If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 313: Come on, it's super cool to get on the high-speed!


[Iron Man] Seriously expressed doubts.

【Ding! 】

[Iron Man] used [Deadly Soul Torture], causing a lot of mental damage to [lv20 Giant Trench Maniac]!

[[Deadly Soul Torture] caused a huge [Spiritual Shock] effect to the target in the surrounding environment, and attached a long-lasting [Silence] state to it! 】


[Tie Nan] These words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, and they instantly made everyone in the group stunned.

Good guy, this guy must be doing it on purpose, right? It must be, it must be! ?

Is there really someone who can be so neurotic!

You dare to ask this kind of question in public, isn't it just to make it clear that you are going to pick something up?

At this time, due to the blessing of the [Silence] effect, the entire group chat of the alumni association was already dead silent.

If you listen carefully, you can even hear a few crows flying over the sky.





All in all, the scene is very embarrassing.

However, it seems that the only people who feel embarrassed are the people who eat melons.

And embarrassment is embarrassing, it has nothing to do with them, they are just embarrassing for Chen Yilang.

Anyway, they are not the parties, it doesn't matter!

It's their brother Lang. I feel like I'm so embarrassed by this [Iron Man] that I'm going to spiral into the sky...

Originally speaking, if [Tie Nan] could honestly stay by the side without making a sound, then nothing would actually happen.

After all, everyone is well aware of what's going on, as long as no one picks it up, just hit a few hahas and it's over.

But this stunned green [Tie Nan] is not.


Lan Jiabin was a little amused by [Tie Nan]'s extremely serious tone, and he didn't know how to answer his question for a while.

"I'm a little confused by your question."


"I'm afraid you forgot, Brother Lang was also a big man who drove a car around the school, right?"

"And if I remember correctly, Brother Lang seems to be driving a Cayenne. It's much higher-end than my car!"

"So do you think Brother Lang will like my car?"

Lan Jiabin casually sent a few funny dog-head emojis and said, "Am I right, Minister Chen Yilang?"

When they saw this, everyone in the group was also secretly laughing.

Because in fact, everyone knew later that the Cayenne that Chen Yilang drove to the school at that time was not actually his car.

Then everyone vaguely recalled that the one who drove with Chen Yilang before seemed to be a very noble-looking woman who was much older than them at first glance.

As for the relationship between that woman and Brother Lang... who knows, hehe?

【Ding! 】

[[lv20 Giant Trench Maniac] used [Yin-Yang Weird Qi], causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】

【HP-756! 】


Chen Yilang on the other side of the screen squinted, feeling the bad breath from the other side.

This Lan Jiabin is worthy of being an old fritters, and he can even use this topic... It seems that this guy can't be underestimated.

"Where is it, Brother Lan, you say such things!" Chen Yilang immediately sent a few expressions and responded cheerfully, "It's okay, it's okay, you are just enough people to go back with Brother Lan, we will be there. See you at my alma mater."

"Okay, see you at my alma mater!"

"Brother Lang, take care of your health!"

"We will miss you, Brother Lang!"


A bunch of strange speeches popped up soon.

At first glance, it seems that there is no problem, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that something is not right.

But no matter what, the matter was settled in the end.

In fact, this is actually just in line with Chen Yilang's intention.

After all, he didn't want to squeeze in a car with Lan Jiabin...

Brother Lang has always been an introverted and timid boy, so he can completely predict what will happen when he sits in the same car with a social terrorist like Lan Jiabin.

Just thinking about that scene would make me feel terrifying... Compared with this, Chen Yilang would rather buy a train ticket, sit quietly in the carriage and watch the good learning videos, and then get home safely.

But of course, riding the train is also a bit risky. After all, he didn't dare to confirm whether he would encounter some more difficult [Bear Monster] and [Mother Bear] in the carriage.

The pleasant alumni group chat just ended.

Not long after exiting WeChat, when Chen Yilang was about to go to sleep, he heard the sound of the system popping up.

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations! 】

[You triggered the [Lucky] skill! 】

[In the [Lucky] state, every choice you make will get a lucky bonus! 】



Why is the [Lucky] state triggered again?

Chen Yilang was a little confused.

After all, the trigger condition of this [Lucky] effect is really weird.

According to the skill mechanism, it is generally triggered when Chen Yilang makes a certain key choice.

But this kind of probability is not very big. Long ago, Chen Yilang didn't even see it activated.

However, as his level continued to increase, his luck attribute value also increased, so now, the probability of the [Lucky] skill triggering has also increased a lot.


"Now the skill is indeed triggered, then what?"

"It feels like nothing happened..."

Chen Yilang was even more puzzled.

That's all...

Since this dog system said so, it must have his reasons.

Chen Yilang put this matter aside for the time being~www.readwn.com~ bought tomorrow's ticket, and then took a good sleep.

The first thing I did when I woke up the next day was to pack up the salute first.

This is not a small project, after all, it is a two-month long vacation, and there are naturally a lot of things to bring home.

It took Chen Yilang almost an hour to pack everything.

Eat a meal at noon, take a light nap, and wake up in the afternoon, it's time to go out.

Chen Yilang pinpointed the time, and after finishing the last qualifying round, he immediately pushed his suitcase and left the dormitory.

The way home was also very smooth. Because of the extra time, Chen Yilang didn't even bother to stroll around the subway commercial street for a while.

When we returned to Beijiang City, it was just in the evening.

Chen Yilang took out his mobile phone and opened his circle of friends, wanting to see the news of other alumni going home.

However, I didn't see the content about going home, but I saw the dynamic that swiped the entire circle of friends——

"Please! It's super cool to be stuck in traffic at the highway intersection for two hours, right?"

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