If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 310: 【Hardcore persuasion to surrender】


The sound of the rooftop door being kicked open exploded, and the girl standing on the edge of the building was startled and looked in the direction of the door following the sound.

She was really taken aback and almost lost her focus.

She subconsciously became tense, for fear that the next moment, some sturdy brothers with bigger chest muscles than her would rush from behind the gate on the rooftop, and then press her to the ground like crabs to control her.

But what immediately came was confusion, because she didn't see anyone at all...

"Who's there?" The young lady shouted symbolically, her face full of doubts.

However, in the next second, she heard a gust of wind blowing in her face!

Before she could react, she felt that her skirt seemed to be pulled by someone...


The young lady's face suddenly turned pale, and she instantly showed a look of extreme terror.

Who is it!

There was no one in her sight, but she could clearly feel that someone was indeed holding her.

And it was still her skirt, which made her even more frightened, and she almost couldn't hold back the idea of ​​screaming and shouting a pervert on the spot.

Of course she wouldn't know that at this moment, a man named Chen Yilang had come under her skirt...

But of course, Brother Lang is a gentleman, and it is naturally impossible to do such an obscene satyr behavior.

The reason why Chen Yilang pulled her skirt was because he could only pull her skirt...

This [npc desperate little girl] was wearing an ankle-length skirt, and was still standing on the guardrail. With her position and posture, the only way to pull her up from the guardrail was to hold her skirt. .

Otherwise, you can't always pull your ankle, right? If you analyze the force a little bit, you will know how outrageous this action is. Maybe no one can be saved, and she even assisted her and jumped off the building...

In this way, after grabbing the other side's skirt, Chen Yilang decisively pulled the girl off and pulled her into his arms. The two of them landed together, cushioned, and then rolled on the ground. several laps.

At this time, the cloak on Chen Yilang's body also fell due to the tumbling.

In order not to attract attention and arouse suspicion, Chen Yilang immediately put away the cloak and put it back into the [Inventory] in an instant.

In addition, Chen Yilang is also trying to save a little [colorless energy crystal block]...

He had consumed too much colorless in the general election campaign before, and he now has very little stock left.

And his [Invisibility Cloak] consumes crystals almost all the time. Who can resist the speed of burning money?

Even if Chen Yilang didn't put away the cloak, the [invisibility] state on his body wouldn't last long.

At that time, if she suddenly appears, I'm afraid it won't scare the young lady to death on the spot.

So after the two rolled on the ground for a while, Chen Yilang appeared without her noticing.

"Who are you?"

After the young lady stood up blankly from the ground, she found Chen Yilang who was beside her, "Where did you come from?"

"It's not important, senpai, listen to me."

Chen Yilang's eyes suddenly changed, with one part indifference, two parts serious, three parts sharp, and four parts gentle:

"Look at the world, how beautiful it is!"

"Look at this sky, it's bright and blue, look at this cloud, it's white and big..."

"So why can't you think about it?"

"Let's take a good look at this world that treats you kindly! And in this world, there are many lovely people who love you!"

"Also, you may not know how painful it is to commit suicide by jumping off a building?"

When he said this, Chen Yilang lowered his voice, showed a creepy smile, and continued gloomily:

"When you are in free fall, the weightlessness you experience on your body will make your adrenaline pump like crazy, you will start to feel dizzy, restless, anxious..."

[npc desperate little girl]: "?"

"When you fall at a high speed, your body will be in severe pain like a knife's edge, your brain and eyes will continue to be congested, your eyes will be blurred, and the high-pressure airflow brought by the speed will penetrate into your nose, ears, throat, and ears. The eardrum, the sinuses will feel the pain of tearing..."

"You will feel an extremely terrifying suffocation, as if someone is strangling your neck, your muscles also feel the signal of death and begin to contract, the body will twitch in conditioned reflex, and the joints will tremble involuntarily..."

[npc desperate little girl]: "???"

"And think about it, if you really jumped off the building, how hard would it be to describe the scene?"

"If I say that jumping off a building is the most inelegant and the most tragic way to die, you shouldn't have any opinion, right?"

"Because at the moment of landing, you will hear a crisp sound of 'ba chi', and then you will crack, stick, and splash like a raw egg!"

"Your bones may pierce your organs and soft tissues like knives, your heart, lungs, throat, thighs... And the moment your head hits the ground, I bet you will hear the cracking sound of your skull shattering, the blood in your brain It will flow from all the places it can!"

[npc desperate little girl]: "???????"

【Ding! 】

[You used [Hardcore Persuasion to Surrender], causing huge mental damage to [npc desperate little girl] that is no different from a nuclear explosion! 】

[You got: Gold +4982, Experience +4311! 】

[The target was hit hard by your [hard-core persuasion] and has entered a state of [doubtful life]! 】

[Doubtful life: In this state, the mental attributes and intelligence attributes of the target are greatly reduced, the aggression is reduced to zero, and the mobility is reduced to zero. 】


【Ding! 】

[Your [Hardcore Persuasion to Surrender] caused huge mental intimidation damage to [lv15 Depressed Spirits]! 】

[[lv15 Depressed Spirit] Died due to being too surprised! 】

[You killed the [lv15 Depressing Spirit]! 】

[You got: Gold +2121, Experience +1921! 】

【Ding! 】

【Congratulations on completing the Hidden Mission: Superhero! 】

[You got: Gold +30212, Experience +20212! 】

【Ding! 】

【You have gained a new title: Campus Hero! 】

【Your level has been improved! 】

[Current level: lv17! 】

[Current reputation value: 4500! 】


Nice, it worked!

