If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

: Three hundred and twelve [ice sigh]

Latest website: The final exam is coming as scheduled.

The exam time for the first subject was almost a week apart from the last subject.

After finishing the last subject, Chen Yilang walked out of the examination room and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the first school year ended without a hitch.

I really don't know if I don't come here. It turns out that the feeling of going to college is like this...

So from today, I can be considered an old fritters, right?

"Let's go, Brother Lang, see you next semester!"

"Wuwuwu Brother Lang, I've been suspended..."

"Brother Lang, Brother Lang, when you have free time in the future, I will go to your house to find you to eat seafood!"


Not long after the exam, the dog boys in the dormitory immediately left the dormitory with big bags and small bags on their backs.

Chen Yilang is already used to it. After all, he has seen even worse things. For example, there is someone in the next dormitory who pushes suitcases to class, and immediately rushes to the airport or station after the exam, without any sloppiness at all.

However, Brother Lang was not in a hurry, but just slowly packed his luggage.

At this moment, the phone beeped.

Chen Yilang took a look and found that it was news from the alumni group.

This group has actually been inactive for quite some time.

After entering the university, everyone has their own new classes and new classmates, and they have to start to cope with their own schoolwork and courses.

Human energy is limited, and everyone has their own busy things, so naturally they don’t have so much leisure time to eat and greet old classmates.

So at this time, the group suddenly became active, which suddenly aroused Chen Yilang's interest.

When I opened it, I saw the first person to speak.

Not surprisingly, it was Lan Jiabin.

Lan Jiabin: "Alumni and classmates, when do you plan to go back? [Smile] [Smile]"

In fact, Chen Yilang is not particularly active on weekdays, and his time in the water group is really limited.

But in his impression, it seems that most of the time, every chat of this alumni group is initiated by Lan Jiabin.

Sure enough, it was the same this time.

Lan Jiabin's appeal in the alumni group is still not to be underestimated. Not long after he spoke, a large group of people suddenly appeared below.

"Here comes the blue brother!"

"I'm here, does Mr. Lan have any instructions?"

"How do you say blue brother? Do you need a driver? I'll be there soon!"


As if they had agreed, as soon as they heard Lan Jiabin's speech, the [diving monsters] began to emerge one after another, and began to launch various [rainbow farts] at Lan Jiabin.

And Chen Yilang was still the same as before, just squatting down and peeking at the screen, not talking much.

After all, this place is mainly Lan Jiabin's home ground.

This [lv20 Crazy Trench Troll] has been in the student council since high school, and he has had friendships with this group of alumni, whether deep or shallow, so naturally, it is to give him face.

But at this time, a [diving monster] suddenly said, "By the way, what about Brother Lang? Why do I feel that I rarely see Brother Lang talking? It's so boring when Brother Lang is not here!"

【Ding! 】

【caution! 】

[[lv2 diving monster] activated the skill: ice sigh! 】

[Ice Sigh: A skill that can cause excellent [cold field] and [freeze] effects under a certain [map] and [environment]. 】

The moment this [Diving Monster] spoke, the alumni group froze for half a minute...

There is no way, after all, everyone almost doesn't know how to answer this.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the relationship between their blue brother and Chen Yilang seems to be a bit delicate.

Everyone began to know the grievances between the two, and it started with Xiong Yuwei at first... Lan Jiabin obviously had a good impression of Xiong Yuwei, but the latter seemed to prefer to revolve around Brother Lang.

Brother Lan, a man who feels so good about himself and possesses [money ability], could not do better than Chen Yilang, which would naturally make him unhappy.

And then, of course, it was the famous scene that happened there when we first met last year...

No one needs to explain this. If they were Lan Jiabin, they wanted to kill Chen Yilang themselves.

And this [lv2 diving monster] has a stunned look of iron and naive, and actually said in front of their blue brother that Lang is not interesting?

Wouldn't this not give them Blue Brother face at all!

"Hey..." Chen Yilang couldn't help but shivered. Damn, it's just a second-level mobs, and it's actually so lethal, it's abominable!

After the group was cold for a long time, Lan Jiabin seemed to ignore the [lv2 diving monster] and continued: "So there are still alumni who haven't bought the tickets yet. Are you planning to go home today and tomorrow? I want to see everyone. Case."

Soon someone below began to respond.

Chen Yilang also replied casually.

He did plan to buy a ticket for tonight's trip. Since Lan Jiabin wants to make statistics, he will cooperate with him.

After reading it, Lan Jiabin said:

"Actually, it's nothing. I'm planning to drive back to Beijiang tonight."

"Then I wanted to take a look at who else was going back, so I took it along tonight."

"I took a look. There are five brothers in total. My car is a seven-seater. Besides Xiong Yuwei and I, I can take five more people... just right!"

As soon as Lan Jiabin said these words, everyone became excited.

There is a hitchhiker, who doesn't want to ride here!

And he was still riding in Brother Blue's car, so he had a lot of face and a lot of wind!

Of course, the most important thing is to save some money on the ticket... Everyone is a student, and the fare of a hundred yuan is still very distressing.

Rubbing the car can not only save a little money, but also very comfortable, who doesn't want to rub it?

Men, of course, like to rub!

Just when everyone was very happy and excited, [lv14 Iron Man], who had been lurking in the depths for a long time, seemed to have found some blind spot and said:

"Isn't it right, can you guys slow down and read the news, and see clearly! There are obviously six people talking!"

Everyone in the group was stunned for a moment, only to realize that there really seemed to be six people...

Brother Lan told them directly about five people just now, and they didn't pay attention. After a closer look, they realized that there were really six.

There just happened to be one more person... Isn't this a bit embarrassing?

"Don't tell me, the extra person, are you going to tie him to the roof of the car?"

[Tie Nan] sent out a flexible question, which made everyone embarrassed and wanted to laugh...

After all, the brain circuit of a straight man is really difficult to understand. You have no idea whether he is joking with you or whether he is really asking questions very seriously.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Lan Jiabin answered directly without hesitation:

"That's right, six people!"

"I didn't count Chen Yilang in it!"

As soon as Lan Jiabin said these words, the entire group chat of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was instantly silent as death, and the needle drop could be heard.

If the previous cold field was just a trivial appetizer, then this wave can be called a direct explosion.

"Damn it, is Lan so rigid!"

"It's not giving any face at all, isn't it?"

"Are you going to tear it up? So excited, so excited..."

The [Diving Monsters] changed their bodies, and at this moment, they all turned into [Melon Eaters].

And then, the deadliest thing happened-


The serious [Iron Man] once again questioned his soul.

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