If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 318: Ares primary school?

"Me?" Chen Yilang said slowly, "It seems like the eighth place in the grade this semester."

Everyone: "???"

Fang Shuwen: "???"

【Ding! 】

[You used [Bombshell], causing great mental damage to all targets within the [Table] map! 】

【Ding! 】

[Due to the bonus effect of [Bomb Maniac], the damage and range of [Bombshell] have been greatly increased! 】

[[Bombshell] hit [lv15 Prodigy] perfectly, the target suffered a lot of damage and has entered the state of [Breaking Defense]! 】


[You got: Gold +5743, Experience +4784! 】

"Cough cough, no, the eighth place? Are you sure it's the eighth grade and not the eighth class?" Fang Shuwen was choked on the spot and asked with a completely incredible expression.

"Yeah, the eighth grade, my transcript is still in the phone, would you like to send it to cousin Shuwen for a look?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Uh uh, this, that's not necessary..."

Fang Shuwen looked a little frightened, but it took a while to stabilize his mind, and his tone was calm and authentic, "Yes, yes, the top ten of Nanxuan University's grades are placed in Beijing University, and it is estimated that the ranking is not much lower than me. …”

"Yeah, cousin Shuwen is still amazing." Chen Yilang smiled and said nothing more.

Of course he could see that Cousin Fang Shuwen was forcing himself down the stairs, even though what he said did make some sense.

In this world, Daoist people are hard to tear down, and he doesn't need to keep chasing Fang Shuwen.

After all, the only thing Chen Yilang wanted to do tonight was to have a good meal.

Seeing Fang Shuwen no longer speaking, Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya looked at each other and understood each other.

- The two brothers and sisters are a perfect match.

Before coming to dinner today, Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya talked about the exam this semester.

So Liu Shiya already knew how many names Chen Yilang had taken the exam this semester, so she cooperated with Chen Yilang and dismantled Fang Shuwen's platform...

No way, times have changed, and now the table etiquette in the new era has already become "no salary for work, no grade for study", but Fang Shuwen has no intention of abiding by it, so of course he wants to teach him a little lesson .

A wave of tacit cooperation between the two has naturally received extremely good results.

After a while of attacking, Fang Shuwen was really discouraged, silently bowing his head and eating his own meal.

The relatives at the dinner table also noticed a trace of strangeness and stopped asking questions.

They don't understand the affairs of these children, and they don't understand the topics they are talking about about the university, so the only thing they can tell is that Fang Shuwen doesn't seem to have a good time with the two brothers and sisters Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya...

Usually, the younger cousin also likes to follow Fang Shuwen's ass. Recently, they found that the younger cousin is not very close to Fang Shuwen...

But the adults don't care, after all, in their eyes, these old watches are just a group of children.

Is it not normal for children to have a little temper?

It'll be fine when they're all grown up...

So the topic was unknowingly moved to another place by the adults.

After Fang Shuwen stopped talking, Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya had a very pleasant dinner table night.

After drinking and eating, the three naturally sat down and played games together.

[Big Bear Monster] This time, my little cousin finally got the phone from [Daxiong's mother] with great difficulty, so he will definitely join the three-person battle tonight.

"What kind of League of Kings is the child playing? You still have to prevent addiction." Fang Shuwen saw his little cousin running over excitedly with his mobile phone and wanted to join, and his face instantly showed a look of disgust.

"Who do you call a child? You are the child!" [Big Bear Monster] The little cousin pursed his lips and shouted, "I logged in with my mother's number, so I didn't prevent addiction!"

"That doesn't work either! Have you finished your homework and want to play games with us?" Fang Shuwen was still reluctant.

Although he made a lot of excuses for his little cousin, in fact, the main reason was that he didn't want to lose points...

Although Fang Shuwen has never played qualifying matches with his younger cousin, he does not know how strong his younger cousin is, but he knows that his younger cousin is a primary school student...

The game level of elementary school students...emmmm, it's hard to say anything.

But of course, Fang Shuwen did not rule out the appearance of God of War elementary school students with explosive skills, but he did not feel that his not-so-smart little cousin was the son of heaven.

"..." The little cousin pursed his lips and stared at Fang Shuwen with an aggrieved look.

"Then... that, it's okay, let him play together!"

Chen Yilang saw that the state on the top of his little cousin's head was gradually turning into [anger], so he quickly stood up and smoothed the way.

It's not that he is afraid of his little cousin being angry. On the contrary, Chen Yilang is not afraid of this [Big Bear Monster] at all, even if he can use the summoning skill to call [Mother Bear].

He is simply afraid of trouble...

Once this annoying [Great Furbolg] goes to his [Mother Bear] with a crying nose, he will know with his knees tonight that his ears basically have no chance of being clean.

Moreover, Chen Yilang has always been a top-ranking player in the Buddhist system.

Liu Shiya's thoughts were almost the same as Chen Yilang's, so she quickly said a few words to Chen Yilang: "Yes, if my cousin wants to play, let's play with him, let's play with him every year. I haven't seen each other a few times, and I don't know when to wait until the next time I stay together and play games!"

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Under the offensive of the two, Fang Shuwen had no choice but to admit it and chose to compromise.

After all, the minority obeys the majority. If he still objected to this situation, it would be unreasonable.

"Okay, okay, let's play with you."

Fang Shuwen looked helpless and impatient, "But let's talk about it first, you are not allowed to pit me, you know? I just became a king not long ago, but I don't want to fall down like this..."

"If you don't know how to play, don't rush for positions, take an assistant to listen to the command, and just lie down, understand?"

"Got it!" The little cousin pouted and muttered.

"Okay, UU reading www.uukanshu.com let's hurry up and start the game." Chen Yilang smiled bitterly.

He was afraid that the two of them would quarrel at some point while they were talking, and that would be even bigger than the anger of the younger cousin alone.

The four of them created a five-row room, grabbed a tool, and gathered a group of passers-by to start matching.

"What position do you guys play?"

Chen Yilang yawned and said casually.

He had a day's drive today and was honestly a little tired.

In addition, I haven’t played games for a long time. Although I used to be obsessed with games, I would still be able to play a 50-star rank, but now I am inevitably a little hand-born and I can’t keep up with the version, so I just give up the position first. .

"I play shooter, you can do whatever you want." Fang Shuwen said calmly, "Come and follow me with a nanny, choose tools for both the jungler and the midlaner. I want to take the eldest lady, and the economy must eat more."

"Can you do it, cousin Shuwen?" Liu Shiya showed a skeptical look, "If you play like this, you will have four guarantees and one... If you can't get up, we won't be able to play this game."

"Can't get up? It doesn't exist, my eldest lady has a brand of combat power, and it's up to her to become the king." Fang Shuwen smiled confidently, "You just lie down and leave the rest to me. Just fly."

Chen Yilang and Liu Shiya looked at each other, and the two were dubious.

The game starts soon.

As discussed, Fang Shuwen chose Miss Sagittarius, cousin chose Nanny, Chen Yilang chose a tool person Zhu Bajie to play wild, Liu Shiya also chose a tool person Zhongdan Xishi, and passers-by took a random one. Xiang Yu walked on the sidewalk.

After the BP phase is over, the game officially begins.

And Chen Yilang soon had an ominous feeling...

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