If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 307: 【fruit Ninja】

【Ding! 】

[You used [Excellent Aura] and won a lot of goodwill from [npc Xia Ling]! 】

[[npc Xia Ling]'s favorability has been greatly improved! 】

[Current favorability: 70%! 】


Chen Yilang: "???"

I top?

What's going on here?

He obviously didn't do anything, why is the progress bar just soaring...

I'm sorry, does it have something to do with my running for the upper minister again... Chen Yilang silently sighed in his heart that this world is real, but after thinking about it carefully, after all, he became the minister of the student union in his freshman year. , Normal people will definitely think that he is young and promising, with excellent character and study, so it is not surprising.

Although only he clearly realized in his own heart, in fact, he was essentially a scum with insufficient experience and huge room for improvement.

However, compared to the students of the same class, he is indeed a lot ahead of everyone.

"Morning." Chen Yilang greeted with a lazy face, squinted his eyes and smiled, "This dress is beautiful today, it suits you very well.

"Yes, yes~" Xia Ling's face showed a happy smile, and then turned around in a circle, "I just bought it a few days ago, and I feel good too! It's a pity that it's too short, so I asked the clerk. Is there another size up, she said no..."

Um? What nonsense, what is short, this is not just right... Chen Yilang complained silently in his heart, and at the same time couldn't help but glanced at Xia Ling's skirt with the corner of his eye.

When she walked around with her long legs, the skirt swayed up and down like a butterfly, which really made him feel a little itchy.

Along the way, due to Xia Ling's sake, Chen Yilang also made a lot of turning heads.

When walking on the school road, when passing a group of boys, Chen Yilang seemed to hear their muttering.

"Damn, why does that dead house have such a good-looking girlfriend!"

"Don't be sad, what if it's not a boyfriend, just a spare tire?"

"That's right, everything has to be in a good place..."


【Ding! 】

[[lv16 Lemon Monsters] launched the [Acid Spray] skill and attacked you! 】

[[Acid spray] caused a lot of mental damage to you! 】



[Lemon Monster: A monster that has been upgraded and evolved from [Lemon Essence] many times, with a lower pH value and a more sour taste! 】


This **** lemon monster is really bad enough... Chen Yilang silently complained in his heart.

This series of [acid jets] directly made him and Xia Ling a little embarrassed.

And this hasn't stopped, because the group of [Lemon Monsters] has been following behind the two of them, and their pace is almost the same as theirs, so the state of the two has always been a bit like maintaining a relatively static state. .

So the group of [Lemon Monsters] behind them began to continuously spray acid at Chen Yilang frantically.

Chen Yilang could even hear the sound of their acid erupting.


Your mother is outrageous!





Chen Yilang felt a little tired as he watched his life value continue to bleed.

It's really embarrassing, these dead lemon monsters don't seem to know the principle of accepting it when it's good?

Even if it is done once or twice, it will not stop?

almost got it...

Chen Yilang was upset by the group of [Lemon Monsters], and today's beautiful morning date with the girl was about to be ruined by them.

And this group of annoying guys is like a group of dead flies, buzzing behind them all the time, not only has no idea of ​​stopping, but even has an intensifying trend.

"Ha ha."

"Tigers don't show off when I'm hellokitty"

Chen Yilang sneered in his heart.

Uncle can bear it, aunt can't bear it.

Brother Lang has already made up his mind to clean up these dead lemon monsters.

At this moment, due to the constant harassment and attacks of the [Lemon Monster], not only Chen Yilang himself, but also Xia Ling on the side felt a little nervous and scared.

But what she is worried about is that Chen Yilang will feel embarrassed and uncomfortable because of the malicious thoughts of this piece of [Lemon Monster], so that Chen Yilang will keep a distance from her for this reason, and it will be very sad .

"I really want to kill them... Hmm." Xia Ling muttered silently, and subconsciously clenched her little pink fist, but it softened after less than a minute.

It's still a bit of a heart... This girl who has never fought since she was a child is suddenly discouraged.

However, at this moment, Chen Yilang, who was beside him, suddenly stretched out his hand and held her little pink fist.


Xia Ling was stunned for a moment, but before she could react, her little pink fist had already spread out five fingers, and was held in the palm of Chen Yilang's hand.

OK, so suddenly...

Xia Ling's little face suddenly turned red.

This is the first time they have held hands in such a serious way!

Xia Ling only felt that her little heart suddenly felt out of control, and it jumped wildly like a stimulant rabbit.


The large group of [Lemon Monsters] behind them were stunned when they saw this scene.

【Ding! 】

[You used [Dog Food Bomb], causing a lot of mental damage to the [Lemon Giants]! 】

[You got: Gold +8746, Experience +6731! 】


"Damn it, right? Why are they still holding hands?"

"Who said that the man was the spare tire just now?"

"I don't know if he is a spare tire, but I know I should be a clown."

"Tsk tsk tsk, why are you in a hurry? Holding hands is a big deal? And maybe it's his wishful thinking and forcibly pulling that girl..."

As soon as the words fell, this large group of people just found a little comfort in their hearts, and then they saw that in front of them, Xia Ling obviously took the initiative to hold Chen Yilang's hand tighter, and then pulled in her direction. past.

