Crystal Cold Spring Water]!

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