If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 323: My social **** is coming!

Latest URL: "Huh?"

"Brother Lang, your little flower is quite cute, where did you get it?"

[Yin Cao Singer] Zhang Junlun found that Chen Yilang had pulled out a big treasure, and immediately leaned up curiously, wanting to observe what it was at close range:

"You know, it reminds me of a song, what a beautiful jasmine, what a beautiful jasmine~"

Everyone: "…"

Chen Yilang: "…"

Damn, stop now!

If you continue to sing like this, everyone will definitely be seriously injured!

When Zhang Junlun saw that everyone didn't respond, he was taken aback for a moment: "Don't you like this song? Then I'll change it. The chrysanthemum is broken and the floor is hurt...~"

Chen Yilang put on the noise-cancelling headphones at the speed of light, and switched to the noise-cancelling mode with a beep.

Ah, the world is quiet...

[Evil Eater] Pang Wu licked his tongue and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva:

"Brother Lang, this fafa of yours is so fragrant, hehe, hehe! I don't know if using it to make flower cakes will just eat a little, hehehe!"

"..." Chen Yilang clenched his fists, ready to give these outrageous guys two blows.

What's wrong with him, the delicate and delicate little sister didn't attract him, but what was it that he attracted these **** stubborn guys?

Chen Yilang wanted to explode at one point, but fortunately the next person who came over was Xiong Yuwei.

"What kind of flower is this?" Chen Yilang saw the curious and expectant expression on Xiong Yuwei's face for the first time, "It's a bit like a lily, and a bit like a gardenia."

"So where did you buy this flower?" Chen Jiahui came up next.

In Chen Yilang's impression, Chen Jiahui is the kind of university tyrant who is not interested in almost anything except studying. There is no reason to be so interested in a small flower.

But of course, it is not excluded that Chen Jiahui has awakened after the college entrance examination. After all, it is a girl's nature to like flowers, and Chen Jiahui is also a relatively quiet girl, originally like an elegant little flower.

"In fact, I do not know."

After Chen Yilang thought for a while, he began to talk nonsense, "When I went to that store to buy flowers, the clerk said that this variety was newly cultivated, and it seems that there is no official flower name yet... Why don't you get one?"

Of course I won't tell you that it's called [Beautiful Bees and Butterfly Flowers]... that's too weird, right?

As soon as Chen Yilang finished speaking, all the girls in the base camp got excited, and began to put various flower names on [Zhaobee and Butterfly Flower].

Inside the base camp, everyone's seats are neatly circled along the edge of the parasol.

But before I knew it, more and more people gathered near Chen Yilang's seat...and almost all of them were girls.

The first thing that all people do when they come here is to ask Chen Yilang what kind of flower is this flower, what is its name, why is it so fragrant, and where did you buy it...

Gradually, Chen Yilang also began to feel a little tired.

Before this, he had never experienced the feeling of being surrounded by so many people and the stars and the moon...

Although the real purpose of this group of people is actually to look at his flowers, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

This kind of feeling is like in elementary school, when you hold a game console that no one else has in your hand, you will be regarded as a big brother by the boys in the whole class. It is the same reason.

So soon, unknowingly.

In the base camp of Nanxuan University, more and more people in the position of Chen Yilang gathered.

"What are you doing, what happened over there..." This attracted Lan Jiabin, who was the farthest away from Chen Yilang, and couldn't help but stuck his head out and looked in the direction of Chen Yilang.

Because unknowingly, he found that there seemed to be fewer and fewer people beside him, and even at the end, he was left sitting on the spot alone, and the surrounding seats were vacant.

As the president of the alumni association, Brother Lan felt that his status seemed to be challenged in the slightest.

"Isn't it just a broken flower, what's so beautiful..." Lan Jiabin muttered with a look of disdain on his face.

At this moment, Lan Jiabin saw several girls walking towards him in unison.

With joy in his heart, Lan Jiabin hurriedly sat up straight with a smile on his face. In his mind, he had already started to organize all kinds of coquettish words after the meeting later.

"Hello classmate, please..."

However, before Lan Jiabin's words were finished, the girls fluttered past him directly and walked to Chen Yilang's seat.

Only a faint scent remained.

"...?" Lan Jiabin's expression gradually began to change.


What the hell?

Am I not handsome enough or am I not rich enough?

These dead girls don't even bother to say hello to me?

But it wasn't this that made Lan Jiabin's mentality explode the most, but after the girls jumped over him, the direction they went straight was actually Chen Yilang?

This made him very unbearable...

If Lan Jiabin remembers correctly, since he met Chen Yilang, whenever this guy is present, basically nothing good happens...

"That, classmates!"

"Our consultation point can be consulted at every location, you don't need to crowd all over there!"

Lan Jiabin couldn't hold back a little, so he could only hint loudly to the girls who had been lining up on Chen Yilang's side.

"Ehhh? That senior brother over there seems to be able to consult as well!"

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't seem to have noticed it just now?"

"He looks like he's still very enthusiastic!"

"Yeah, he looks pretty handsome too!"


Hearing the girls' admiration, Lan Jiabin instantly felt a burst of joy.

The [She Bull] logo on the top of the head also lit up at this moment, and flashed at a high speed.

Ahhh... so cool~

This feeling of being the focus of everyone's attention and topic is really cool!

Lan Jiabin has always been addicted to this feeling, and he feels that his social **** is about to strike again. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


"Yeah, yeah, why don't you go to line up there? When the time is over, we'll go to other base camps together."

"Huh? Then why don't you go?"

"I don't know, I just want to line up this way."

"Hey, me too! Although that senior is handsome, I just want to line up here, I don't know why."

"That's right, me too!"

"If that's the case, let's all line up here!"

"Good drop, good drop, anyway, someone will always go there to find that senior!"


Lan Jiabin: "??????"

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