If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 308: Jump off the building!

【Ding! 】

[[npc Xia Ling] used [Invisible Flirting] to attack you! 】

[You have suffered a lot of mental shock damage! 】

【HP-520! 】

【Please keep calm! 】


Hearing the sound of this system, Chen Yilang's mouth twitched, and his eggs hurt instantly.

Damn, this time it didn't avoid him, but let him calm down... His own bottom line was completely understood.

But what Chen Yilang has to admit is that although he is indeed a bit ashamed, he was really told by this guy.

——Really caught by this woman.

Damn it, why is this woman so **** sweet!

And she clearly

"It turns out that holding hands with my sister is such a feeling..."

"Why does Mao feel that her palms sweat more than me?"

Curious baby Chen Yilang has some doubts in his heart.

"Cough, really... I have a huge appetite." Chen Yilang frantically rubbed his nose, and his other nervous hand should have nowhere to rest, but at this moment, Xia Ling held him tightly. Hold it in the palm of your hand.

"Hahahaha! Cut, just you?"

Xia Ling was still a little restrained at first, but when he heard Chen Yilang say this, his little face didn't hold back, and he smiled happily:

"Your appetite is less than half of mine, is it too embarrassing to say that you eat a lot? Hahaha..."

【Ding! 】

[[npc Xia Ling] used [Upright Taunt], causing a lot of mental damage to you! 】

【HP-324! 】



So even a small appetite should be ridiculed? Chilled, when will we men stand up!

But just thinking of this, Chen Yilang realized that something was not quite right.

It was the same for Xia Ling. After just saying these words, she also instantly realized that she seemed to have said something wrong.

As a girl, is it really something to be proud of if you eat a lot...

After laughing happily for a while, the smile on Xia Ling's face with a slightly longer reflex arc suddenly disappeared.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

The most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air... Chen Yilang, who was suddenly cold again for some reason, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

So at this time, we should think of some way to save the field, right?

It's hard to hold the little soft hand of the beautiful sister, this is a bit too ruined!

"There must be a way, think about it and think about it..."

Chen Yilang grabbed Xia Ling's hand nervously, and the beads of sweat on his forehead kept coming out.



After the two frantically pulled for a while, they spoke in unison.

However, just when the two of them made a sound, they only heard a large number of screams coming from not far away.

"Help, it's a life!"

"Someone is going to jump off the building!"

"Whoever has a mobile phone on his body should call the police!"


The panicked shouts suddenly disrupted the thoughts of the two of them.

Jump off the building?

How is this going?

Chen Yilang and Xia Ling looked at each other~www.readwn.com~ and then ran to the source of the sound at the same time.

After a while, the two followed the voice to a dormitory area for girls.

At this moment, a large number of people have gathered under a dormitory building.

On the rooftop of the building, a girl dressed as a student sat on the edge of the building, crying with tears on her face.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Chen Yilang couldn't help but leaned forward and asked a boy who was watching.

(I have a cold today and feel unwell QAQ... I will make up for it tomorrow.)


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