If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 329: Coach, I got it!

Inside the giant gym.

Brother Li is still doubting life, but Chen Yilang on the side is as happy as a goldfish swimming around and blowing bubbles.

【Ding! You did a dumbbell curl! 】

【Ding! You've done a few dumbbell bends! 】

【Ding! …]

The sound of the system ding ding ding kept coming in his mind, and the progress of Chen Yilang's [Power Amplifier] was also increasing frantically.

Yes, that's right, this is the bug that Chen Yilang found.

- No matter whether your actions are in place or not, as long as you sit down, the completion of the task will be refreshed!

So even if he just borrowed Li Meng's strength to madly brush the completion of dumbbell curls, it still counts in the number of times.

In fact, Chen Yilang at this meeting was already exhausted. The sets of dumbbells he did just now had exhausted him.

"That, little brother..."

Li Meng asked with a little doubt, "Are you exerting force? Why don't you feel that you are exerting force?"

"Yes, yes, coach..."

Chen Yilang immediately put on the mask of pain, and grinned at Li Meng, "Coach, I can't do it, I can't do it..."

"You use some force, coach, I really can't do it!"

【Ding! 】

[You used [Roar of Pain], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant]! 】

[You got: Gold +2354, Experience +2234! 】

"..." Li Meng's face gradually began to turn black, and then a question mark slowly appeared on the top of his head.

Just...that's it?

This kid must be too weak, right?

With Chen Yilang's strength, Li Meng felt that he could do more than him to tie the big golden retriever at home to the Smith machine.

"Little brother, did you come here tonight without dinner?"

Li Meng smiled helplessly and said, "You... it's not very good."

"Who told you that?"

Chen Yilang said very unconvinced, "Before I came out tonight, I ate a meal at the top of the mountain, okay, I'm full!"

"Coach, could it be that you are not good enough?"

When it came to this, Chen Yilang's voice raised a little bit, "It's not enough for just a few strokes. I have every reason to suspect that you are a little false, coach."

【Ding! 】

[You used [Jiang Jiang**], causing huge mental damage to [lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant]! 】

[You got: Gold +2438, Experience +2231! 】

[Your [Exciting General**] has caused a [taunting] effect to the target [lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant]! 】

It was a special coincidence that just when Chen Yilang was inciting his **, the [lv16 Honey Peach Monster] who was practicing his hips not far away also looked at the two of them, and then looked at them with a meaningful look. Take a look at Li Meng...

Good guy, I didn't expect that this big and strong man was just a fake?

[lv16 Peach Monster] had a look of contempt and disgust on his face.

This is good, the effect of [sarcasm] is directly full, and Chen Yilang can even see the state above Li Meng's head gradually changing to [excited].

"Me? Void?"

"You say I'm fake?"

Li Meng pointed at himself and couldn't help laughing wildly:


"I will be false?"

"Come on, brother, I'll tell you now, who is the virtual person!"

【Ding! You have completed a dumbbell lateral raise! 】

【Ding! You have completed a dumbbell press! 】

【Ding! You've completed a dumbbell bent over row! 】

【Ding! You have completed a dumbbell bench press! 】

【Ding! You have…]

Before Chen Yilang could react, Li Meng raised his arm and straightened up a crazy set of upper body dumbbell movements.

"Ah, Coach Li, I can't do it, I can't do it..."

"No! You can!"

"Coach, coach! Help! I don't want to exercise anymore, I don't want to exercise anymore!"

"No! You want to!"

"Ah, Coach Li, I can't stand it anymore, stop now, it's too fierce coach!"

"No! I can't stop!"

In this way, under Chen Yilang's various wailing and wolf howling, Li Meng broke out his small universe on the spot, and took Chen Yilang to frantically complete a set of high-intensity dumbbell fitness package.

"How about it?"

"Do you still think I'm vain?"

After the end, Li Meng squeezed his biceps while looking at Chen Yilang, who was paralyzed on the sofa in the lounge area, his soul was about to go out of his body, and said triumphantly.

"You are this, coach."

Chen Yilang slumped on the sofa, raised his arms weakly, and gave Li Meng his thumbs up.

The muscle training that Li Meng gave him just now almost directly completed 5% of his [Strength Amplifier] progress.

That is to say, as long as he revives him another twenty or so times according to this progress, he will basically be able to permanently increase his strength a little.

Every attribute point is a qualitative improvement!

And this attribute value is not only reflected in strength, but also in his muscular appearance.

That is to say, even if his posture is not standard, even if Xia Ji's practice is random, he can achieve the same effect.

- This BUG... is invincible!

"You are amazing, Coach Li!"

Chen Yilang couldn't help thinking.

This fitness experience class is really cool!

From the beginning to the end, he didn't try very hard at all, but he still brushed a lot of data - no, it can't be said that, after all, acting also requires effort.

After all, wearing a mask of pain and frantically pretending to work hard is also a very tormenting thing.

"Okay...then that's about it for today's experience course." Li Meng gasped, and said with extreme exhaustion, "How about it, little brother? Are you thinking about it?"

The torture came down this time.

"It's alright, alright..." Chen Yilang showed a look of approval, UU reading www. uukanshu.com "Coach Li, if I buy private lessons in the future, will you be able to assist me in my practice?"

"Uh..." Li Meng suddenly choked.

Good guy, so in the eyes of this guy, the usefulness of personal training is a personal assistant, right?

If this is to help him practice like this every day, who can bear it?

This last private lesson was about to consume his energy and energy for three lessons...

"Yes, yes, but little brother, the real meaning of private education is not this..." Li Meng said with a little embarrassment.

"Ah, so that's why you can't?" Chen Yilang looked disappointed, "Then this private lesson will be too boring, Coach Li."

"... There are a lot of dry goods in private teaching classes, it's not as simple as simply assisting." Li Meng was a little tired, "If you just need an auxiliary tool, then you can come by someone with more strength. It's alright, why do you need private education?"

"That makes sense, Coach Li!" Chen Yilang's eyes suddenly lit up with a "ding": "Coach, I understand, I don't want a private tutor anymore!"

Li Meng: "?"

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