If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 332: I was blown away by my sister's peach butt...

This summer, Chen Yilang has been in the Giant Gymnasium, exercising frantically with Xiong Yuwei and Huang Tao day and night.

And then at the end of summer vacation, the day after school started.

Chen Yilang finally heard the system's voice.

【Ding! 】

[You successfully used the [Power Amplifier] to permanently increase your strength by a little! 】

[You have obtained a new title: Iron Maniac! 】

[Iron Maniac: Your proficiency with [Power Amplifier] has been significantly improved. 】

Mom, I really got stronger!

Looking at himself in the big mirror in the gym, the shape of the deltoid, biceps and triceps under the sleeves has obviously become more angular and angular, Chen Yilang couldn't help but feel sorry for this [Strength Amplifier] ] was astonishing.

This is definitely a big baby!

Chen Yilang, who was overjoyed, grabbed the [Power Amplifier] again, and wanted to continue to slap it again and again, when the strong slap was gone.

The sound of the system interrupted his thoughts mercilessly.

【Ding! 】

【Unfortunately! 】

[This [Power Amplifier] has no effect on you, please choose a more advanced [Power Amplifier] for power amplification! 】

Chen Yilang frowned slightly, only to realize that things were not that simple.

Indeed, he almost forgot about it.

This is the essence of fitness.

Constantly increase the load on your muscles, and increase the size of the muscles through the tearing and reorganization of muscle fibers.

Once your muscles grow further, if you want to continue to repeat the process of tearing and reorganizing, you must use heavier weights.

Therefore, the low-level [Power Amplifier] has no effect on the current Chen Yilang.

Today, if he wants to advance to become a more powerful men, he needs something stronger, more exciting and more exciting.

"Alright alright."

"If that's the case, then it will be better next time."

Chen Yilang thought to himself.

The essence of Brother Lang is not a dog, and the fundamental reason for playing with the [Power Amplifier] is actually just wanting to do a task.

This is the obsessive-compulsive disorder of senior poisoned players.

"Ah, is this going away, brother?"

Huang Tao, who learned that Brother Lang's summer vacation was over and was going back to school, asked with a hint of reluctance.

She has been exercising alone for too long, and it is inevitable that she is a little bored.

So for the past two months, Chen Yilang, who is handsome and has a good voice, is accompanied by Xiao Xianrou, and she feels that the experience is quite good.

"Yes, I haven't graduated yet, sister, of course I have to study hard!"

Chen Yilang smiled and said, "I will come back to work out with you next time after I have a holiday, sister."

"Heh, stinky brother, when did you learn to draw cakes from those stinky men?" Huang Tao waved his hand and joked with a smile, "Go, go, if I don't see you next vacation, I will use my gluteal muscle clip. Explode your dog's head!"

Chen Yilang groaned in his heart, thinking to my good sister, my peach **** is not happy to use it for this kind of thing!

There is no way, although Chen Yilang is really reluctant to bear this peach in his heart... No, he is reluctant to bear the peach, but there is no way, he has to report at the beginning of school, which is the rule.

In the remaining days, Chen Yilang took advantage of the short vacation and stayed at home to spend a lot of time with his parents.

Have a drink with my father, and press down the road with my mother after dinner.

These things were things that Chen Yilang never thought of doing before.

However, after graduating from high school and leaving home to go to school, Chen Yilang deeply felt the feeling of homesickness.

Finally, after writing the summer homework that is almost equivalent to nothing, this happy vacation is over.

After going to college, you may not be very happy in everything, but you must be very comfortable in homework.

In the past, every year when the summer vacation came, teachers would like to do their summer homework assignments, wishing that they could register for the college entrance examination directly when they came back from vacation.

The innocent brother Lang didn't know why there were the most meteors in summer, because every night, the little rabbit house paper who couldn't finish the summer vacation homework was making crazy wishes.

After going to college, Brother Lang discovered that there was no direct connection between homework and summer vacation, and they could appear independently of each other.

And compared to high school, the homework in college is almost useless.

So before you know it, the day of the official start of school has come.

This time, the news in the alumni group was extraordinarily quiet.

The bored Chen Yilang casually flipped up the chat log, and found that the most recent discussion in the group was actually during the holiday, when Lan Jiabin suggested to drive everyone to take them home together.

In fact, not only during the holidays, but every time the school starts, Lan Jiabin will also talk about this in the group chat.

However, this time, their blue brother didn't seem to have any sign of speaking, but was unusually quiet... It was a bit confusing.

"I'm afraid it wasn't because of the last traffic jam..." Chen Yilang silently complained.

It can only be said that luck is too elusive. Who would have thought that his [Luck] ability was activated by such a coincidence last time?

However, it is not ruled out that their blue brother has privately pulled a small group to join the team back to school, but Chen Yilang will naturally not put his energy on this kind of thing. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

After spending the night packing up, Chen Yilang went to bed early.

Early the next morning, Chen Yilang met Xiong Yuwei at the train station, and took the train that was after nine o'clock to Nanxuan.

After a summer vacation, Chen Yilang and Xiong Yuwei became familiar with each other a lot.

In less than two months, [NPC Xiong Yuwei]'s [Favorability] was unknowingly brushed to 60% by Chen Yilang.

When I mentioned this, Chen Yilang missed Xia Ling a little bit. It was a long vacation. I haven't seen her for a long time.

However, during the entire summer vacation, he did keep in touch with Xiong Yuwei on WeChat, so he probably won't be particularly embarrassed when we meet.

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Yilang had already completed the registration work, and cleaned the classroom together with his three dog sons.

The next day was Monday, and the students who came back from vacation returned to their studies and life.

And the squad leader Lang Ge soon received a new task.

[Notice on the 2021 class of business school students taking the physical examination in advance for this semester.doc]

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