If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 33: Discover the 【City of Fear】!

In Lin Jie's opinion, their brother Lang is probably a straight man of steel.

100% pure iron.

It seems that in Brother Lang's eyes, Jiang Linguo is not a delicate girl at all.

It is impossible for Brother Lang to coax a girl, it is impossible in this life.

Brother Lang will only reason with you, and if he disagrees with you, he will attack you so much that your mother doesn't even know you, regardless of whether you are a man or a girl.

For example, on this trip, Brother Lang did not give Jiang Linguo any face at all.

Since the four of them finished their meal at the tea restaurant.

Lin Jie was keenly aware that every time the four of them walked together in the World Bank, Jiang Linguo would automatically and consciously stand at the farthest place from Chen Yilang...

"This is probably Brother Lang's deterrent power."

Lin Jie whispered in his heart.

And within Chen Yilang's line of sight.

He did see something unusual in Jiang Linguo.

——The state on the top of her head turned into [resentment]

[Resentment: The target feels resentful towards you, the spiritual attribute increases, and your hatred threshold for the target decreases. 】


Chen Yilang roughly understood the meaning of the system.

The so-called drop in the hatred threshold can probably be understood as the fact that he is more likely to be attacked by monsters.

For example, it used to be possible to attract the hatred of monsters within ten meters, but now it can be 100 meters away.

In the past, it was necessary to beat the dog's head of the monster to provoke it, so now it is enough to slap it lightly.

Chen Yilang was a little hairy.


This woman seems to hold revenge...

But Chen Yilang didn't care.

The straight man Lang's idea is very simple.

Since she is unreasonable, then reason with her!

Are you not afraid at all?

Besides, it wasn't him who was at fault, everything was under control.

This meal was spent in this delicate atmosphere.

The accommodation arrangement for the night was naturally two rooms, one for Chen Yilang and Lin Jie, and one for Chen Jiahui and Jiang Linguo.

The friendship between creatures like men is very simple. As long as they are a little bit in sync, they can reach the point of extremely similar smells.

For example, Chen Yilang and Lin Jie.

When the two were in school, they didn't actually meet a lot, but it was not until they lived together that they discovered that the two of them actually had the same little movie hidden in their mobile phones.

So it was so inexplicably co-produced, and we talked directly and talked nonsense all night.

"I don't know how Chen Jiahui got along with Jiang Linguo..."

Chen Yilang couldn't help sweating silently for Chen Jiahui in his heart.



In this way, the relationship is slightly intricate, and the quartet of subtlety is indescribable.

Started a small graduation trip.

Early the next morning.

The four of them, led by Chen Jiahui, set off early and took the subway to the new scenic spot.

"It's coming!"

After arriving at the station, Chen Jiahui's voice came from the other side of the subway car.

Hearing the sound, Chen Yilang and Lin Jie immediately followed.

The moment I got off the subway.

The crowd was immediately surrounded by the lively and hilarious sound.

"Where is this?"

Lin Jie was stunned for a moment, then looked at the surrounding environment and was stunned.

——The place where they are now looks like a large amusement park.

The sound of jingle music kept echoing in my ears.

A staff member wearing a big doll, holding a large group of colorful balloons, went to the roadside to sell.

The variety of rides is dazzling.

The Ferris wheel was spinning slightly in the distance, and above the roller coaster came a scream that went straight to the sky.


"This is the most famous amusement park in Yunzhou City, Happy Ridge!"

Jiang Linguo squinted at Lin Jie with some disgust, "Don't you know this? It's too low!"

"Hehe, I know now." Lin Jie smiled awkwardly.

[[lv3 school bitch] was [ruthless ridicule] of [lv5 daughter] and suffered a lot of mental damage! HP-243! 】

This damage is also absolute...

Since becoming a [player] for so long, this is the first time he has seen a damage value that exceeds three digits...

Chen Yilang couldn't help but silently gave Lin Jie a **** in his heart.

Can you take a break?

It's been a while. Lao Tzu attacked you so hard before, but I haven't seen you suffer so much mental damage, right?

Why is there a girl talking to you, your little heart can't take it anymore?

"amusement park?"

While Lin Jie was talking to Jiang Linguo again, Chen Yilang walked up to Chen Jiahui and asked in a low voice, "It doesn't seem like this was in the itinerary you sent us before?"

"Hey, there's no way."

Chen Jiahui's face showed a hint of helplessness, "She kept arguing last night. I couldn't help it. I had no choice but to come here..."

Chen Jiahui paused for a while. Seeing that Chen Yilang's face seemed to have no expression, she sighed and added, "I have played with her since we were young. She is usually like this. I hope you will take more care."

"It's also your hard work." Chen Yilang had no choice but to smile.

But he didn't care.

After all, the purpose of traveling to Yunzhou this time is to sign.

As for the [City of Fear]...

It can only be random.

Of course, it's a good thing to be able to find it, but there's no way if you can't find it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all, after all, not everyone can be the emperor of Europe casually.

"Okay, but I don't think amusement parks are the same?"

Lin Jie scratched his nose, and questioned very frankly, "I don't seem to find anything special about this Happy Hill?"

"Just say you don't understand anything!" Jiang Linguo said with his arms crossed, "The most famous thing about the amusement park in Happy Ridge is not the rides themselves, but the haunted house!"

"Haunted house?" Chen Yilang seemed to have heard something interesting.

"Yeah, have you ever been to a haunted house?"

"I haven't been there." Chen Yilang spread his hands and said.

As a dead house, it is absolutely impossible for him to go to such a strange place to play.

So he has never been to the most common haunted house, let alone such a famous haunted house as Jiang Linguo said.

"That's right! You don't even know it at first glance. There is a haunted house in Happy Ridge called 'The City of Fear'. It is very famous. Many internet celebrities and live broadcasters have gone there to check in!" Jiang Linguo said.

"Wait a minute, what did you say?" Chen Yilang's eyes suddenly flickered, "You said just now—the city of fear?"

Jiang Linguo said and glanced at Chen Yilang, somewhat disdainfully:

"Aren't you quite manly? If you have the ability, you can walk back and forth in there, even if you are a real man."

"But well—"

Jiang Linguo glanced at Chen Yilang again, "I think you're a little white who has never been to a haunted house. I think it's better to let it go, so as not to pee your pants in fear."

"If you're not interested, you can stay outside and wait for us to come out, and buy a few cups of milk tea by the way!"

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