If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 309: 【Highlight moment】

A weekend morning that should have been sunny and sunny.

The campus of Nanxuan University was in chaos.

Under the building area of ​​a certain girls' dormitory, a large crowd of Wuyangyang had already gathered at this time.

The horns of consumer cars and security cars were crowded with people, and the security guards and firefighters were discussing the next steps vigorously.

The onlookers and the students nearby kept holding their mobile phones to take pictures. Within a short time, there was a message that a girl was going to jump off the building, and it spread frantically throughout the campus through channels such as circle of friends and forums.

"Everyone put down their phones and other camera equipment!"

"We need to stabilize the client's emotions now, don't stimulate the client any more!"

The sheriff shouted loudly.

"Dear classmates, what we are facing now is an event related to human life. Please put away all your feelings of eating melons and watching the excitement, and actively cooperate with the work of the comrades of the security guards!"

The school leaders are also giving orders in a serious voice.

Surrounded by such a solemn atmosphere, the students who gradually realized the seriousness of the matter also obeyed the order obediently and put down the electronic equipment in their hands.

"Classmate! Could you please calm down first?"

"Before you plan to commit suicide, think about your parents, your family, your relatives and friends!"

"Think about what their future life would be like if they lost you?"

"How miserable, how sad will they be?"

"So please calm down a little first, and let our psychological counselor go up to chat with you for a while, okay?" The security captain stood downstairs in the dormitory and said to the **** the roof.

"No! I don't want it! I don't listen, I don't listen!" The girl shouted emotionally in a crying voice, "You are all bad people, you are all lying to me! Don't come here, stay away from me point!"

Chen Yilang wrinkled, looking at this NPC desperate little girl, the logo on the top of her head actually became more shiny...

It seems that the mad comfort of the security captain not only did not have a good effect, but even aggravated her mood swings... It is simply reverse persuasion.

But this can't blame the security captain. He looks like an experienced old security guard. What kind of big scene has he not seen?

It's just that the girl he met today was indeed unusual, far more difficult than the situation he had encountered before...

The firefighters who had been on standby all the time and wanted to go up and lay the safety air cushion were all discouraged all of a sudden.

After all, the current mood of this little sister who wants to commit suicide is too high, like a ticking time bomb. If she rushes up, no one can guarantee what will happen by then.

"Is this all right? Then tell me, what should we do now?"

The fire chief was quite dissatisfied by the somewhat irritable attitude of the security chief just now. Seeing that the rescue plan could not be carried out smoothly, he complained to the public security chief with some anger.

"What can I do? Others' little sisters don't cooperate with the rescue, why do they still have to come?"

The security captain was also a little irritable, "I can only wait and see what happens next."

"If you want me to say, if you can't be soft, you can go hard!" said the fire chief. "I will send a few experienced people to sneak in from the back, go upstairs directly from the back door, and control the little sister and it's over."

After thinking about it for a while, the security captain felt that this was the only way to do it right now, but he didn't know much about the terrain around the dormitory, so he asked the students around him about the situation.

"Uncle, there is only one door in this dormitory area. If you want to enter, you can only go here."

Several girls said, "We are the students living here. The back door of that building is locked all the year round. I have never seen it open in my mind."

The fire chief was also lost in thought after hearing this.

The meaning of the words of the girls is very simple, that is, if you want to rush to the rooftop to control the parties, you must rush in from the gate.

In the process of rushing in, they will definitely be seen by the parties involved.

Once the client sees it, her emotions will definitely be more excited, adding greater risk and difficulty to the next rescue operation.

But if you don't rush into it, it's really not an option to drag it all the time, and it's also very dangerous.

Because as time goes by little by little, noon is coming.

At that time, the temperature will rise, and under the noon sun exposure, the person's physical strength is likely to be unable to hold on, and there is also the risk of falling from the building.

The rescue operation fell into a dead end for a while...

Just like that, about ten minutes passed.

However, the progress of the rescue at the scene did not change at all.

The firefighters and the security guards were still in a stalemate, the school leaders were still doing their spiritual comfort work downstairs in the dormitory, and the girl standing on the roof was always very excited.



Be careful, the intensity of [Blazing Flames] in the environment is increasing!

High-intensity [blazing fire] will cause [npc despairing little girl] to have higher and more violent mental fluctuations, and enter a more advanced state of [upper head]!

Please pay attention to the progress of the hidden mission!

"Looks like I can't wait..."

Chen Yilang thought silently.

As an old player, at this moment, he must make a move.

And in fact, within these ten minutes, he has indeed thought of a solution.

But this tactic... let's just say, the risk is really great.

