If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 334: I give you 2 fingers!

"How about you, do you want to try it?"

The staff asked with great anticipation.

Chen Yilang thought about it for a while and felt that he could indeed give it a try.

Anyway, the registration fee is not very expensive, just take it as a casual play, and there is no problem with having fun.

If you can win a prize, just take one, if you can't get it, it doesn't matter, just be happy.

"Do you want to play?"

Chen Yilang looked at Xia Ling and asked.

"Okay, okay." Xia Ling nodded again.

Chen Yilang has always been willing to call Xia Ling a cheering little princess.

Because no matter what he proposed to do, Xia Ling looked quite interested.

"Okay, then let's go play."

After paying the money, the two came to the line and began to line up.

Not long after, it was the two of them.

After Chen Yilang sat down in front of the Meng man, his vision was immediately occupied by his strong arm muscles and the two pectoralis major muscles that were about to burst his vest.

The big man's eyes swept over the two of them, and then his eyes lit up when he saw Xia Ling.

After looking at Xia Ling's face for a while, he moved away reluctantly and put it on Chen Yilang again.

After turning his eyes around Chen Yilang's body again, there was a trace of disdain in his eyes:

"Little brother, do you usually exercise?"

"You are..."

"One thing to say, I don't see any traces of training at all?"

"Brother said that I'm a novice, and it didn't take long for me to start exercising." Chen Yilang smiled and didn't refute him much.

"Is that so?"

The corners of Meng Nan's mouth rose slightly, "Then why don't we do this."

"Since you are all newbies, then I will let you."

With that said, Meng Nan raised his palm towards Chen Yilang, and then stretched out two fingers.

"What do you mean?" Seeing this scene, Chen Yilang asked with a little doubt.

"I use **** to compare with you." Meng Nan joked with a smile on his face, "Otherwise, it's really not fair at all. You have no game experience, and I don't have any challenges... What do you think?"

Ding! 】

[lv15 Hunk] used [Relentless Taunt] and attacked you! 】

You are mentally hurt! 】

hp231! 】


Chen Yilang was stunned.

dude, two fingers?

This guy didn't take him seriously at all, he was just making fun of him.

Looking at his eyes again, he never moved away from Xia Ling's face a few times.

Chen Yilang soon understood that this man just wanted to rub him on the ground like a little white rabbit, so that he could be handsome in front of the girl.

When the people around saw this scene, they couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Brother Hulk, your lethality is not very strong, but the insult is quite high!"

On the side, two staff members who obviously had a good relationship with the Meng male coach called Hulk said.

"Okay." Chen Yilang said with a smile, "Then let's try it out first."

After saying that, Chen Yilang stretched out his hand and held it together with the **** of the lv15 big man.

The staff on the side acted as the referee, shouting: "Three two one, start!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Meng Nan sitting opposite Chen Yilang suddenly let out a scream like killing a chicken.

The onlookers on the side were taken aback, and they subconsciously took a few steps back.

"If you break your wrist, break your wrist, don't break my finger!"

Ding! 】

You used the [Finger Breaking Magic], and the [lv15 Hunk] caused huge physical damage! 】

You get: 3421 gold coins, 3123 experience! 】


Oh wow!

Chen Yilang's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that there are so many experience and gold coins that can be played using physical attacks!

the other side.

The lv15 big man who was devastated by Brother Lang's finger-breaking magic] was so painful that his tears were almost squeezed out, and he was cursing.

"Ah? Then how do you break it? Isn't that how you break your wrists?"

Chen Yilang blinked and asked innocently.

"What the hell...you don't even break your wrist!" Big lv15] shook his hand, wanting to cry without tears, and said angrily and anxiously, "How can you exert such strength!"

"Oh, I seem to understand." Chen Yilang stretched out his hand again, "Brother, let's do it again."

In fact, Brother Lang certainly understands how arm wrestling is.

He did it on purpose, since this big guy didn't mean to respect him at all, then he didn't need to be humble and polite.

Brother Lang has to give this guy some color, even if he uses some small means.

The second test has officially started.

There are only three things. If the same routine is repeated, there will always be a rollover.

So this time, Chen Yilang didn't tidy up his little hands and feet, but used his true strength.

In fact, if it is really better than hard power, Chen Yilang is not very false.

Because long before this, Chen Yilang successfully increased his strength a little through the training of the Strength Amplifier~www.readwn.com~.

For the player, every point of strength on the panel is a qualitative leap.

Therefore, although Chen Yilang's appearance still does not see obvious changes, his actual strength has been significantly improved.

In other words, his current real power and appearance don't quite match.

And this will also directly lead to a large increase in the error rate of the evaluation of Chen Yilang's true strength.


This arrogant guy only has two fingers, and he really may not be his opponent.

After the referee gave an order, the two started to exert force at the same time.

Not long after the game started, the big guy] noticed a rather unpleasant aura.

Because it was originally in his expectation, it would probably be a matter of seconds to bring Chen Yilang down.

After all, this kid has thin arms and thin legs, and it seems that he can easily break an egg roll with a little break.

But Chen Yilang not only was not killed by him on the spot, but he was still deadlocked with him.

Jump up and down, sway back and forth, and be on a par!

"This guy's power doesn't seem right..."

"This muscle dimension should not have such great strength..."

Sweat started to form on the big man's forehead.

Soon, he found that his strength could not keep up.

He only used two fingers, no matter the angle and method of exertion, comfort and silkiness, they were far from being on a par with Chen Yilang.

After a stalemate for about a minute—


With a crisp sound, Chen Yilang slapped his hand on the table.

The people around who were still smiling and watching the excitement suddenly disappeared from their faces.


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