If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 320: attracting bees and butterflies

From childhood to adulthood, in fact, Chen Yilang has never been particularly cold to his aunt.

Auntie has many small faults, such as a little vanity, sometimes mean and sometimes yin and yang.

But aside from these nonsense today, Chen Yilang somehow felt that he sympathized with his aunt.

After all, life is already very difficult, and if there is such a precious son on the table...it is simply a great joy in life, a mother is kind and a son is filial.










【Ding! 】

[[lv14 bear mother] used [buttocks continuous blasting], causing an extremely large amount of physical damage to [lv13 bear monster]! 】

[[lv13 Great Furbolg] has entered the [Fear] state and activated the skill [Howling]! 】


Chen Yilang, Fang Shuwen, and Liu Shiya just sat at the table like this, watching their little cousin being held in his arms by his aunt's tiger hug, and then slapped on the buttocks.

Chen Yilang can even judge the strength of the aunt using the loudness and crispness of the voice... If Chen Yilang was also one of the witnesses, he really doubted that the younger cousin was not his own.

"Okay, okay, the child is still young, why are you so cruel..." The aunt and the second aunt also stood up and persuaded when they saw this scene.

However, they seemed to be just talking about it. When Chen Yilang took a closer look, he realized that the state above the heads of the two middle-aged women was still [pleasant]...

"Good guy, women are really scary..." Chen Yilang's mouth twitched slightly.

But there is one thing to say, it is really no wonder they are, after all, the little cousin is too wild and noisy in normal times, it can be said that anyone who sees him probably wants to beat him up.

It's a pity that they didn't have this opportunity, and they finally had the opportunity to take advantage of the aunt's hand, which is naturally a very happy thing.

Seeing that my aunt had been beating her little cousin's **** furiously, the aunt who was standing beside her felt a little embarrassed, so she hurried to Fang Shuwen's side and scolded him when she grabbed him:

"Tell me how old you are, and you are arguing with your little cousin!"

"You are already the biggest big brother, can't you let your little cousin?"

"People who are almost graduating from college, still like a child!"

Fang Shuwen: "Mom, no, listen to my explanation..."

Aunt: "What are you? Hurry up and apologize to your little cousin. Did you cry when you didn't see anyone else's little cousin?"

Fang Shuwen: "..."

Fang Wenwen wanted to cry but had no tears, as long as he opened his mouth, he would be drenched in blood by his aunt.

【Ding! 】

[[lv15 Prodigy] suffered great [mother scolding] mental damage! 】

[Due to the influence of [mother scolding], [lv15 prodigy] has entered a new state: eo! 】


The moment the system sound rang, Chen Yilang also saw a black cloud special effect appearing above Fang Shuwen's head...

good guy!

It's alright for the child to be depressed directly... Chen Yilang didn't dare to move or speak at all, so he sat quietly and obediently with Liu Shiya and looked at each other. , especially tacitly silent, quietly watching the play.

Fang Shuwen's cousin and younger cousin are really a pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes who love each other and kill each other...

A lively and friendly family dinner event just ended.


Yilang and cousin Liu Shiya haven't seen each other for a long time, and they haven't had a good time chatting for a while, and they should feel a little unfinished when they part.

Cousin and little cousin forget it...

The former is that the brain circuit is not on the same channel as the two at all, the latter is too noisy and the editor is too small.

Therefore, among so many relatives, the only person Chen Yilang could talk to was Liu Shiya.

So after returning home after the game, Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya played several games on the mic and double row.

Of course, there is no Lafang document and little cousin...

Tonight, they were devastated by the two young dragons and phoenixes, and they didn't want to experience despair and pain again.

After playing the game, Chen Yilang went for a walk with his parents who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

After returning home, after washing up, and dragging his tired body onto the bed, Chen Yilang's sleepiness immediately struck like a thousand troops.

At this time, Chen Yilang heard the system prompt sound.

【Ding! 】

[Reminder: The Mystery Mall has been opened! 】

【Open time: 11h5959s】

【Please race against time! 】


When he saw this, most of Chen Yilang's sleepiness disappeared at once.

Thinking about it this way, he really hasn't visited the Egg Pain Mall for a long time...

And this time, the opening time of Egg Pain Mall seems to be only a short twelve hours.

Having said that, he really has to race against time.

However, when he opened the mysterious mall, Chen Yilang realized that he had no choice at all.

Because there is only one tool in it.

【Mystery Mall】

Blind box of purple level props lottery: Inventory 1, priced at 23333 gold coins.

Current balance: 56427 gold coins


so far so good.

Chen Yilang is so sleepy now that he doesn't have any mood to think about it any more.

At this time, no choice is the best choice.

And it happens that the number of gold coins is completely enough, so there is really nothing to think about.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You spent 23,333 gold coins and got the [purple-level item lottery blind box]! 】


But despite this, Chen Yilang didn't feel much excitement in his heart.

After all, for the current Chen Yilang, the purple-level rare equipment and props have no way to attract his attention.

It can even be said that this is already a bad street thing.

But despite this, before opening the blind box, Chen Yilang suddenly rubbed his little hands with a sense of ritual.

【Ding! 】

【You have successfully opened the [Purple Level Item Blind Box! ]]

【Congratulations! 】

[You have obtained a rare purple prop: attract bees and butterflies! 】


At the same moment when the system prompt sounded ~www.readwn.com~ Chen Yilang also found an extra item in his backpack.

At first glance, it is a flower that looks uncommonly ordinary and has an extraordinarily elegant color.

Chen Yilang couldn't even say its name, but thought it should be the kind of flower that most girls would like.

[Attracting Bees and Butterflies: A small flower that looks unremarkable and has no features, but it can emit a charming fragrance and attract a large number of female creatures to stop by! 】


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