If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 328: As long as 998, as long as 998!

Yes, that's right.

This amplifier...it has bugs.

And it's not a small problem.

This problem is very big, and Chen Yilang feels that he can start to panic.

Time went back to the time when Li Meng was persuaded to quit.

Coach Li, who was about to break his defenses on the spot by Brother Lang, left in a daze with his big tail tucked in between.

Chen Yilang continued to pick up the [Power Amplifier] and played on his own.

In fact, of course Chen Yilang himself realized that his posture was incorrect, but what does it matter?

He is not a fitness person, he just wants to come and play a game.

- Brother Lang, he is just a pure player.

【Ding! You did a bicep curl! 】

【Ding! You did a bicep curl! 】

【Ding! You did a bicep curl! 】


that's it.

No matter what posture and technique Chen Yilang uses to hold dumbbells for curling, the system will show that he has completed a bicep curl.

Chen Yilang vaguely felt that something was not right, but the constant ding ding sound in his ears kept urging him to keep moving.

In this way, after Chen Yilang did four or five sets of curls in a row, he threw the dumbbells onto the padded floor.

This exhausted Brother Lang, who usually lacks exercise.

Not only are the biceps sore and tired, but the muscles in the triceps and shoulders are also very tired.

At this time, Chen Yilang also seemed to have found some blind spots.

The action he was doing was flexing the biceps, but the muscles in other parts of the body were also tormented, even more uncomfortable than the biceps.

Doesn't that mean that his posture of exerting force is outrageously wrong, causing the muscles all over the body to compensate, and the efficiency of the exercise will naturally be very low.

But even so, the system kept counting the number of curls he was doing.

In this case, doesn't it mean that the [Power Amplifier] thing, as long as he can make the posture, can he successfully brush the data?

It doesn't matter whether you can exert force or not, it is important to be able to make a posture.

Ding dong! Chen Yilang suddenly had some fantastic ideas in his mind...

After thinking for a while, Chen Yilang temporarily left the fitness area.

Then he found Li Meng again and said, "Coach Li, are you free now?"

Not long after Li Meng's defense was broken by Chen Yilang, Li Meng lit a cigarette and lay on the leg training machine, chirping and chirping.

Seeing Chen Yilang reappearing, he had to stop what he was doing, stood up again, squeezed the cigarette, and said expressionlessly:

"Ah what's the matter? Do you need any help?"

"If you need guidance, you should go to the coach over there first. He seems to be a little more idle now."

"I arranged a leg training this afternoon, and I may not have time to take you with me for the time being."

Li Meng's implication is already quite obvious.

Brother Lang is not an idiot, of course, as soon as he heard it, he understood that Li Meng was quite euphemistically refusing to talk to Chen Yilang.

I don’t buy the class, and I don’t get the card. This guy who can’t pluck a hair off his body is not willing to help transfer a friend if he doesn’t want to…

This kind of thing is definitely a lie at first sight... No, Li Meng is naturally too lazy to waste his energy and words for a guy who can't develop into a high-quality and effective customer.

"Ah, is that so?"

Chen Yilang's head turned around, he had an idea, and let out a long sigh:

"I just wanted to tell you that I want to know about private lessons..."

"If that's the case, then I'm very embarrassed to disturb you, Coach Li."

Li Meng's ears suddenly perked up, and when he heard Chen Yilang say this, his face suddenly switched to a standard fitness trainer smile.

Well, actually Chen Yilang doesn't know what a "fitness coach-style" smile is, but Li Meng's laugh is indeed different from other salespeople with lower ranks...

It can only be said that Li Meng's tendon has indeed added a lot of filters to him?

"Ah, is that so? I thought you weren't interested in private lessons."

Li Meng simply locked the leg training machine, and his arms were wrapped around Chen Yilang's shoulders very naturally:

"Let's go, I'll take you to pay first."

"Ah? But Coach Li, don't you still want to practice your legs?"

"It's okay, I'm free tonight, and I can arrange to practice until the evening." Li Meng shrugged and showed off his well-developed deltoid muscles.

"Let's go, let's go, you are my client, that's my God." Li Meng laughed.

"Uh, which, Coach Li, will it be too sudden again?"

Chen Yilang smiled a little embarrassedly, "Can you let me try it out first? I want to get a general idea of ​​how private lessons work... After all, I haven't experienced it before."

This is a very reasonable request.

In fact, there is indeed an experience class in the private teaching class before signing up.

It's just that in most cases, as long as the client didn't mention this matter, Li Meng directly thought that there was no such thing.

Since Chen Yilang said so, there is really no way.

"Okay, then I'll take you to practice first." Li Meng agreed without hesitation.

So according to the usual process, Li Meng first took Chen Yilang to measure a series of data such as height, weight and body fat.

Then he pulled Chen Yilang to sit down and poured him a glass of water.

Immediately afterwards, a form filled with detailed information was spread out on the table.

"Come on, little brother, look...

"This is the training plan I tailor-made for you according to your physique."

"Because you are a pure rookie without any fitness foundation, it will definitely take a lot of time to lay the foundation in the early stage."

"You have to do this, then that, and then this..."

"So this set of preliminary courses will take at least two or three months."

"Then in your current situation, you must first buy two sets of private lessons!"

"We have such a good relationship, and recently we just caught up with the discount of the event. Originally one set came in ninety-nine-eighty, but now I'll give you a discount, and the two sets are one thousand and eighteen!"

Li Meng said brightly, "What do you think, little brother?"

Chen Yilang nodded and said, "It feels okay, but we still need to see how the quality of the experience class is."

"Okay, no problem." Li Meng patted his chest and said.

"Then let's practice the biceps first, Coach Li!"

Chen Yilang immediately suggested, "I want to do a few sets of dumbbell curls first, you can help me, each set of fifteen or so, stop when exhausted."


Li Meng agreed without thinking.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt as if something was not right.

Damn, why do you feel like this product doesn't look like a new one at all?

You are just pretending!

But he had to sit for what he had promised. Although Li Meng looked blank, he still recruited Chen Yilang to assist him.





Chen Yilang quickly performed dumbbell curls.

Behind him, Li Meng was even more confused.

"Damn it, why does it feel like I'm trying hard?"

"Is this kid really working hard? It's too weak, isn't it?"

"Assistant" Li Meng was a little suspicious of life.


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