After hearing the system's voice, the delighted Chen Yilang heaved a long sigh of relief, and was completely relieved.

Sure enough!

The best way to persuade a suicide is not a gentle confession, but the fear of death!

So Chen Yilang slowed down his voice and slowly began to finish:

"Besides, things like jumping off a building not only look at your body, but also affect public safety!"

"You fall from such a high place, even if you don't hit the children, it's not good to hit the flowers and plants!"

"Of course, if you really died the moment you landed, that would be a good thing... But if you are unfortunate enough to survive and become a vegetable... Abaabaa Baaba..."

"!?!? I know, I know, I know! Please don't say it again!" [The little girl who dares not to despair] broke the defense again.

She was almost driven crazy by Chen Yilang.

Originally, after crying for a long time, I almost finished crying. After being stimulated by Chen Yilang, I cried again on the spot with a "wow".

And he was even more excited than he was crying at the beginning... What kind of devil is this man!

"..." This time, Chen Yilang couldn't get it right.

I'm going, don't... girl, don't do this!

I'm obviously here to save you, I'm a good person!

You are crying in front of me now, and your skirt is still a little disheveled, which makes it hard for me to explain!

Just as Chen Yilang was racking his brains on how to appease the [little girl whose NPCs dare not despair], the door to the rooftop was pushed open again.

And the people who rushed in from behind the door this time were really a group of big muscled men with long spears and short sticks.

The brothers of the firefighters rushed to the rooftop like a group of vicious tigers, rushing towards Chen Yilang and the [little girl who dare not despair]. With their professional skills and qualities, they were able to control the two. .

"Report, the parties have been controlled!"

"No other anomalies were found!"

"The client is very emotional, but it seems that he has no urge to continue to speak softly!"

"The rescue operation is complete!"


The firefighters and security guards downstairs breathed a sigh of relief, while the school leaders and students wept with joy, hugged each other and wept.

The scene that I experienced today is really shocking.

Logically, the plots and plots that should only happen in movies or dog-blood TV series actually happened in front of me... It's like a **** dream.

But what puzzled them was, how did the girl fall backwards at that moment?

It was as if he had been hit by some kind of magic, and was pulled halfway back by an invisible big hand...

Almost all of them were curious about this, but they were standing downstairs, and it was impossible to see what was happening behind the girl from this angle.

Even the firefighters and security guards didn't react at the time.

In short, after seeing the [little girl who did not dare to despair] fall down, the security chief and the fire chief reached a consensus at the same time, and ordered the rescue operation.

The air-cushioned ones rushed downstairs in the dormitory, and the other team rushed to the rooftop on the top floor with lightning speed. Then, when they broke through the gate, they saw Chen Yilang and the girl.

So where did this male classmate come from... The firefighter brothers were a little dumbfounded.

Could it be that...he came to line up to jump off the building?

But it's too late to think so much now. In order to prevent this boy from having any dangerous thoughts, he immediately separated one or two people, and directly pushed Chen Yilang to death after a wave of males and males.

In this way, the tough and great fire officers and soldiers saved two fresh young lives and allowed the two delicate flowers of the motherland to continue to bloom in the bright sunshine.

And the only one who knows the truth, Brother Lang, is naturally in the dark at this moment, hiding his merits and fame, smiling and not speaking.

"Student, why are you here?"

After following everyone downstairs, a security guard came up immediately and asked with a serious face, while the other security guard on the side was pulling out his notebook, ready to record the words of this mysterious boy at any time.

Chen Yilang hurriedly said, "It's a coincidence..."

The security guard raised his eyebrows: "A coincidence? Will you come to the rooftop if you have nothing to do?"

Chen Yilang hurriedly said: "It's a coincidence, uncle, isn't it just me who is about to take the final exam recently? It's a bit stressful, if I fail the course, I won't have any credits, and if I don't have enough credits, I won't be able to graduate! So! I've been very anxious recently, so I thought about going to the rooftop to blow air, relieve the pressure a little, and relax..."

Security guard: "Oh? So in order to relieve the pressure, I ran to the rooftop of the girls' dormitory to get a hair dryer?"

Chen Yilang: "..."

Gan, why do you pay attention to such details?

Just when the innocent and innocent brother Lang was speechless, the **** the side spoke.

[The little girl who doesn't dare to despair]: "Uncle security guard, in fact, this classmate saved me just now."

"Huh?" The two security guards were dumbfounded.

"Well, when I was hesitating, it was this classmate who pulled me down from the rooftop."

[The little girl who dare not despair] sighed softly, "Then he told me a lot of truth, at that moment, my thoughts were actually dispelled by him... I may have been a little excited just now, but now When I calm down and think about it, I do feel very scared."

She looked at Chen Yilang with sincere eyes, and said very sincerely: "Thank you, classmate, I owe you a lot... Thank you very much for everything you have done for me today."

"In the future, I will definitely live a good life and live up to everyone around me who loves me, as well as those I love..."

"If you don't have a dissertation, you can write it again. If you don't graduate, you can read it for another year... But life is only once!"

Chen Yilang listened to her words and watched the "upper head" status sign on top of her disappear gradually, a feeling of relief suddenly flooded into his heart.

He was very satisfied with this ending...

If this girl really thinks so, then what he has done today is quite worth it.

The two security guards looked at each other~www.readwn.com~ and nodded, expressing their approval to Chen Yilang.

It seems that this young man has really done a good deed that is quite commendable.

And seriously, if it wasn't for him, their rescue operation wouldn't have gone so well.

So far, why this kid appeared in the girls' dormitory, and still on the rooftop, seems to have become less important...

He may smoke and drink and burn his head, or he may be a dead bt, but... he is a good boy!




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