If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 316: 【Contempt from child prodigy】

"The book is very well said. As expected of a top student in a famous university, he has a vision!"

"Yes, yes, the grades in Shuwen have been so good since childhood. Isn't it easy to get a master's degree?"

"Hey, what you said is wrong, our writing will definitely be guaranteed for graduate school, and we don't need to take the test!"


After Fang Shuwen finished speaking, the relatives on the table echoed with a smile.

"Where and where, there is nothing, everyone has won the prize."

Fang Shuwen pushed his glasses tactically again and smiled humbly: "Nowadays, it's a very simple matter, at least in this major of ours, as long as the grade points are in the top ten of the grade, it is a sure thing..."

"As we all know, for things like the top ten in the grade, you can do it if you have a hand."

After speaking, Fang Shuwen looked at Liu Shiya again and said, "Cousin, with your current grades, if you can keep it up, I don't think it would be difficult to get into our school for the postgraduate entrance examination."

"Really? Thank you cousin for your compliment." Liu Shiya smiled obediently.

"Yes, yes, Liu Shiya is also a primary school bully!"

"Strive to go to your cousin Shuwen's school in the future, and the two brothers and sisters will become alumni together!"

"Shuwen, you can bring more Shiya with you in the future!"


The relatives talked and laughed authentically.

After chatting for a while, the people at the table seemed to be ignoring something, so someone added, "It's not bad for us to wave!"

"Ah yes, Lang Lang is also good!"

"Langlang eat more dishes!"

"Yes, long time no see, why is Lang Lang still so thin!"


Chen Yilang: "..."

Gan, what else can I say?

I can only show everyone a shallow smile on their faces...

The phone in his trouser pocket vibrated slightly, Chen Yilang took it out and took a look, and found that Liu Shiya secretly sent him a message.

"No, why don't they praise you? Didn't you get admitted to Nanxuan University? Your school is on the same level as mine... and your major is not bad." Liu Shiya was particularly puzzled. .

"It's normal." Cousin Chen ^_^ Wen has always had good grades from childhood to adulthood. I grew up from childhood to adulthood, and I stepped on **** luck during the college entrance examination. Naturally, there is no way to change the stereotypes of relatives so quickly. . "

"It seems to be the same." Liu Shiya nodded thoughtfully.

Cousin is right. After all, most of the relatives in the family don't know which universities are good or bad. In their eyes, there are actually only two kinds of schools in China - Beijing University, Qing University and other universities.

Therefore, cousin Fang Shuwen, who was directly recommended to the mathematics department of Beijing University, naturally became a little pride in the family. In their eyes, a child who can be admitted to Beijing University is a child prodigy, and it is worth using infinitely.

What C9, 985, 211... How did they know so much?

A school I've never heard of, that's a normal school...

So even if Chen Yilang was admitted to Nanxuan University, it was a pretty good 985. In their eyes, it was just an ordinary school. How could it be compared with the prodigy of Beijing University?

The aunt and uncle are also very proud of their precious son, and basically they have to brag about it, let alone at such a family gathering.

"That's not it, my family is still very talented and talented in learning!"

Seeing that the topic of relatives has not bypassed the aspect of study, my aunt took this opportunity to quickly stand up and make up her mouth again, "We have an important event in this semester, and I haven't had time to tell you about it. !"

"What's the matter? Tell me!" Auntie echoed.

"Our family Shuwen won a scholarship at Beijing University this semester!"

Auntie said, a logo popped up on the top of her head at the same time:

"Shuwen, tell everyone, how many scholarships did you get in Beijing University?"

"Oh, Mom, it's not much, it's just over 10,000."

Fang Shuwen waved his hand and said with an expression of disapproval.

"Ten thousand? It's promising, Shuwen!"

"If you get 10,000 yuan every year, that's great, you don't have to ask your family for money!"

"Get 10,000 this year, and try to get 20,000 next year!"

"A cup of toast to the book!"


Seeing that Fang Shuwen had gained the limelight again, the aunt was so happy that she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Cousin, what kind of prize did you get?" Chen Yilang had been burying his head in eating, and suddenly heard a topic that he was still interested in, so he raised his head and asked.

"It's just a school award." Fang Shuwen said, "But you also know that it is Beijing University after all, so it's not surprising that the school award is higher than the national award."

Fang Shuwen is right. If Chen Yilang remembers correctly, the national award for undergraduates seems to be worth 8,000 yuan, which is indeed no better than the school award of Beijing University.

"Cousin, you've also been studying at university for almost a year, have you won any awards?" When talking about this, the cousin asked with a smile, intentionally or not.

When the relatives around heard Fang Wenwen's question, they all pricked up their ears curiously.

"I can't be as good as my cousin, so I won a college student entrepreneurial award in our district." Chen Yilang said with a smile.

"District-level award? That seems to be good, how much is it?" Fang Shuwen also seemed to be interested, and asked curiously.

"It's only 5,000 yuan~www.readwn.com~ Chen Yilang smiled helplessly, "It's not much compared to my cousin. "

"That's really not a lot, it's only half of mine."

"But it's not bad, it's much the same as Guoli."

Fang Shuwen's tone changed suddenly, with a bit of disappointment and a bit of hilarity, "But I really haven't heard of this award, maybe because I'm not in that district... So if I want to win this award, what conditions do I need? ?"

"It's just to participate in the entrepreneurship competition for college students in the district, and then as the general manager of the project team to win the gold award." Chen Yilang said.

"So, what project did you do?" Fang Shuwen said.

"A software that sells and delivers to your door both on and off campus." Chen Yilang said.

"Oh, then how did you get the gold award?" Fang Shuwen asked casually.

When the topic came to this point, Fang Shuwen had actually lost interest, so he continued to talk to Chen Yilang.

After all, the award that Chen Yilang won doesn't seem to be very popular, and he has never heard of it, so naturally he has no interest.

And it's only 5,000 yuan... It's far from his 10,000 yuan scholarship, right?

"It should be because that project made around fifty or sixty thousand in school, right?"

Chen Yilang said lightly: "Later the school officials wanted to pay for it, but I have no plans to sell it for the time being."

Fang Shuwen: "...???"

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