If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 321: 【Light of Nanxuan】


What kind of weird prop is this?

Chen Yilang narrowed his eyes and realized that things didn't seem to be that simple...

I always feel that there is a hole in the effect of this [Crowning Bees and Butterfly Flowers], but I can't tell for a while...

But one thing to say, it is really a pity that this prop fell into his hands.

If this is picked up by a Niulang eldest brother who works in a nightclub, then this performance must not skyrocket all the way?

It's just a little bit of a waste, the problem isn't really that big...

After putting away the props, Chen Yilang turned on the computer and officially started his happy summer vacation.

All along, Chen Yilang has a very fine tradition.

That is the first day of the long vacation, and you have to play games all night.

This is an indispensable sense of ritual. Once this step is missing, there will be no feeling of vacation.

So Brother Lang immediately called his good buddies, went online together, and started the fierce battle in the Summoner Canyon.

With this hit, it hit the sky directly and was slightly brightened.

When he was single-killed by the half-blooded Princess Yaoyao on the opposite side, Chen Yilang finally realized that his spirit had begun to be a little dazed.

So after the game was over, he quit the game and ended his sinful life.

After waking up the next day, it was already noon, and after brunch, Chen Yilang found that the group became active again.

Lan Jiabin: "Every student should have already returned home from vacation this time?

"Back to back."

"No, no, no, no, no one really has to spend the summer vacation in school to get rid of others, right?"

"Let me see what other dog doesn't come home for summer vacation!"

The classmates in the group shouted again.

Lan Jiabin: "Okay, then I'll announce something now."

"This afternoon is our 'return to alma mater' activity."

"One of the more interesting links is 'face-to-face chat with old alumni'."

"Alumni of each school have to set up their own school's base camp on the playground. After school, the younger brothers and sisters will come to the playground to learn about the schools they are interested in."

"Our first wave of base camps is in No. 1 Middle School, and the second wave of base camps is in the second week, starting at 3 pm and ending at 8 pm."

After listening to Lan Jiabin's words, everyone in the group began to discuss excitedly.

Chen Yilang felt that he also seemed to understand what Lan Jiabin meant. Isn't this just asking them to go to the voluntary consultation center?

However, he also felt that it didn't matter. After all, he had graduated for so long, so he should do something for his alma mater and give back to his alma mater.

So in the afternoon, after Chen Yilang packed up, he swept a shared motorcycle and drove to Beijiang No. 1 Middle School.

Chen Yilang didn't come too early. When he arrived, many classmates were already waiting here.

All the way, as soon as he saw Chen Yilang, Lin Jie waved to him: "Brother Lang, this way!"

Under Lin Jie's gesture, Chen Yilang walked towards the crowd.

After getting closer, Chen Yilang also realized that Lin Jie was still a school **** on top of his head, and even upgraded to [lv15 advanced school bitch]...

It can be seen that this guy has always maintained the fine tradition of secretly studying without his mouth in the university... I don't know if he has been beaten by his classmates.

"Yo, this is not Brother Lang!"

"Long time no see, long time no see!"

"Brother Lang, we have all heard of your deeds!"

"That's right, I heard that after Brother Lang went to college, Lang was so high that he was about to transform into a little white dragon in the waves!"

"My friends have told me that since Brother Lang entered the school, I don't know how many times I have been on the confession wall!"

"Yes, yes, it seems that one of the people who confessed to Brother Lang is their counselor?"

"What is this, I know the best, one night Brother Lang returned to the dormitory late, and the auntie in charge of the dormitory still wanted to introduce her daughter to him!"


Chen Yilang: "..."

Hey, hey, why is one more outrageous than the other?

As a client, Chen Yilang doesn't even remember that he has experienced these strange things, right?

But there is one thing they are right, Brother Lang is indeed a wave, and it is not an ordinary wave.

So when they heard the jokes of the classmates, several alumni of Nanxuan University also nodded silently in their hearts to express their approval...

If these old classmates were told how many outrageous things Chen Yilang had done at Nanxuan University, they probably wouldn't be able to joke.

After all, the things they said were a little too pediatric, and they were not worth mentioning at all.

But one thing can be seen, that is, in the circle of old classmates, Chen Yilang's presence has indeed improved significantly.

In the past, when classmates came together to participate in class reunions or group activities, Chen Yilang was generally not particularly active, and the probability of being cued was not high.

No way, after all, Brother Lang is just an introverted and shy little boy... that's all.

As always, the person who continues to lead the team is Lan Jiabin.

The first thing everyone has to do is naturally to visit the old class.

Laoban hasn't seen you guys for more than a year, and after meeting each other, everyone is also very happy to talk.

After seeing the old class, Lan Jiabin gathered all the members of the alumni association and set off towards the playground.

After all, Lan Jiabin is the president of Beijiang No. 1 and No. 2 Middle School Alumni Association. Although he can't reach the level of steadying Chen Yilang's head at Nanxuan University, once he returns to Beijiang, it can only be said that he has returned to the home court.

Under the leadership and arrangement of Lan Jiabin, everyone quickly set up a base camp on the playground.

Looking at the large parasols erected one by one on the playground, Chen Yilang roughly counted, and there were almost twenty base camps.

That is to say, the students in the alumni association have at least 20 alumni from different schools.

And almost all of them are famous schools, 985 and 211 go everywhere, even the most inferior is basically a relatively well-known college in the province.

Of course, Chen Yilang doesn't know whether it's because the Alumni Association is full of talented people~www.readwn.com~ or because those less famous schools are too embarrassed to come and participate in the activities of giving back to their alma mater...

The students of each base camp also sat down one after another.

Chen Yilang took out his mobile phone and was about to play a passionate canyon five-row game with a few alumni around him, when the system prompt sounded suddenly in his mind.

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

[You have triggered a new hidden trial mission: The Light of Nanxuan! 】



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