If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 327: 【The stunner in the world】


This guy did it on purpose! ?

It must be, it must be! ?

Li Meng's mentality exploded a little.

Chen Yilang's sudden ghost question really choked him.

"It's... very happy!"

After holding back for a long time, Li Meng couldn't come up with any good words, so he had to say, "The world is so big, and the fact that we can meet in the same gym also shows that we are very destined!"

"How about it?

"Little brother, you must look like a novice? How about I teach you a hand or two?"

Li Meng's eyebrows twitched, and then he showed a confident smile, and the ding of his teeth gave off a bright reflection.

At the same time, he squatted down slightly, bending his arms just below his chest, squeezing out his biceps the size of a sandbag.

【Ding! 】

[[lv15 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant] used [Greasy Smile], causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】

What the hell!

This time, Chen Yilang really felt that he had suffered huge mental damage.

Gan, how can you be so oily?

It can be called "world oil", okay!

Chen Yilang's heart suddenly gave up the idea of ​​becoming a big muscle tyrant... No, to be precise, the idea of ​​becoming a big muscle tyrant like him.

"Come on, give me the dumbbells."

"As a professional fitness trainer, I must tell you responsibly that your training posture just now is all wrong!"

Li Meng's thick and thick eyebrows wrinkled slightly, showing a professional look.

"I'll show it to you!"

"You have to do this first, this way, this way and this..."

"And then this, that, and this last..."

"How is it, do you understand, little brother?"

Li Meng's operation was as fierce as a tiger, and Chen Yilang, who was next to him, was at a loss.

"No, coach, you are too fast... I didn't see the details at all."

Chen Yi scratched his head and couldn't help but say.

"Didn't see it clearly? If you didn't see it clearly, that's right!"

Li Meng swiped and, out of nowhere, found out a leaflet:

"The details of this kind of thing will be unclear for a while!"

"If you want to really understand the details and learn to exercise, you must sign up for our gym's private lessons!"

"We are now offering a lot of discounts to newcomers. A set of top-level supreme, and all-in-one privately-tailored private lesson packages, if you place an order directly today, you can take it home for as little as 998!"

"How about it, isn't it great!"

Chen Yilang: "Uh, I..."

"What are you still hesitating about, little brother! It's better to act if your heart is moving!"

"You must also want a body as strong and toned as me!"

Li Meng squeezed out his biceps and pectoral muscles again, "Take action, just today! The today you hate is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday wish for!"

"If you go back to bed every night and drink fat house happy water and eat snacks, then you will never have a strong body in your life!"

【Ding! 】

[[lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant] used [Chicken Soup for the Soul], causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】

【caution! 】

[[Chicken Soup for the Soul] There is a certain chance that you will enter the state of [Poisoning] without any detection or precaution! 】

man, this got me started...

Chen Yilang's mouth twitched: "That, Coach Li, let me think about it first..."

"Consider! What are you thinking about, little brother!"

Seeing that Chen Yilang seemed to be a little shaken, Li Meng squeezed out his biceps again, "I was as thin as you a year ago, look at me now, I have become like this!"

"Little brother, I dare to promise you that as long as you follow me well, in a year's time, I can make you the me you are now!"

【Ding! 】

[[lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant] used [Professional Big Dumpling] and launched a ferocious attack on you! 】

【Please pay attention to dodge! 】

"Uh, I don't need Coach Li, I'll just play here by myself." Chen Yilang still refused.

This big muscle tyrant really coaxed him around like a fool...

Although Brother Lang is indeed a fitness novice, he has a fitness expert friend Xiong Yuwei.

Before that, he had chatted with Xiong Yuwei a lot about fitness, and at least he knew a lot of common sense and basic theories.

Just like what Li Meng said, it's like bragging about the cow's death...

Fitness is a very long and arduous process, and it occurs in human muscles, but it takes years as a unit.

In just one year, you want to make yourself a big muscle tyrant like him?

What the **** is this...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Relentless Rejection] to dodge the [Professional Big Dumpling] of [lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant]! 】

[You have caused huge mental damage to [lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant]! 】

[You got: Gold +2311, Experience +2154! 】

The smile on Li Meng's face disappeared instantly, but it didn't last long before he smiled again:

"Okay, little brother, then you can practice and play by yourself..."

"However, I still want to remind you that amateur novice like you who are experienced and have no one to guide you are likely to practice blindly here for a long time, but the muscles are not developed, and you are injured..."

"I'm not trying to scare you. It's the truth. We've seen countless members who have broken their bodies like you..."

【Ding! 】

[[lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant] used [Psychic Pressure] to attack you! 】

"Ah, I see, thank you Coach Li." Chen Yilang smiled and nodded.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Indifferent] to successfully dodge the [Psychic Pressure] of [lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant]! 】

[You have caused a lot of mental damage to [lv16 Professional Big Muscle Tyrant]! 】

[You got +2098 gold coins, +2212 experience! 】

"..." Li Meng.

Li Meng suddenly felt a little tired.

Is this kid really a novice?

How do you feel that you don't eat his set at all?

Under normal circumstances, Li Mengguang could easily hang himself into a bunch of stunned gym newbies with just a few words and a few words.

But today Li Meng obviously kicked the iron plate. No matter how hard he tried, Chen Yilang was unmoved.


Since it's not good to be soft, then he has to be hard!

"Cough, little brother, if you don't buy private lessons, you need to apply for a card if you come here to exercise."

Li Meng said with a stern face, "Only private trainers can use gym equipment for free. If you want to come, you still have to get an annual card."

"So I'm not advising you. Just an annual card costs more than 1,000, so why don't you buy a set of 998 private lessons and experience it first!"

Chen Yilang said calmly, "I'm Xiong Yuwei's friend."

Li Meng: "?"

【Ding! 】

[You used [Relationship House No Coercion], causing huge mental damage to [lv16 Big Muscle Tyrant]! 】

[You got: Gold +2131, Experience +2121! 】

Damn, this kid is still a relationship!

Li Meng has been working here for a long time, and naturally he also knows many big clients in the clubhouse.

Xiong Yuwei is one of them, UU reading www.uukanshu.com He has the top platinum card in the giant gym, not only can exercise in all the giant gym chain stores in the country, but also enjoy the most luxurious single lounge and bathroom , equipped with the most professional nutritionists and the top personal trainers…

Compared with those coaches with real materials, Li Meng knew that he was a younger brother.

"Haha... I wish you a good time, little brother."

Li Meng walked away in despair.

This big guy who doesn't eat hard and soft really can't be offended...

After sending Li Meng away, Chen Yilang continued to play with his dumbbells.

Then soon, he discovered a bug in this [Power Amplifier]...

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