If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 35: I don't play anymore!

"As soon as you say it."

Chen Yilang raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

The [Highlight Marking] of this system is definitely a bug-like design.

In Chen Yilang's line of sight.

The table lamp seemed to be inlaid with a gold edge, which was well distinguished from the surrounding things and was very conspicuous.

But it is impossible for anyone with normal vision to ignore this conspicuous thing.

Chen Yilang walked to the floor lamp, and after studying for a long time, he finally found the switch and pressed it.


Under the light, the shadow of a key was projected under the ground.

Chen Yilang immediately turned off the light, then put his hand under the lampshade and took out the key.

【Ding! 】

[Obtained Item: Old Bronze Key x1]

Chen Yilang's intuition told him that this thing was definitely useful.

Looking around, it seems that no one is still staying in the hall.

Chen Yilang carefully searched the hall again, and after confirming that there were no more new clues, he left here quickly and decisively, catching up with the large army.

About twenty minutes later.

Chen Yilang came to an arch on the second floor.

A group of tourists were gathered in front of the door, chatting around.

Chen Yilang quickly found the three of Chen Jiahui.

"What's going on here?" Chen Yilang asked.

"You're finally here, slow to die!"

Jiang Linguo said, "Walking along this archway is a walkway called 'Netherworld Corridor'."

"If you want to go to the exit, this is the only way."

"But this corridor is very long and scary. No one dares to go. It's blocked here now."

"Then why don't you leave?" Chen Yilang asked.

"I haven't seen it before!" Jiang Linguo said, a little discouraged, "The guide I read a few days ago didn't mention this corridor at all, I guess it's a recently updated project of Haunted House, so annoying. already."

"Then go take a look first." Chen Yilang said, "It's not a solution to get stuck here."

"But..." Jiang Linguo hesitated, "There is no strategy for this corridor, I don't know what's in it..."

"There is no way in this world, and as many people walk, it becomes a way." Chen Yilang said leisurely.

Jiang Linguo stopped talking.

Chen Yilang noticed that a new state appeared on the top of her head.

【Negative State: Fear】

[Fear: In this state, the target's reaction ability is reduced, its action ability is reduced, and its mental attributes are greatly reduced. 】


Chen Yilang wanted to laugh a little bit.

This [lv5 Qianjin], who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, is actually starting to be afraid!

That being the case.

Now is a good time to fight monsters!


"No, no, no?"

"Miss Jiang, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, will have a day of cowardice, right?"

Chen Yilang said jokingly.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Taunt] and [Tit for Tail] severely damaged the [lv5] Confidence Monster, causing a lot of mental damage to it! 】

[Get: ①Gold +166 ②Experience +89]

"Who said I was afraid!"

Jiang Linguo blushed, and suddenly she couldn't control her voice, and shouted loudly, "Let's go together, whoever will persuade will be the son!"

Do you really want to play such a big...

Chen Yilang was a little dumbfounded.

But looking at it like this, [lv5 Qianjin] seems to be on the top.

Chen Yilang naturally didn't say much, and immediately followed Jiang Linguo into the [Netherworld Corridor].

Chen Jiahui and Lin Jie looked at each other and had to follow.

They weren't stupid, after all, they could smell Jiang Linguo and Chen Yilang's gunpowder from far away.

【Have entered the Nether Corridor】

The system prompt box appeared in front of him.

Since there is a systematic naming, then there is a high probability that there should be no wrong way.

But as soon as he walked in here, Chen Yilang immediately felt that the atmosphere was not right.

The BGM in this place is more terrifying, the temperature is lower, and the environment is even more surprising.

The level of terror is not at the same level as other places in the castle.

If the map outside is a small room, then this passageway has the meaning of leading to the boss room.

Walking on, Chen Yilang found that Jiang Linguo was behind.

Look back.

There was another [Slow Down] on top of Jiang Linguo's head.

[Further affected by [Fear], the target's agility attribute has declined, and it has entered a state of deceleration. 】

Actually, Chen Yilang didn't need to look at her state at all.

Just by looking at her gradually pale face, Chen Yilang knew that this girl was starting to be afraid...

"As expected, he is the king of strong mouths." Chen Yilang couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Look, see what I'm doing!" Jiang Linguo said, "Hurry up, hurry up and leave..."

Jiang Linguo finished speaking.

Just at this time.

On the side wall of the [Netherworld Corridor], a secret door suddenly opened!

An evil ghost with disheveled hair and a frightening appearance broke through the door and rushed towards Jiang Linguo!

"Ah ah ah!!"

Jiang Linguo's body shook violently, his face turned pale, and he was so frightened that he sat down directly on the ground.

She crawled back on the ground reflexively.

As a result, in the dark corridor, it slammed into the wall on the other side with a thud.

Chen Yilang just watched her HP drop twice in a row.

Once I was scared off by a ghost, and once I hit a wall by myself...

This made Chen Yilang almost stop laughing.

If I had known earlier that this [Qianjin] would still self-mutilate, Chen Yilang wouldn't have to worry so much.

Just like the shooter who fluttered with an umbrella, you don't need to worry about her when playing in a group, she will die just by herself.

But laugh and laugh.

Chen Yilang had to admit.

In that wave just now, I was also frightened.

Fortunately, the ghost that suddenly appeared just now didn't jump in front of him, otherwise his reaction would not be small.

He reached out and stroked his chest, feeling the beating of his heart.

The heart rate did rise rapidly at that moment, and now it is slowly returning to normal.

[[Evil Spirit] attacked you, and you suffered a lot of mental damage! 】



"calm down."

Chen Yilang took a deep breath and gradually stabilized his emotions.

have to admit.

This [City of Fear] does have something.

It can indeed create a sense of fear that cannot be described and described in words, but once you are in the scene, there are really few people who can not cry out of fear.

After the terrifying ghost appeared once, the number of tourists in the Nether Promenade has decreased a lot.

Chen Yilang and the four walked more than ten meters inside.

However, the deeper you go, the higher the level of terror, and the greater the frequency of scary evil spirits.

Chen Yilang began to worry about the safety of these ghostly staff...

If they continue to be so frightened, they might be hit in the head by some sturdy guy.

At this time.

Jiang Linguo suddenly stopped.

"I'm not playing anymore!"

she screamed.

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