If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 331: You come from behind, this pose is better for exertion...


[lv16 Peach Monster] But he readily agreed, "You come first, we will be a group."

"Ah? No."

Brother Lang blinked and said innocently:

"What I'm saying is, let's use it together, you help me first, and I'll help you."


[lv16 Peach Monster] had a puzzled look on his face.

Good guy, she has been working out for so many years, and this is the first time she has heard that "use together" is such a common use.

I don't know if she's ignorant or what... Anyway, it's weird.

But she couldn't help it. After all, Chen Yilang took up the pair of dumbbells first, so of course, Chen Yilang had the final say on how to practice.

Her original training plan today was to train the arms and buttocks. Now that the buttocks have been trained, the rest of the time will naturally be spent on the arms, and can't be practiced anywhere else.

So [Peach Monster] had to agree to Chen Yilang: "Okay, should I assist you first, or do you assist me first?"

"Then sister, help me first." Chen Yilang said immediately.

[Peach Monster] The name is Huang Tao, who looks to be around 25 years old and is obviously his older sister, so Chen Yilang also naturally calls each other his sister.

Fortunately, the character of [Peach Monster] is better, and he is not as full of thoughts as Li Meng, just thinking about how to trick him into paying for two sets of nine-nine-eight, so after talking for a while, Chen Yilang felt that he was with this one. [Peach Monster] It's quite easy to chat.

I don’t know if I don’t talk about it, but after a chat, I realized that [lv16 Peach Monster] used to be a fitness trainer. Later, due to some personal reasons, he changed his career and developed, but he still maintains the good habit of exercising every day.

What I have to say is that the name of this [Peach Monster] is really good... It fits her character too well, and it has a good sense of picture.

Chen Yilang glanced at the peach of [Peach Monster] through the large mirror in front of the gym, and showed a positive look from Brother Lang:

"Sister Tao, your figure is really good!"

"At first glance, you are the kind of girl who is very self-disciplined and hard-working."

【Ding! 】

[You used [Sugar-Coated Cannonball] to attack [lv16 Peach Monster]! 】

【Ding! 】

[Because you have a high [Charm Point], with the bonus of this [Charm Point], your [Sugar-coated Cannonball] successfully caused a lot of damage and [Bewitching] effect to [lv16 Peach Monster]! 】

At the same moment, Chen Yilang saw the status bar above Huang Tao's head and jumped to the word "happy".

Good guy, it turns out that the success rate of the skill [Sugar-Coated Cannonball] is still linked to the appearance of the skill activator... Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly.

However, after this, Chen Yilang felt that he was in a good mood again.

Doesn't this mean that his looks are actually quite good!

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"Are the little brothers so lovable now?"

Huang Tao laughed so hard that he could barely close his legs, "He looks handsome and speaks nicely!"

"For a boy like you, there must be many little sisters in the school who like it, right?"

【Ding! 】

[[lv16 Peach Monster] used [Reverse Sugar-coated Cannonball], causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

[[Reverse Sugar-coated Cannonball] has a high probability of causing [Charm] or [Intelligence] effect on the target! 】

Being reminded by the system, Chen Yilang immediately woke up.

Damn, this woman is breastfeeding him in reverse!

At this time, you must not float, and it will be gone as soon as it floats!

Chen Yilang calmed down and continued to hold the dumbbells with the help of Huang Tao.

【Ding! You did a dumbbell curl! 】

【Ding! You have finished once...]

【Ding! You have finished once...]

"I'm fine, it's your turn, Sister Tao." Chen Yilang said.

"Ah, I don't need your help."

Huang Tao waved his hand and smiled, "I'm not a newbie, I can do it myself."

"No, you can't!"

Chen Yilang was in a hurry and immediately blurted out his debut.

"???" Huang Tao couldn't help crying and laughing.

"Ah, I mean...I want to help you, Sister Tao!"

Chen Yilang instantly switched to a serious and serious face, "You know that I'm a newbie, so I just want to improve it a little more through this method!"

"I didn't expect you to have such a studious mentality."

Star fruit was amused and laughed, "But yes, you should exercise a lot and try things you haven't tried while you're young, otherwise you won't have so much time in the future."

"Okay, okay, since you like support so much, then you can come!"

"Okay, okay." Chen Yilang was overjoyed, and immediately agreed.

"You come behind me, this posture is easier to exert force." Huang Tao said while teaching hand in hand.

"Okay, okay." Chen Yilang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

So soon, with the "assistance" of Chen Yilang, Huang Tao began to exercise.

【Ding! You did a dumbbell curl...]

【Ding! You did a dumbbell curl...]

【Ding! You did a dumbbell curl...]


This bug is awesome!

I have gradually started to understand everything...

Chen Yilang felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

Originally, not only did he ask others to help him, he could gain the experience of [Power Amplifier], but he could also help others himself!

The feeling of being stuck in a BUG is so happy...

Coupled with the extremely powerful buff effect of Huang Tao's [Hormonal Field], Chen Yilang felt that he couldn't stop at all.

This practice went straight to ten o'clock in the evening. Chen Yilang said goodbye to Huang Tao reluctantly. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com left the giant gym with Xiong Yuwei.

Since then, Chen Yilang has started his summer gym trip.

Every night, he would go to the gym with Xiong Yuwei.

I have to say that it is good to have a friend who is a top platinum member. With the leadership of Xiong Yuwei, Chen Yilang can recklessly rub the card and rub the venue, and he does not violate the rules of the gym at all.

Because one of the privileges and benefits of the Platinum Card is that you can bring a family and friends to exercise together.

Xiong Yuwei has always been working out alone before, and she just happened to lack a partner, so she simply brought Chen Yilang along.

So just like that, Chen Yilang followed Xiong Yuwei to the Giants gym every day.

Then Chen Yilang soon discovered that Huang Tao, the [lv16 Peach Monster], was like living in a gym, and Chen Yilang could see it every day.

Occasionally, when Huang Tao is bored, he will help each other with Chen Yilang.

That's it, Brother Lang lived a life of "ding ding ding" every day without shame in the gym...

until one day.

Chen Yilang found that he became stronger.

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