If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 315: 【Nightmare in memory】

What's the first thing you do when you get home from vacation?

That is naturally a good meal and a good night's sleep.

No, not long after he came back, Chen Yilang's itinerary for tonight was arranged.

"came back?"

"Hurry up, hurry up and take a shower, change into clean clothes, and stinky sweat @dead!"

Yang Si just came back from get off work, and when he saw Chen Yilang coming back, the first thing he did was to urge Chen Yilang to say:

"Tonight at grandma's house for dinner, hurry up and pack up, we're going out soon!"

"Oh oh oh, okay, okay." Chen Yilang was dizzy, and quickly got busy at Yang Si's urging.

It's a family dinner again... Chen Yilang only felt his head swell for a while.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't like such occasions. Chen Yilang simply felt tired from the journey and just wanted to lay down a corpse at home and have a good rest.

Who would have thought that the relatives were so well-informed that they would arrange a good meal for themselves so quickly.

Just thinking of this, the phone beeped for a while.

Chen Yilang opened WeChat and found that it was none other than his little cousin Liu Shiya who sent the message.

"Hey, Chen Yilang, are you home yet?" Liu Shiya said unceremoniously.

As Liu Shiya's cousin, Chen Yilang has become accustomed to the way this cousin speaks.

In my impression, Chen Yilang never heard Liu Shiya call his brother. This chick basically called him by his name directly, very "no big or small".

I remember that when I was little, Liu Shiya was still very good. She often liked to sniff her snot, chased behind Chen Yilang like a follower, yelled at her brother all the way, and then secretly wiped her snot on Chen Yilang's sleeve. superior……

The good times didn't last long. After they grew up and the two became acquainted with each other, Chen Yilang felt that his cousins ​​became less and less like their sisters. Instead, they became more and more like brothers.

"Just arrived, what's the matter??" Chen Yilang replied.

"Grandma urged you to come over for dinner, the day lily will be cold if you don't come here!" Liu Shiya replied, "And then, is there a charging treasure, bring me one? I only have 90% of the battery left. already."

Chen Yilang: "...Can you be normal, I'm afraid."

Liu Shiya directly sent a rolled-eyed expression: "What the hell, am I normal? Of course it's going to be dark tonight, how can I use this power? Hurry up, don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Yilang: "..."

I haven't seen each other for more than half a year, and his little cousin really hasn't changed at all...

She is still the same little girl who loves to play and eat.

Liu Shiya's dishes are obvious to all, but her rank is not low.

After all, this little girl is born with a sweet voice, and if she just clips her voice in the hall, she can catch a company of wild kings in minutes and take her to the top.

It seems that she is going to be slapped by her again tonight... Chen Yilang sighed helplessly and had to agree.

"I heard that Fang Shuwen will also join our qualifying team tonight. He is a king. I feel like he should be able to take us to fly." Liu Shiya added.

Isn't it enough to have a hand in the king's rank... Chen Yilang complained silently, and had no time to reply to his little cousin. After taking a bath and cleaning up, he followed Yang Si to his grandmother's house.

When passing through the streets of the familiar city, Chen Yilang had to sigh that time flies so fast and the changes are really great.

He just didn't come back for just one semester, and the scene on the road has undergone a series of changes.

The layout of the streets has also undergone new changes. A section of the road that was previously remembered as potholes has now been paved with a new layer of asphalt.

All in all... Beijiang, a small city, secretly changed itself after he went to a university in another country.

Along the way, Chen Yilang followed Yang Si to his grandmother's house before he knew it.

"Yo, Lang Lang is back?"

As soon as they entered the door, relatives and elders from all walks of life greeted each other warmly.

Chen Yilang smiled and said hello one by one.

During this period, he found that he seemed to have seen the familiar [lv13 Great Furbolg] cousin.

I haven't seen each other for a long time, but I didn't expect this [Bearbolg] to be upgraded.

"Long time no see, little cousin."

