If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 333: The tough guy's challenge!


After seeing the document, Chen Yilang clicked it subconsciously without thinking.

Chen Yilang felt that this could probably be called "the sequelae of the squad leader".

Because he found that since he became the monitor, every time someone in the group sent a document, he would subconsciously want to open it.

After opening it, Chen Yilang read the notice roughly.

The general idea is that the physical examination time for their current students has been brought forward.

The official explanation is that because there are plans to renovate the facilities around the stadium this semester, some students are asked to take physical tests first.

Although this reason is a bit lame, but there is no way, since it is an official regulation, they can only abide by it.

Chen Yilang posted the content of the notice to the class.

In fact, there are not many days when he can continue to make announcements.

Because according to the rules and regulations of Nanxuan University, when every new semester comes, the class cadres of the class have to re-run the election.

Brother Lang, who has experienced the hardships and fatigue of being a monitor, naturally has no intention of staying on.

If someone really wants to run for class president, he will let him out without hesitation, and he feels happy and joyful from the bottom of his heart... Someone finally came to pick up his mess... No, pick up his class.

In college, how trivial and annoying things the monitor needs to be responsible for, Brother Lang can only understand what he understands.

But that's not the most desperate thing.

The most painful thing is that even if you try your best to do everything for the class, there will still be some students who are not satisfied with you.

Whether it's about the decisions you make, or just about you as a person.

You can't please everyone...that's how the world is.

"What should I do, Brother Lang?"

"Help, why is there such an outrageous notice?"

[Salted Fish Elite] Li Zixian's mentality is a little explosive.

As a senior salted fish, it is impossible for him to keep exercising during the summer vacation, and it is impossible in this life.

So, if you let a dead salted fish lying at home for two months to take a physical test when the school started, wouldn't that kill his dog?

"If I'm guilty, please let the law break my dog's head, instead of humiliating me with a serious medical test!"

Li Zixian was filled with indignation.

"I haven't spoken yet, so stop arguing."

**Added angrily, "I sit in front of the computer and play games every day this summer, and my **** is about to take root on the chair!"

"If this makes me take the 1,000-meter test, shouldn't I kneel on the ground and vomit blood on the spot?"

"Huh? Kneeling down and vomiting blood? Something that doesn't exist!"

Feng Tian waved his hand, "There are so many girls watching at the physical test site. If you slip and kneel on the spot, then you won't have to die on the spot?"

The dog sons were discussing wildly about the physical test, while Chen Yilang silently took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xia Ling.

It's been too long since I saw Xia Lingmei, Chen Yilang felt that it was really necessary for him to contact her for a little bit.

So he sent Xia Ling a message and wanted to invite her to have a meal together.

Chen Yilang originally thought that his speech would be a bit rough, but what he didn't expect was that Xia Ling agreed without thinking.


"Let's go to the third floor of Xiuyuan to eat!"

"I heard that a new Mala Tang opened during the summer vacation there. It's pretty good. Let's try it!"

Xia Ling said happily.


The other party was so enthusiastic, so Chen Yilang naturally agreed.

Ten minutes later, the two met in Xiuyuan.

I haven't seen each other for two months. When I saw Xia Ling, Chen Yilang's first reaction was, why did this girl turn white again...

Originally, Xia Ling's complexion was a particularly fair one, and it was almost as white as milk.

It was probably because he had been raised at home for another two months, but this time it was a lot more obvious.

They hadn't seen each other for two months, but as soon as the two sat down, they chatted very freely, without any sense of alienation.

"What are you doing at home during the two-month vacation?"

Chen Yilang asked casually while eating.

"I went to the gym!" Xia Ling laughed, with two small dimples on her face, "I didn't expect it!"

"I'm going, I didn't expect it."

When Chen Yilang heard it, he suddenly became interested, "To tell you the truth, I actually entered the gym this summer."

"Really? Is it so coincidental?" Xia Ling was also interested when she heard it.

In this way, the two inexplicably chatted because of the common hobby of fitness.

"Since that's the case, let's go to the gym later to get some irons!"

Xia Ling said excitedly.

Is the good guy so sloppy... Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

However, not long after school started, Chen Yilang really had nothing to do.

Since Xia Ling looks so interested, let's go play with her.

The two of them made this decision so hastily.

So after the meal, Chen Yilang followed Xia Ling to Xinxi Sports.

New West Sports is the largest and newest gymnasium of Nanxuan University, and it is better to be completed in the year Chen Yilang entered.

If you think about it carefully, Brother Lang has indeed caught up with the school's welfare.

In the past, every time the school's hardware and software were upgraded, basically it could only exist after Brother Lang graduated.

Not long after the two entered the Xinxi Sports, Chen Yilang felt the lively atmosphere coming towards him.

As expected of the gym in the school, the atmosphere of young people should be more intense.

Except for some relatively unpopular fixed equipment, most of the fitness equipment at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com are already crowded with people.

The two had no choice. They walked all the way, but found that at the end of the gym, there was a large group of people gathered around, as if they were doing some activity.

"Let's go have a look!" Xia Ling was a little curious.

Chen Yilang did the same, so the two reached a consensus and went straight to join in the fun.

Then I found an event sign in the crowd—

[arm wrestling challenge, the bonus can reach 1,000 yuan! ]

Chen Yilang was not interested in the first half of the sentence, but the second half of the sentence immediately caught his attention.

At this time, a staff member saw that Chen Yilang's eyes had been lingering, so he immediately came and said:

"Classmates, do you want to come and try vaguely?"

"The entry fee is only fifty yuan!"

"As long as you can beat our own coach in the gym, you will get a bonus of 1,000 yuan!"

The staff rubbed their hands together, looking more excited than Chen Yilang, "How is it?"

"Would you like to try it?"

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