If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 34: 【Highlight annotation】

[[lv5 Qianjin] used [Relentless Taunt], causing a lot of damage to you! 】


"Damn it."

Chen Yilang felt a little uncomfortable.

Although it wasn't as badly injured as Lin Jie's, this wave of damage was still quite difficult to withstand and should not be underestimated.

It seems that this [lv5 daughter] is still difficult to get.


But then again.

Who is this looking down on?

Why haven't you been to a haunted house?

Haven't eaten pork before, haven't you seen a pig run?


Chen Yilang decided to go to this haunted house.

After all, who would have thought of such a coincidence that the [City of Fear] is actually in the Happy Valley Amusement Park in Yunzhou City?

In this way, Chen Yilang had to thank a wave of [Qianjin], and led him to a straight wave.

"I didn't say I wasn't interested." Chen Yilang said leisurely, "I finally came for a trip, but I didn't go here, isn't it in vain?"

"Then don't blame me if you and your good brother are scared to pee." Jiang Linguo said angrily.

Chen Yilang smiled and said nothing.

He understands Jiang Linguo's temperament, and arguing with her is completely meaningless.

If you want to do it, you have to do it for real.


The four of them followed the instructions in the playbook and soon came to the haunted house "The City of Fear".

What appeared in front of everyone was an ancient castle gate designed in a dark Gothic style.

There are many decorations of skulls and crossbones hanging on it, flashing a dim light, which is extraordinarily toned.

At this moment, many tourists have come here in advance to check their tickets and prepare to enter the venue.

It can be seen that Jiang Linguo is right, this haunted house is indeed very popular.

Chen Yilang can already see many internet celebrities holding up a selfie stick, dancing or babbling on the square in front of the haunted house.

"Guoguo, this place looks so scary."

Looking at this strange door, Chen Jiahui seemed a little scared.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid." Jiang Linguo patted his unpredictable chest and said confidently, "These two men are unreliable, and I'm still here."

"???" Lin Jie felt that he was hurt again.

He thought to himself why I was lying on the gun again, and subconsciously wanted to hug Brother Lang's thigh, but found that Chen Yilang's thoughts were not on these two women at all.

His brother Lang was looking at this haunted house, as if thinking about something.

"Brother Lang is going to start again?"

Lin Jie had a strange premonition.

Although I don't know what Brother Lang wants to do, I always feel that he seems to be doing something right.

But in fact, Chen Yilang is just studying the sign-in task...

Chen Yilang tried to change several positions and angles, and finally found the sign-in area near the gate of the castle.

【Ding! 】

[You have completed the sign-in! 】

[Congratulations on completing the task: start from signing in! 】

[Rewards: ①Gold +98 ②Experience +128]

[A new hidden mission has been triggered: Beginning Trial. 】

[Details: Today, you are no longer the novice who used to be a no-nonsense beginner, and you need to start a new challenge. Before this, you have already heard the reputation of the city of fear. As a curious and challenging adventurer, it's time to be one of the first. 】

[Conditions to be fulfilled: Pass the dungeon [City of Fear]! 】

"I'm coming."

Chen Yilang breathed out silently.

He knew that day would come eventually.

After all, dungeons can be found in almost any online game.

So Chen Yilang has been prepared for a long time, and he is waiting for it to come at any time.

About half an hour later.

The four finally finished the line and entered the "City of Fear".

The hall outside the inner door was already full of tourists at this time.

"Damn, so nervous, so nervous!"

"I heard that it's really scary. Many people have returned to the starting point before they are halfway there!"

"That's a pity. I heard that if you can find the exit and come out first among a group of people, there will be a very good prize, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's a very popular internet celebrity necklace!"

Tourists are either eager or nervous.

"Hmph." Jiang Linguo said disapprovingly, "These people don't have any brains at first glance, and I have already done enough strategy, that prize must be mine!"

"Then congratulations in advance." Chen Yilang smiled lightly.

As expected of [lv5 daughter], she can always be so inexplicably confident in this kind of scene.

Of course Chen Yilang did not dare to boast about such a sea mouth.

After all, he has never been to a haunted house, and this is also his first time playing [Dungeon]. Who knows what will happen?

At this moment, the entire hall was suddenly so dark that I could not reach my fingers.



A long and strange bell rang in the hall.

Accompanied by a jet of dry ice, the inner door slowly opened towards both sides.

All kinds of weird lights and BGM also started to make trouble, and the whole castle was suddenly enveloped in a layer of darkness and fear.

All kinds of screams suddenly sounded among the tourists.

"Let's go, I'm afraid of a hammer." Jiang Linguo took the lead and walked in the front, "The two men in the back, hurry up, don't hold back!"

When Lin Jie heard this, he was about to follow. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But he found that Chen Yilang was walking slowly behind by himself, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, like an uncle taking a walk...

Lin Jie didn't know where to follow for a while.

Then gradually began to jump left and right...

As for Chen Yilang, of course he will not be led by Jiang Linguo.

This is his own copy, and it has nothing to do with Jiang Linguo.

Chen Yilang turned on the miniature flashlight that the staff provided him, and followed the tourists gradually into the interior of the castle.

It was not until after entering the depths that Chen Yilang realized that the internal environment was so large.

Some people want to go to the left, some people want to go to the right.

Some people want to explore the main hall, some people want to go up to the second floor.

So after a while, the crowd began to disperse.

"I'm a little scared, Brother Lang." Lin Jie couldn't help shivering, "I'd better follow them!"

"Yeah." Chen Yilang waved his hand casually, but he didn't have time to pay attention to him.

In the end, Lin Jie left in a hurry.

Chen Yilang felt that his ears were much cleaner, and he continued to search the hall.

He found a very interesting phenomenon.

Almost everyone automatically ignored the location of the entrance hall, and they all kept running inside.

Although Chen Yilang has never played games like escape room.

But he knew a truth.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place."

If he is the designer of this haunted house, then he will put the most important clues here...

【Ding! 】

Hearing the sound, Chen Yilang's eyes quickly locked on the target.

—A floor lamp marked by highlights.

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