If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 306: 【Mind Crit】

The prolonged applause lasted for a long, long time before it gradually subsided.

After all, the agenda of the general meeting is not over here. After the election of ministers, there are still the backbones of various departments.

However, the election process for key members is naturally a bit simpler in comparison, but it is a process anyway, so naturally it is impossible to stay on the party of Chen Yilang and Cao Ze for a long time.

However, the process of the meeting did not stop, but the thoughts of the masses were literally stagnant.

——This is definitely the most miraculous, craziest, and dreamiest thing that has happened to the Nanxuan University Student Union this year!

In the campaign for the post of Minister of Logistics, the history of that year actually repeated itself again.

Cao Ze, an old fritter who has been widely expected and can almost be said to have no rivals, was once again tragically in Waterloo at the new year's ministerial election conference and overturned heroically!

Moreover, the most cruel and breaking point is that the opponent Cao Ze lost to was neither an old fritter with certain work experience like Ma Yichuan, nor a super veteran at the airborne level, but just a... In the student union organization, it can only be regarded as a newcomer with a little potential at most.

——Bengbu live spicy!

【Ding! 】

[You used [Mind Crit] to deal a ton of devastating blows to [lv15 conspirator], causing huge [mental damage]! 】

【Ding! 】

[Your [Mind Crit] has the effect of [Top Defense Breaking] on [lv15 Conspirator]! 】

[Under the effect of [Top Defense Breaking], [lv15 Conspirator] has entered the [Heartbreak] state! 】

[Heartbroken: The target in this state will admit huge [mental damage] and experience a kind of grief and pain that pierces the heart and goes straight to the depths of the soul! For targets with low [mental attributes], they even have a certain probability to enter the state of [cardiopulmonary arrest] or [depression moment] under [heartbreak]! 】

[[lv15 Conspirators] Damaged: HP-9999! 】

【Ding! 】

[You have killed [lv15 conspirator]! 】



Accompanied by a general sound like glass bursting, Chen Yilang saw the [lv15 Conspirator] logo on top of Cao Ze's head, shattered on the spot, and then fell all over the ground.

——The [lv15 conspirator], who is good at strategizing and playing with people's hearts, finally ended his sinful life at this moment.

"Deputy Cao fainted!"

Under the stage, a sharp cry suddenly sounded from the crowd.

The crowd suddenly became chaotic, and staff from various departments of the student union rushed to the place where the sound came from.

Chen Yilang also stood up, leaned his head and looked at the center of the crowd, wanting to see what happened.

Then I saw Cao Ze who fell into the crowd with a black eye...

After this [lv15 conspirator] was [mind critical strike] by him, the blood bar was emptied almost instantly, and at first glance, there was only a trace of blood left.

So in the [heartbroken] state, he just fainted directly...

Because of this sudden episode, the general meeting suddenly turned into a mess.

Several strong old brothers went out together, and it was considered that they carried Cao Ze up and carried him to the school hospital.

The scene was chaotic like a pot of porridge, and it took more than ten minutes to restore the original order of the general meeting.

But it is clear that the atmosphere will never return to its original state...

After all, everyone is in a state of excited eating melons. It is estimated that few people are still in the mood to continue this boring and boring general election.

In this way, after Vice Minister Cao accidentally fell into a coma at the scene, the general election meeting officially ended not long after.

With the sound of applause, Chen Yilang let out a long sigh of relief.

This general election meeting has ended without any risk...

As for what will happen to Cao Ze in the end... Chen Yilang actually doesn't know.

Maybe Cao Ze will be transferred back to the position of deputy minister in the end... Of course, the premise is that he is willing to serve as deputy minister for three consecutive years.

However, Chen Yilang felt that this possibility should not be much, after all, normal people may not be able to bear such an insult...

And when it comes to this, I have to mention the situation this year.

This year is very interesting, the position of the Deputy Minister of Logistics, the level of competition can be said to be unprecedentedly high.

Probably because everyone is convinced of one thing, that is, in this year's election, Cao Ze will definitely be elected to the post of minister.

Therefore, the position of Deputy Minister will definitely be vacant in the end.

That is to say, if you don't grab it now, when will you wait?

Therefore, basically every backbone in the logistics department participated in this election...

However, among the same people, none of them could have imagined that this time, their Vice Minister Cao actually overturned the car again... and that it was so tragically overturned?

In other words, Cao Ze, who did not run for deputy minister, probably didn't even have the opportunity to adjust... After all, there are too many cadres in the logistics department running for this position. Why did everyone give this opportunity back to you?

You have been the deputy minister for two years!

Then the problem comes again.

If it is possible, is this deputy minister of theirs, right or wrong?

Be it, I feel like I'm a little cruel to Vice Minister Cao, don't be it, and I feel like a big injustice...

Aw, this is really bald!

But of course.

As for how to deal with these things in the future, that is not something that Brother Lang needs to pay attention to.

Tonight, he only had to ponder one question - how to celebrate.


"Congratulations Minister Chen!"

"Minister Chen is a thief, Minister Chen is eighteen centimeters!"

"Brother Lang, I would like to call it a man like God!"


After the general meeting, just after walking out of the large conference room, Chen Chen Yilang ran into several dogs in the dormitory head-on.

Li Zixian, Feng Tian, ​​and ** have been squatting in the Insomniac Forum, running after a few large bags of potato chips while nibbling on them.

How to describe that feeling?

Even more nervous than running for yourself...

When they saw Chen Yilang beat Cao Ze and succeeded in being elected as the head of the logistics department, these people only felt that they were a hundred times happier than they were.

It is estimated that the old father felt like this when he wanted his son to become a dragon...

"Shh, keep a low profile." Chen Yilang waved his hand, holding back his smile, and said solemnly, "Brother Cao, I guess he will still be lying unconscious in the hospital, I don't want to be mad at him."

"Ah? Really? Then why do I think you look like you really want to?"

"Yes, yes, and why are you holding back your laughter? Don't hold back, you haven't held back yet, you are laughing more brilliantly than Zhu Bajie!"

"Don't mess around here, tonight's top fishing must be arranged, the fathers won't let you go..."

A few boys were fighting, and they almost carried Chen Yilang up and dragged him away~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There was no way, just like this, Brother Lang was caught by his sons and went to the top of the mountain to fish again. Hu Chihai took a drink and doubled the happiness tonight.

During this period, Chen Yilang also received invitations from the logistics department, the strange club, and friends from the high school alumni association. Chen Yilang, who had no skills, could only temporarily refuse.

This celebratory feast with the sons of dogs lasted until about twelve o'clock in the evening.

It was already in the early morning when we returned to the dormitory again, and the group of people made fun of the dormitory aunts and went back to the dormitory smoothly.

After returning to the dormitory, the dogs ran to turn on the air conditioner, rushed to grab the toilet, and went to turn on the wifi... each performed their duties.

Chen Yilang let out a beer-smelling burp, took out his phone and took a look, only to realize that he had been focusing on cooking this evening and forgot to read the news.

Only then did he realize that he seemed to have missed an important piece of news.

[Xia Ling: Wow, you really became a minister! Congratulations, congratulations~]

[Xia Ling: I am so happy tonight, do you want to go have a meal together~]


(to be added tomorrow)

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