Chen Yilang was slightly shocked.

Come, come, this familiar feeling.

It's the smell of doing things!

Chen Yilang quickly opened the message details.

[Dungeon Name: City of Fear]

[Coordinate position [click to view]]

[Details: Legend has it that there is a city where hundreds of ghosts who are lost in the world do not want to be saved, so they embrace each other and report to the group to keep warm. Hundreds of ghosts don't have too many dreams, and one of the few pleasures in this world is to watch people come and go and hear about all beings. And today, a new friend came to town...]

[Conditions fulfilled: Go to the location of the coordinates and find the capital of fear! 】

After reading the details, Chen Yilang only felt that his scalp was numb.

Indeed, as he wished, he seemed to have unlocked a new way of playing the game.

I always feel that this new gameplay is a bit exciting, and it sounds a little scary.

But Chen Yilang is not afraid.

As a five-good youth of socialism who advocates science, Chen Yilang has never believed in ghosts and monsters.

So Chen Yilang was already curious.

What is the origin of this [City of Fear]?

Chen Yilang checked the coordinates.

It turned out that the location was marked in Yunzhou City.

That's right, it was marked on Yunzhou City...

"Is there any difference between this and no mark!"

Chen Yilang's egg hurts.

Yunzhou City is so big, let alone three days, I can't find it for three months!

While Chen Yilang was thinking about it, Chen Jiahui had already brought everyone to the place of dinner.

It is a Yunzhou tea restaurant with a good storefront and location.

Yunzhou people like to drink morning tea and evening tea, so there are actually many tea restaurants like this on the street, but there are very few good ones.

Chen Yilang took another look at the recipe. It is also very authentic and authentic Yunzhou cuisine, and the price is also very reasonable.

"This place was chosen too well!"

Lin Jie couldn't help but admire, "Fortunately, Chen Jiahui led the way this time. If I came by myself, I would definitely not be able to find such a good place."

"I feel the same." Chen Yilang agreed, "Thanks to our tour guide Chen for leading the way."

"Nothing, I would also like to thank you for being willing to come out and play with me." Chen Jiahui said.

The three of them were eating and chatting, and the atmosphere seemed to have returned to the school days.

Only Chen Yilang noticed that Jiang Linguo never spoke.

After all, as a [player], Chen Yilang will of course pay close attention to the dynamics of the monsters around him.

This [lv5 daughter] has not been able to recover its health since it was hit hard by myself on the train.

While Chen Yilang was thinking about countermeasures silently, [Qianjin] spoke.

"But I don't think so."

Jiang Linguo shook his head, with a hint of disgust on his face, "The food here feels so ordinary, Xiaohui."

"Didn't I tell you before, there is an Internet celebrity gourmet restaurant in Yunzhou City that seems to be quite good. It is said on the Internet that you should go there when you visit Yunzhou."

"Look at you, you didn't do the strategy well, we missed it."

Lin Jie's eyes changed slightly, and he subconsciously turned his head to look at Chen Yilang.

However, Chen Yilang did not respond at all.

After a brief exchange with [lv5 Qianjin] on the train, Chen Yilang had already figured out this guy's style, so he was completely taken for granted.

"Ah, it's okay, let's go tomorrow, I'll just look for the strategy tonight."

Chen Jiahui didn't say much and replied with a smile.

Seeing this, Chen Yilang finally understood how this [lv5 Qianjin] came out.

Obviously, this stalking monster was used by the people around her...

"Remember, be sure to get a good strategy tonight, Xiaohui."

"We're quite nervous these days. We also arranged for Yunzhou Happy Ridge the day after tomorrow, right?"

"So we have to go to that Internet celebrity gourmet restaurant tomorrow, even in the morning, but tomorrow night at the latest."

Jiang Linguo said slowly.

"I know, I know."

Chen Jiahui nodded while listening.

At this time, Chen Yilang observed that the status bar above Chen Jiahui's head had changed.

[[LV5 Ultimate Learning God] was attacked by [Lenju Bullet] from lv5 daughter, HP-32]

[Entering a negative state: annoyance]

[Annoyance: The target's mind is messy, and the mood is irritable, and the intelligence value and spirit value drop slightly. 】

It seems that the two girls seem to have a little friction.

totally unexpected.

The two monsters actually fought each other.

Chen Yilang had heard of how terrible it was for two women to quarrel and tear up.

"If these two girls really kill each other and die together, will the kill reward still be counted on my head?"

A mysterious question suddenly popped into Chen Yilang's mind.

But after a little thought, Chen Yilang dismissed the idea.

Obviously not.

But if it is said that he made up the last blow of the monster, then there is still a possibility.

At this time, Chen Yilang saw that he had received a new message on his WeChat.

Lin Jie: "Langge, I always feel that Jiang Linguo is a little difficult to serve. If I marry her in the future, wouldn't my family status be very low?"

Chen Yilang replied expressionlessly:

"First of all, you're right, and second, you're thinking about shit."

Lin Jie quickly sent a series of question marks.

Chen Yilang quit WeChat and ignored Lin Jie.

After thinking for a while, he smiled and said:

"Well, Lin Jie and I both think the schedule is pretty good."

"But it sounds like Jiang Linguo wants to know more about the situation in Yunzhou?"

"Why don't we let classmate Jiang Linguo come and show us. She understands so well, and she must be very handy when it comes to strategy."

Chen Yilang looked at Jiang Linguo with a smile, and said in a gentle and amiable tone, "Right, classmate Jiang Linguo?"

Lin Jie, who was beside him, was the first to be stunned after hearing this.

Brother Lang is doing shit?

What the hell, I don't think I've ever felt that way...

But he didn't dare to say anything more.

After being sanctioned several times by Chen Yilang, UU read www. Lin Jie has learned to behave well now, and has no courage to continue to be skinny in front of Chen Yilang.

So Lin Jie didn't say anything, but he couldn't control himself to observe Jiang Linguo.




However, Jiang Linguo was suddenly at a loss for words.

【Ding! 】

[You ended the [Lenju Bullet] of [lv5 Qianjin] and caused a lot of mental damage to it! 】

[Get ①Gold +89 ②Experience +76]

Chen Yilang was very satisfied.

Sure enough, the bounty that can be obtained from behind the big monster is still relatively high.

Lin Jie, who was beside him, was a little dumbfounded.

It was the first time he saw such an embarrassed look on Jiang Linguo's face, and his face was ugly as if he had eaten a ton...

"Damn it, Brother Lang is really a cow."

Lin Jie silently admired him.

These remarks actually made Jiang Linguo speechless, and it was not rude.

Lin Jie also saw something.

Jiang Linguo is indeed very talented in pointing the country and is a giant in language, but in action he is an out-and-out dwarf...

After all, she knows how to do tricks!

It's good that she can follow the big army without losing herself.

The atmosphere at the dinner table gradually became subtle.

Jiang Linguo, who couldn't answer the question, had to bow his head and cook silently without saying a word...

Chen Yilang only felt that his ears had finally calmed down.

It's time to think about how to find the copy of [The City of Fear].

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