The distance between the two people is just a few points closer.


【Ding! 】

[You used [Love's Stickers], causing a lot of mental damage to the [Lemon Trolls]! 】

[You got: Gold +8781, Experience +6988! 】


When I heard the system beep, even Brother Lang was stunned.

Ah this...

He went to pull Xia Ling's hand, in fact, the main purpose was to give the knife to the large group of lemon trolls behind them, and he had no other unreasonable thoughts.

After all, Brother Lang is an old gentleman, so naturally there is still a sense of proportion.

So he didn't expect that the positive feedback Xia Ling gave was so strong... It kind of stabbed into an extremely sensitive part of this girl's body.

If that's the case, then take it!

Chen Yilang's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Since his sister doesn't reject it at all, why is he so shy?

Just take her hand directly and generously and you're done...

So Chen Yilang also held her hand very happily.

The two tacitly held hands and walked on the school road lined with sweet-scented osmanthus trees.

A gust of breeze blew, and the fragrance bursts, refreshing.

It made Brother Lang's whole heart ecstatic, and it made the group of [Lemon Monsters] doubt life.

"Woooooo, I understand, it turns out that I'm really just a clown..."

"You are not alone, so we are all clowns!"

"I'm so sad, I want to hold my sister's little soft hand too!"

"Hey! I didn't say that, why are you all excited again!" The highest-ranking [Lemon Monster] looked at the large group of younger brothers beside it, with a look of disdain on his face, and deliberately raised his voice Said: "Isn't it normal to hold hands these days? It's not only couples who can hold hands... If I tell you, you are still too tender."

【Ding! 】

[[lv16 Lemon Giant Monster Leader] used [Acid Blast], causing a lot of mental damage to you again! 】

【hp-561! 】


"Oh, yes, the boss seems to be quite reasonable."

"Woooooo, I'm not only a clown, I'm tender!"

"Cry a wool, the boss is right, this guy is at most a high-level spare tire that can hold hands, don't think about anything else!"

"That's right, I'm a big boss too!"

"That's right, Diaosi and Shizhai are not worthy of falling in love. If there is, it can only be my little lucky ghost!"


【Ding! 】

[[Lemon trolls] are inspired by [lemon troll leader], [depressed] state has evolved, and their aggression has been greatly improved! 】

【Ding! 】

[[Lemon trolls] launched [acid attack] on you, and you suffered a lot of mental damage! 】

【hp-465! 】


Oh? The damage is high! But I have seen through your little plan... Chen Yilang's heart was not disturbed, he looked at Xia Ling, winked at her, and said loudly: "Oh, God, My dear Beibi, I suddenly miss the cola chicken wings your mother made, it tastes so good, I remember the last time I ate it was the last time!"

Xia Ling looked stunned, but when she saw the look Chen Yilang gave her, she quickly responded: "Then come home after school tonight for dinner, my mother hasn't seen you for a long time. Now, she has been nagging me about how thin you are, and she has always wanted to cook something delicious for you!"

Lemons: "?????????"


Sure enough, we are the real clowns!

I've been laughing at this guy who is full of diaosi and dead house vibes as just a spare tire who can only hold hands, but he doesn't know that the other party has already met the parents of the beautiful girls, and they have even been eating and drinking in the other party's house... It's a big breakout site.

【Ding! 】

[You used [The Temptation to Go Home], causing tons of devastating mental damage to the [Lemon Trolls]! 】

【Ding! 】

[You killed [Lemon Monster x5]! 】

[You killed [Lemon Giant Monster Leader x1]! 】

[You got: Gold +12313, Experience +9982! 】

【You got the title: Fruit Ninja! 】

[Fruit Ninja: When you wear this title, your damage to all [monsters] belonging to the fruit type increases by 20%! 】


Fruit Ninja is okay... So when will a [Pineapple Monster] or [Watermelon Monster] give me a few knives? Chen Yilang complained silently.

After the [Lemon Monsters] were wiped out by Chen Yilang on the spot, they didn't dare to make a sound anymore.

They chose to part ways with Chen Yilang at the next intersection and took a detour.

There's no way, after all, they can't be provoked, can't they still hide...

They're all big brothers, I got it.


After the [Lemon Monsters] left, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

On the campus in the early morning, only the rustling sound of the breeze passing through the branches and leaves, and the occasional chirping of insects and birds.

Chen Yilang took Xia Ling and walked on the school road, squinting his eyes comfortably.

After taking a deep breath, the air felt sweet.

If only college life could maintain such a gentle and pleasant rhythm... It's a pity that the good times are always so short, and the final exam is coming next week. Just thinking about it is really bad enough.

And the final exam is nothing, it can only be regarded as the smallest trouble in recent times. Now Chen Yilang can already predict how many troubles will come to him after he becomes a minister. Here comes the head.

Chen Yilang sighed softly~www.readwn.com~ While his thoughts were wandering, he suddenly heard Xia Ling say:



"Then when are you going to come to my house?"

"My mother's cooking is really delicious, although she doesn't seem to know how to make cola chicken wings."

"But it's okay, I will."



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