If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 322: Report, I want to go to the women's cheerleading competition...

Trial Mission: The Light of Nanxuan!

Details: As an outstanding graduate of Beijiang No. 1 Middle School who has been admitted to Nanxuan University, it is time for you to contribute to improving the reputation of your alma mater.

Condition: Let 100 or more students from Beijiang No. 1 Middle School follow the public account of Nanxuan University from the bottom of your heart under your introduction!


"Hi... a hundred students?" Chen Yilang was stunned for a moment.

If there is no problem with the source, then there should be about twenty classes in the current grade of Beijiang No. 1 Middle School.

The average number of students in a class should be around 40, which means that there are nearly 800 high school students in total.

As we all know, senior high school dogs are the hard-working and busy type, so among the 800 students, half of the people who are willing to take time to visit the playground after school is not bad. Four hundred people.

In other words, if you want 100 people to meet the task requirements, then every four people must complete this...

This is not an easy challenge. After all, with so many schools on the field, there are too many opportunities for students to choose from.

Moreover, although Nanxuan University is not bad, there are many schools with higher reputation than Nanxuan University, so Chen Yilang does not have an overwhelming absolute advantage.

"This task is really difficult for a strong man..." Chen Yilang thought to himself.

After thinking about it for a while, Brother Lang, who was still a salted fish in essence, lay down directly at the base camp and was flat.

——Since this task is so difficult, let’s not do it!

And anyway, this is just a trial quest, it's not a main quest, you won't die if you don't do it... I finally looked forward to a wonderful summer vacation. There is only one thing Chen Yilang wants to do most, and that is leisurely. Just relax and let go of everything you don't need to do.

Soon, the time was gradually approaching three o'clock.

At this time, many students came to the playground one after another.

When the base camp was just set up, everyone was still in high spirits, chatting about this and that, lively.

However, now one or two are starting to get tired, and they all sit there in a daze, yawning, and boringly swiping their phones.

Brother Lang is the same.

"It's so boring, it doesn't make any sense at all." Chen Yilang thought to himself.

The most interesting and meaningful part of today's visit to my alma mater is actually visiting the old class.

After graduating for such a long time, he really wanted to come back to see the teacher.

But apart from this activity, everything else seems so bland...

"Brother Lan, do we have to stay until eight o'clock tonight?" Zhang Junlun, the king of lv15 Yin Cao Song, felt bored and couldn't help asking Lan Jiabin, "I'm already sleepy."

"Yeah, it's been a long time, and I haven't seen a few students come up to us to ask questions." The lv15 gluttonous troll muttered dizzily while rubbing his stomach, "I I'm so hungry, can we eat earlier?"

"Brother Lan, can I go to the gym to have a look?" lv15 Iron Man Xu Weijian also spoke.

"Gymnasium? What are you doing there?" Lan Jiabin asked with a puzzled look.

"Sitting here is a waste of time anyway, and no one is here, why don't you go over there and hand out flyers." Xu Weijian frowned and said with a serious face, "And I just heard that this afternoon at the gymnasium There seems to be a women's cheerleading competition over there, so I want to drop by there and see the beautiful girls."

Everyone: "..."

Lan Jiabin: "?"

Depend on!

My dear, you must be a little too sincere!


[lv15 Iron Man] used [Frank and Straight Hair], causing huge mental damage to [lv20 Crazy Trench Troll]!

[lv20 Crazy Trench Troll]: hp-432!


But of course, the sincere lv15 iron man Xu Weijian was ruthlessly rejected by Lan Jiabin in the end.

After all, the reason is too outrageous. If this can be agreed, then he, the president of the alumni association, can only say that he has no majesty and dignity.

Lan Jiabin is also very helpless. After all, as the president of the alumni association, he is carrying the task and must help the major cooperative universities to complete the task.

If nothing else, at least the promotion task of Nanxuan University must be completed, right?

He is a student of Nanxuan University himself, and if this is still uncertain, it is really impossible to say.

But the people around them seem to have no enthusiasm for work at all, which is really impressive.

Under the pressure of everyone's complaints, Lan Jiabin thought about it and had to say:

"Well, since everyone is not very interested, let's formulate a task."

"We each pull ten students to follow our NTU official account and fill out the questionnaire! Whoever completes the task first can go home after get off work first!"

"What do you guys think about this?"

As soon as Lan Jiabin's voice fell, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and all of them suddenly came to the spirit.

It's so brave!

After all, it was said today that they were here to visit their alma mater, but when they actually arrived, they found out that they were actually here to work...

You know, this activity of theirs will last until eight o'clock in the evening! Who can withstand the intensity of this overtime...

Who wouldn't want to hurry back and have a warm meal if you can go home early?

"it is good!"


"Ten? It's trivial, sprinkle water!"


Lan Jiabin's proposal was indeed very effective, and the students at this meeting were already gearing up and eager to try.

Only Chen Yilang twitched the corners of his mouth silently.

What the hell?

Are you so deceived?

Pull ten people?

After a little careful calculation, you will know that this is not easy at all!

If you just pay attention to the official account, you can give it a try, but you still have to write a questionnaire... Normal people will not be so patient, right?

"But I can try it..." Chen Yilang thought silently.

After all, the only bargaining chip that can make a salted fish full of fighting spirit is to leave work early...

As long as I can get off work early, I can do anything!

And you must know that Brother Lang is holding a big killer in his hand.

The time gradually came to 3:30~www.readwn.com~ The number of people coming and going on the playground was gradually increasing, but there were still not many people who stopped in front of Nanxuan University Base Camp.

The corners of Chen Yilang's mouth rose slightly, and he put the empty bottle of Fat House Happy Water that he had just finished drinking on the table.

Then he took out the bee-attracting butterfly flower from the item bar and inserted it directly into the bottle.



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