If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 319: 【Crouching dragon and phoenix chick】

Many people feel this way in their hearts, that is, men's seventh sense has always been inferior to women's.

In many cases, women's intuitions are terrifying, and they don't even need any logical reasoning, they can see through everything with just one look.

This is also the reason why many men who take care of the mistress do not understand why their shameful deeds are revealed... In short, it is just the power that men cannot understand at all.

But in fact, men's intuition is not so bad.

At least in some respects, their hunches are much more useful than women's—in gaming, for example.

Just like now, not long after the game started, Chen Yilang felt this extremely strong ominous premonition.

He felt inexplicably flustered for no reason, and sure enough, when Chen Yilang had just finished the first buff, he heard an extremely pleasant sound of the battle broadcast.


What the fuck? Is this the first drop of blood? It must be too fast... Chen Yilang felt a sudden cardiopulmonary arrest in his heart.

Immediately after that, he glanced at the screen shallowly, and sure enough, his guess was confirmed, and it was Fang Shuwen himself who gave away his blood...

And the more suffocating thing happened to him, that is, the little cousin who followed Fang Shuwen in the same way at the beginning also hung up behind Fang Shuwen's ass.


The broadcast of the opponent's shooter completing the double kill came out again. Chen Yilang took a closer look, and just saw the opponent's Marco Polo, who had half a tube of blood left, returning to the city and mocking him, extremely arrogant.

On the text chat interface, a line of message pops up:

"[All] the heights are lost with her (Marco Polo):?"


Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya: "..."

Fang Shuwen: "..."

Little cousin: "..."

I am most afraid of the sudden silence in the air...

"Biaoguo! You are so good!" The little cousin's [angry] sign was finally lit, and he said angrily with his cheeks puffed out.

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Big Bear Monster] used [Angry Squirt], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv15 Prodigy]! 】


"What? I didn't say it was good for you, but you still dislike my food?"

As soon as Fang Shuwen heard his little cousin complained first, he was blown up like a powder keg, "Why don't you see what you're playing with yourself?"

"You can't even play as a nanny? Even if you're handicapped, follow me with no brains. Wherever the skills shine, it's better!?"

"Does this require technology? Is it difficult?"

【Ding! 】

[[lv15 Prodigy] used [Relentless Felling Pot], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv13 Great Bear Monster]! 】

[Skill [Heartless Handsome Pot] comes with [Enrage] effect, [lv13 Great Furbol] has been successfully [Enraged]! 】

[[lv13 Great Furbolg]'s [Angry] state has been upgraded! 】


Just as the system's voice fell, Chen Yilang saw it at the same moment. The [Angry] logo on the top of the little cousin's head instantly lit up, and then began to flash at a high speed.

"I'll go, who are you if you don't!?"

The little cousin was also furious, and shouted sharply at Fang Shuwen in a voice that had not yet experienced the voice change period:

"I want to give you milk too! You directly rush into someone else's tower with 1 skill displacement, rollover and flash, what am I going to give you milk? Father's love!?"

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Big Bear Monster] used [Cub Roar], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv15 Prodigy]! 】


Fang Shuwen's decibel volume is not a match for his little cousin at all, and at the same time, because he is indeed a bit unreasonable, and the operation is also pulled, he will feel a little guilty for a while, but he still responds mercilessly:

"Don't just leave it here and keep talking about me!"

"Why don't you also mention yourself?"

"I died from Yuetalang. I admit, why did your nanny squat in the back?"

【Ding! 】

[[lv15 Prodigy] used [Relentless Counterattack], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv13 Great Bear Monster]! 】


"How dare you say it!?"

The little cousin was so angry that his nose was almost crooked, "I just crossed the tower to die with you in order to catch up to breastfeed you!"

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Great Bear Monster] used [Jedi Counterattack], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv15 Prodigy]! 】

[[lv15 Prodigy] was seriously injured by [lv13 Great Bear Monster], and has entered the state of [silence]! 】


Fang Shuwen: "..."

When Fang Shuwen was beaten to death, he did not expect that his younger cousin would be so righteous, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer.

Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya, who were on the side, looked at each other, and at the same time showed eyes that I didn't know how to describe...

Good guy, the two of you are putting this archery-assistance linkage together, one death and one free...

Even if you die and give away, you can still put the blame on each other, and you will be drunk...

"Cousin Shuwen, little cousin." Chen Yilang couldn't help giving a thumbs up to the two of them, "You two are really worthy of being a young dragon and a phoenix!"

"Cousin Lang Lang is right!"

[lv13 Big Bear Monster] The little cousin thought that Chen Yilang was complimenting himself, and he turned his head and glared at Fang Shuwen and said:

"However, Cousin Langlang, you are wrong, I'm the crouching dragon and phoenix, and Cousin Shuwen is a stupid monkey at most!"

cried the little cousin.

Chen Yilang nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, right!"

Fang Shuwen: "..."

Fang Shuwen was about to vomit blood, and he dared to love his not-so-smart little cousin, as if he didn't even understand the true meaning of Wolongfengchu...

【Ding! 】

[You used [Murder by Borrowing a Knife], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv15 Prodigy]! 】

[You got: Gold +2432, Experience +2092! 】


In this way, Fang Shuwen and his little cousin began to fight frantically.

At this moment, the game had just started less than ten minutes ago. Chen Yilang couldn't help but glance at the record. Sun Shangxiang had zero bars and six, and the nurse was zero bars.

A little bit of average, rounding up these two people are already super ghosts.

"You are so pitiful, cousin Shuwen, don't play with Sun Shangxiang in the future, I beg you!"

"Are you teaching me how to do things? Playing as a wet nurse can be a ghost~www.readwn.com~ You are still here to force Lai Lai!?"

[Sun Shangxiang was killed by the dragon! ]

Passerby Xiang Yu: "?"

Little cousin: "Aren't you a super ghost?"

Fang Shuwen: "..."

Liu Shiya, who was playing games quietly on the side, couldn't help it: "Can you two be quiet? Can't you just play a game?"

Fang Shuwen was anxious: "Is it because I don't want to be quiet? He has been picking things up. I told him to do his homework. You must let him come and play together!"

The little cousin said loudly: "It's obviously cousin Fang Shuwen, who is really too bad! I have never seen such a bad shooter! With this skill, even if a bad guy like my mother comes to play with him, it is estimated that he will be punished. I vomit blood!"

The aunt pushed open the door and entered: "?"


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