If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 314: 【Relentless dismantling】

Chen Yilang: "?"

So what happened……

Confused, Chen Yilang doubled his circle of friends again, only to find that more than half of the circle was news about traffic jams at expressway intersections.

Only then did Chen Yilang discover that many of the classmates who used to stay in Beijiang City together chose to go home today.

Then everyone invariably posted the live situation on today's highway in the circle of friends.

In the photos they posted, Chen Yilang could see that the road was already lined with densely packed traffic, and at a glance, it could make you head overwhelmed with traffic.

Just the visual sense of that scene...it's just hopeless.

However, Chen Yilang, who took a ride home by himself, naturally didn't know what happened.

Out of curiosity, Chen Yilang went to the alumni group and asked:

"Good brothers, when I came back today, what was going on on the highway?"

"I don't know, I heard that something went wrong at the intersection. It seems that everyone is still stuck here." [Singer of the Underworld] said.

"Yes, yes, everyone is pulling down the windows to watch and chat, and I'm almost smoking two packs of cigarettes." Another alumnus said helplessly.

"Damn, according to the current situation, if you want to go home, you have to wait until after midnight tonight." Another alumnus said with a sigh.

"Having said that, it's actually quite romantic." Another alumnus said, "We're all singing in Brother Lan's car now, and Brother Lan also said that he will perform a solo "Love You" for us later. come!"

"Hahahaha! Really? Really?"

"Strongly request a live broadcast, Brother Lan is awesome!"

"It's already online, GKDGKD!"


After Chen Yilang's remarks, a lot of [Diving Monsters] were blown up all at once.

And it seems that the people in the car sitting with Lan Jiabin seem to be quite happy.

And just when everyone started to discuss this evening's grand event with great interest, [Iron Man] who was squatting in the dark suddenly spoke again.

"No, no, no, no, no one will really be stuck on the highway on the first day of vacation and can't come back, right?"

"Isn't it true that someone can't eat or drink water at night, and can only squat on the side of the road to watch the sky and hold their urine as romantic, right?"

"Is it because I'm getting old and can't keep up with your definition of romance..."

"So am I the only one who thinks it's fortunate that I didn't rub Lan Jiabin's car and go back together?"

"Fortunately, I also chose to take the motor car home, otherwise I would not be able to sit at the dinner table and eat a hot meal at this point."

[lv13 Iron Man]: "[Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture]..."

[lv13 Iron Man]: "[Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture]"


Not long after [Tie Nan] finished speaking, he casually threw up the photo on the dining table.

On the first day of vacation home, it is quite normal to add vegetables.

So in the photos Tie Nan sent, it can be said that there is a table full of delicacies and big fish and meat...

Chen Yilang recognized Beijiang's most famous seafood dishes at a glance, such as oysters, abalone, mussels, six-year-old snails, shrimps, hairy crabs, etc., which made people dazzled.

The most important thing is that the photos taken by [Tie Nan] do not seem to match his [Tie Nan] image at all.

Not only the choice of angle and light is just right, but the filter can also be said to be used to the point of perfection.

Even across the screen, Chen Yilang, who hasn't had dinner at home, already feels that his saliva is about to flow out... I don't know how the friends in the group are feeling now - including Lan Jiabin.

【Ding! 】

[[lv13 Tie Nan] used [Relentless Poisoning], causing a lot of mental damage to most of the units in [Beijiang Alumni Group]! 】

【Ding! 】

[You used [Murder by Borrowing a Knife], instigated [lv13 Iron Man] to use [Relentless Demolition], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac]! 】

[You got: Gold +2953, Experience +2492! 】


Chen Yilang: "?"

What the heck, why did I instigate others?

One thing to say, isn't this the basic operation of Big Brother Tie Nan?

Except that the photo really doesn't look like something a straight man can take...

"How about it, it looks good, brothers?" [Tie Nan] said with a hint of pride, "Although it was taken by my sister, it's not too much to borrow it?"

No wonder...

I said how could such a beautiful photo come from your hands...

Chen Yilang looked helpless, but he didn't know what to say.

And in reality, Chen Yilang is not the only one who doesn't know how to reply...

This wave of [Tie Nan]'s operation directly left the entire alumni group in the cold.

At this moment, even though he was not on the scene, Chen Yilang was still able to make up the expression of Lan Jiabin at this moment...

I guess it looks ugly like a moldy rotten eggplant?

Naturally, the other alumni were even more afraid to speak.

After all, I have to admit that although [Tie Nan] is really tough, every word he said is very true...

It was a feeling that was so real that it could pierce into their hearts word by word.

——I really regret it!

Why did they choose to go back with Lan Jiabin's car in the first place!

This is definitely the worst decision they have ever made in their lives...

I'm really hungry, tired, thirsty, I want to eat, I want to hug my mother...

I still remember that they were still silently sympathizing with Chen Yilang~www.readwn.com~ but now they feel that they are the real clowns.

However, they couldn't show their dissatisfaction to Lan Jiabin on the surface, so they could only force their smiles and pretend that their time on the highway was warm and romantic... After all, they didn't want to offend Brother Lan. .

At this moment, Lan Jiabin was sitting in the driver's seat, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared...

Fuck it, it's just an old **** unlucky...

I originally thought that I could take this good opportunity to suppress Chen Yilang in front of the goddess Xiong Yuwei, but this time it was good, it was self-defeating...

Xiong Yuwei in the passenger seat yawned a long time, swiping her mobile phone boredly, and had no intention of talking to him at all.

Lan Jiabin thought that he might be able to take advantage of the good opportunity of the traffic jam to get closer to Xiong Yuwei, but now it seems impossible...



Lan Jiabin couldn't help but let out a long sigh of despair in his heart...


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