And the probability of success, he can't say how much.

In short... the difficulty is not small, and it should belong to the high-level operation.

Then comes the problem.

"Am I not a high-level gamer?"

Brother Lang sent out a torture from the soul in his heart.

If reality is a game, then his game time has been eighteen years.

Eighteen years!

In this world, what kind of game can survive for 18 years?

Chen Yilang really thought about it silently in his heart, and found that he didn't find the answer.


He really played this game called "Life" for 18 years.

Eighteen years, isn't it still a high-level game?

Playing "Jedi Elite", no matter how skilled you are, as long as you stick to the ground, you will have the day to eat chicken.

Solo row "League of Kings", if you are lucky, you can even get five kills twice a day.


He has been playing this game called "Life" for 18 years.

It's been eighteen years, so there must have been so many highlights, right?

However, when Chen Yilang raised his finger to count, he found that he really didn't seem to be able to recall it all at once.

—In his unremarkable life, there are really no highlights to show off.

Time is like a sticky snail, slowly and leisurely running over his dull years like boiled water... It seems that there are indeed traces left, but after drying, there is nothing left.

Why don't you leave some extraordinary traces in your "Life" game this time?

At least when I am in my 70s and 80s, I can still brag with the most beautiful old lady in the square without blushing and heartbeat, right?

"System, open the backpack."

Chen Yilang said in a deep voice.


Entered [Backpack Bar].

Chen Yilang flipped through the grid of the backpack with his mind, and quickly flipped through it.

And soon enough, he found what he was looking for.

- Invisibility cloak.

Yes, that's right, that's the thing.

The innocent and innocent brother Lang had always wondered what kind of occasions this strange prop would be able to play a role in.

Until today... Brother Lang finally understood the real answer.

After taking out the cloak, Chen Yilang quietly retreated to the blind spot of the crowd while all the attention was still on the girls on the roof, and then he waved the cloak with both hands, quickly. He took off his cloak and instantly disappeared into nothingness.

call out!

You successfully used the item [Invisibility Cloak]!

You have entered the state: Invisibility!

Invisibility: A state that disappears from the sight of other targets through light and shadow effects. In this state, [colorless energy crystals] will continue to be consumed, but it cannot be immune to any damage!

"Okay, thanks for reminding me."

Chen Yilang smiled slightly, put on a cape, and unknowingly retreated from the crowd.

the same moment.

On the top of the building, the young lady couldn't control her emotions all of a sudden, she stood up, waved her arms, and was about to jump down.

"God, she seems to be about to jump, look!"

Xia Ling was so frightened that her face turned pale all of a sudden, she stretched out her hand and wanted to grab Chen Yilang's arm beside her.

This was her subconscious move, because she felt that as long as she held classmate Chen like this, she would have a very reassuring sense of security.


To her surprise, she actually caught an empty one.

"Eh eh?"

"Chen Yilang?"

Xia Ling was stunned, and couldn't help blurting out Chen Yilang's name all of a sudden.

She stood in the crowd, looking around in panic.

However, apart from the faces of unfamiliar passers-by, she didn't even see a shadow of Chen Yilang.

"…What about people?"

Xia Ling looked bewildered.

How about such a big person?

It was obvious that he was still beside him just now, how can he disappear when he doesn't see it?

At this moment.

Chen Yilang himself, who had long disappeared from Xia Ling's field of vision, had already passed through the layers of crowds and came to the opposite side of the road.

Of course he couldn't let Xia Ling notice him in advance, so he took advantage of the fact that Xia Ling's attention was temporarily not on him, he pulled out of the crowd and put on the cloak of invisibility.

And the next thing he wants to do is to wear the stealth effect of the cloak and rush all the way into the girls' dormitory area.

The fact is that Chen Yilang did it.

In a state of stealth, he pierced through the crowd, and swaggered into the dormitory area under all vision.

Under the stealth, he is no different from the ghost that has been disappearing without a trace, and he easily enters the gate.

- None of the people on the field noticed that while everyone was at a loss, an invisible guy had slipped into this dormitory under their noses.

"There is no elevator in this dormitory. The stairs on the west side of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com are locked on the fourth floor, and the only stairs leading to the rooftop are on the south side..."

With his memory, Chen Yilang quickly ran towards the roof at a high speed.

But the last time I came to this place was during labor class... It was also the first time that Chen Yilang entered the girls' dormitory with a reasonable and legal identity.

At that time, he was still full of great curiosity when he first entered, but only when he was in it did he realize that the girls' dormitory was nothing more than that, and it was not necessarily different from the boys' dormitory.


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