If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 330: Sister, we can **** together...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Bipolar Reversal], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant]! 】

[You got: Gold +2182, Experience +2021! 】


Li Meng gradually began to doubt life.

He felt that he must have robbed the bank of money, dug up his brother's boyfriend, and stole the ** of a stray dog ​​in his previous life...

Otherwise, why would he meet Chen Yilang, a little **** who has nothing to do to take revenge on society in his life?

"Ah this..."

"Are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

Li Meng's ugly smile looked like he had swallowed a ton of flying beans on the spot, "I'm just joking, in fact, no matter how you want to practice, having a coach as knowledgeable and professional as me will lead you with less efficiency. Yes!"

"No need, no need, Coach Li, I understand your good intentions."

Chen Yilang shook his head and said earnestly, "But what you just said really made me feel stunned and intoxicated!"

"I've made up my mind, Coach Li!"

Hehe, I finally found a step that can be used to leave the ball, how could it be so easy for you to pull it back... Chen Yilang laughed out of his heart.

"Okay, okay." Li Mengsheng said reluctantly, "If you change your mind in the future, then come to me."

【Ding! 】

[You used [Top Tai Chi] and successfully blocked the [Sugar-coated Cannonballs] and [Indian Pancakes] of [lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant]! ]

[lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant] has lost [Hate Value] to you, and the target's aggression against you has dropped to 0! 】

[The danger level of this target has dropped! 】


Li Meng, the big muscle tyrant, completely lost his sleep and turned into a big roast chicken. He drooped his head and walked away in despair.

In fact, he was also full of fire in his heart. If he could, he really wanted to use his two steel-like chest muscles to directly explode Chen Yilang's dog head.

After sending Li Meng away, Chen Yilang could finally practice quietly by himself.

Although Kuangshu Li's wool is really cool, but there is no way, you have to close it when you see it.

It's okay to peel it, but not so good.

But in this way, it is estimated that the idea of ​​brother Li who wanted him to apply for a body card or buy two sets of nine-nine-eight has been successfully and completely eliminated.


"So in the end, you have to rely on yourself..."

Chen Yilang sighed, and after resting for a while, he walked to the dumbbell rack again, ready to start his last set of training today.

At this moment, the voice of the system rang in my mind again.

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

[You have entered the [hormone field]! 】

[Hormonal field: When the male target is within this field, it will enter the state of [male domineering]! 】

[Male domineering: In this state, the strength, speed and spirit of the male target will be greatly increased! 】

[Note: In addition to the significant attribute improvement, [Male Domineering] will also lead to a substantial drop in the [Intelligence] of male players, and there is a certain chance of entering the state of [dementia]! 】



Domineering male?

What is this stuff?

Suddenly found that there is a layer of buff on his status bar, Chen Yilang felt a little curious.

This thing really attracted Chen Yilang's attention, because he clearly saw in the explanation of the state that this thing [male domineering] is only effective for male players.

That is to say, if a woman enters this [hormone field], there is no way to obtain the gain effect.

Interesting, these days, the whole buff depends on whether or not to bring it...

However, Chen Yilang was too lazy to investigate the reason.

Anyway, he can also get the buff of [Male Aura], no matter how many he is.

But at this moment, the system beep sounded again.

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

[You are approaching the center of the [hormone field], and the temperature of the [male aura] has been raised! 】


Chen Yilang: "?"

What's the matter? This is it?

He obviously didn't move, he just stayed beside the dumbbell rack, why did he enter the center of the field inexplicably?

Chen Yilang was a little puzzled.

But soon he discovered that it was not that he was approaching the [hormone field], but this [hormone field] was approaching him.

"Little brother, do you still use this dumbbell?"

Chen Yilang heard the news and looked around, only to realize that the [lv16 Peach Monster] who was still practicing his hips just now had walked near him at some point.

This [lv16 Peach Monster] is naturally very impressive, because as the name suggests, this monster's peach is indeed very stylish, completely worthy of her level.

This sturdy and plump little buttocks, even the professional big-muscle tyrant Li Ge may not be comparable.

Yes, that's right.

If Chen Yilang's feeling is not wrong, then the center of this [hormone field] is where this [peach monster] is located.

In other words.

This [Hormonal Field] was created by this [lv16 Peach Monster].

Not long after this [Peach Monster] came over, Chen Yilang clearly felt a series of changes in the surrounding scene.

The most obvious is naturally the big muscle bullies around.

When this [Peach Monster] appeared, the old men and boys who were already masturbating became even more vigorously masturbating.

As for the other men who had already practiced for a round before, and were panting for breath during the intermission, it was as if they were suddenly stabbed with chicken blood. up.

And Chen Yilang was also in his field of vision, and when he saw the blood on the heads of these old brothers, it rose a lot~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I'm afraid it's not really bloody... ... Chen Yilang couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

It can be seen that the intelligence values ​​of the big muscle tyrants around him have also been affected.

There are a few even worse, the status bar of [dementia] has appeared above their heads, obviously they have been demoted.

Chen Yilang did get the bonus of [Heroic Domineering], but Brother Lang, a serious man, has always been immune to beauty, including this peach buttocks woman.

And most importantly...

What this woman wanted was actually this dumbbell with the effect of [Power Amplifier] in his hand.

The weight of this dumbbell is 5kg, which is just right for a novice and novice Lang Ge who has no training experience.

What I didn't expect was that this weight was just right for the girl [Peach Buttocks]...

Brother Lang instantly felt that he was weak.

So Chen Yilang looked at the [Peach Monster] and said, "Sorry, sister, I will use this dumbbell."

After thinking about it, he immediately said:

"However, we can use it together!"



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