Chen Yilang greeted him with a smile, and showed an amiable smile at his little cousin.

Then he saw his little cousin's forehead, and a frantically flashing exclamation mark quickly popped up.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Nightmare in Memory], causing a lot of mental damage to [Big Bear Monster]! 】

[You got: Gold +1982, Experience +1231! 】

【Ding! 】

[On this day, [lv13 Great Bear Monster] recalled the horror once dominated by you...]

[[lv13 Great Bear Monster] has entered the state of [Fear]! 】


"The watch, the watch pot is good..." After seeing Chen Yilang, the little cousin's face turned white, and the two short legs tactically took a big step back, and said stubbornly.

Huh, it's been a long time since I saw you, and I'm starting to be afraid of life? Chen Yilang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, it is obvious that his little cousin has grown up a bit, and he is a lot more sensible than the last time we met.

Although it's still a furbolg, the younger cousin has already figured out which one can provoke and which one can't...

After a series of post-war summaries, the little cousin can clearly feel that Chen Yilang is the one who he can't afford to offend...

The little cousin has gone through countless attempts, and found that when he is rolling around, most of the relatives in the family will basically get used to him, especially his baby [Mother Bear], and even stand up and use " The reason that the child is still young” is used as a shield to shelter him.

And every time he repeats his old tricks, the younger cousin finds that Chen Yilang seems to never eat his tricks...

Not only did he not eat it, but this hateful and perverted watch pot would even use his deadly trump card [butt blast] on him... It hurts, it hurts too much.

"You're finally here." Hearing Chen Yilang's voice, Liu Shiya jumped out of the room, and took the charging treasure in Chen Yilang's hand unceremoniously.

Along with Liu Shiya, there was [lv15 Prodigy] Fang Shun: "Hello, cousin."

"Oh, it's been a long time, cousin." Chen Yilang greeted him with a smile.

Fang Wenwen's image is still unclothed as always, tall and thin, with a plaid shirt, black-rimmed glasses and a cubit, as well as the stubble around his lips that has not been shaved.

"Cousin said that you are very good at "League of Kings"?" Fang Wenwen said, "What rank is it?"

"Don't listen to her nonsense, I'm very good, I just got a diamond." Chen Yilang laughed.

In fact, he is not quite sure what rank he is now. After all, he has not played for several seasons. The rank of this game has to be reset every new season. After such a long time, even if it is glory, it is not at all to fall back to diamonds. strangeness.

"Ah? You've played the game for so long to get diamonds?" Fang Wenwen said with a surprised expression, "I've only been in the pit for a semester, and I'm about to beat the king! You... can't do it."

Chen Yilang: "...Haha, cousin has a talent for games."

Chatting and chatting, relatives also sat around the dining table and chatted hotly.

"Oh, oh, look at these little ones, it's not easy!" Yang Si said.

"That's right, since these three went to college, there is not much time for everyone to get together for a meal." Auntie said.

"Hey, young people are busy with their studies now, and the environment is not good. Many students who graduated from good schools can't find jobs... If you don't study hard~www.readwn.com~ It's still difficult to compete with others. ." The aunt sighed helplessly.

"Isn't the clerk a senior next year this year? Should I graduate to find a job? Is there a job now?" asked Liu Shiya's mother, Chen Yilang's second aunt.

"Second aunt, I haven't yet."

Fang Wenwen put down the bowl and chopsticks, pushed the heavy glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Chen Yilang, and said old-fashioned: "My second aunt who is going to take the postgraduate entrance examination this year, now goes everywhere in the society, and does not take a heavy book or more. With a master's degree, I can't lift my head when I walk on the road..."

"Nowadays, a lot of people happen to pass the college entrance examination by chance, and then they start to relax after they go to college, and then their grades are in a mess. Not to mention the postgraduate entrance examination, even graduation is not necessarily a drama..."

Chen Yilang: "?"

Damn, just talk when you talk, what do you mean by glancing at me?


Chen Yilang: "?"

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