If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 305: Group Extermination [Melon-eating Monster]

Nanxuan University, Mingde Building large conference room.

At this moment, the seemingly peaceful campaign concert scene has actually experienced a round of crazy bombing.

- An art without the smell of gunpowder and gunpowder.

Everyone in the conference hall, after hearing Chen Yilang's remarks, all felt that a sledgehammer suddenly smashed over their chest, smashing their little one. The heart was beating violently.

- What a powerful speech!

Damn, why is this?

The old fritters sitting under the stage were dumbfounded.

This Chen Yilang junior's lines were obviously too outrageous. Not only did he force himself too hard, but he also forcibly expressed a wave of emotions without thinking, so embarrassing that they could use their toes to dig out a large flat on the spot.

But for some unknown reason, they just felt that this student Chen Yilang spoke well!

Although this big talk directly made them confused, but I don't know why he felt that he was really talking like a thief.

The ability to empathize is almost the level of full marks!

The old fritters only felt the softest part of their hearts, and they were immediately hit by the words of this apprentice...

It seems that what he is speaking is not a ministerial election, but a magnificent, gripping epic that makes men silent and women cry...

At this moment, the thousands of words in my heart have turned into one simple word - salute! pay tribute!

Clap of applause, the moment Chen Yilang finished his speech, flooded the entire conference venue like a tide.

"Isn't this too touching!"

"Don't make any noise, I'll cry first!"

"For 8 episodes, this wave of tears filled my eyes and my family was adorable!"

"Vote for him, vote for him, and vote for him for me!"

"Stop talking about Minister Chen, I will announce you!"


At this moment in the Insomniac Forum, a new round of comments has also started again.

Netizens who were not at the scene felt a little unclear, but judging from the replies below the leaked post, they guessed that it should be Chen Yilang who completed a perfect and passionate campaign singing at the scene, making all the student union members present. All moved...otherwise how to explain the post by this group of fanatics?

Chen Yilang walked off the stage with warm applause.

"Uuuuu, that's really good~" Cao Ze snorted and couldn't help applauding vigorously.

It was not until he was clapping his hands for a long time that he was tired of lifting his hands, and Cao Zefang suddenly realized something.

"Gan, isn't this guy my opponent?" Cao Ze's mouth twitched, and then he suddenly came to his senses.

Logically speaking, he should never interact with this guy, how could he still praise him?

But just now, for some unknown reason, he was deeply impressed by Chen Yilang's aura.

"Old Cao, Xiao Chen's speech just now, even you are so shocked..." Several ministers of other departments on the side were even more surprised when they saw Cao Ze's expression that he was almost on the verge of raining pear flowers. , "I understand, I understand, I will vote for Xiao Chen Xuedi!"

Cao Ze: "???"

Gan, I didn't mean that at all?

I didn't even have the convulsion just now, how come even you guys are starting to be mentally ill!


Chen Yilang's speech made the entire conference hall extremely restless.

It wasn't until about four or five minutes later that it gradually became quiet.

Soon, the campaign speeches resumed.

However, since Chen Yilang's party ended, for some reason, everyone else present instantly felt that tonight's meeting had become boring.

The follow-up speeches of other people, compared to their wave of operations, can only be said to be too inferior and very boring.

It's like a wonderful movie just ended with a passionate big cock, followed by a long and boring pee...

About half an hour later.

In Cao Ze's uneasy mood, the speech session of the general meeting was completely over.

"Then it's time to vote..."

Cao Ze swallowed his saliva, his heart was beating wildly, and he suddenly felt an unprecedented nervousness.

This time, Deputy Cao was really panicking.

Wouldn't they all vote for Chen Yilang?

No, no, no, this plot shouldn't be so outrageous...

Shut down my brother, I will really thank you!

"Okay, so far, all the candidates have finished their speeches."

"Then next is the vote counting time for the staff. Please keep the scene quiet..."

In the calm voice of the host, I saw real-time data of the vote count of candidates for various positions on the big screen of the stage.

Han Qiujing voted to succeed the next student union president, Ma Yichuan was elected as the new secretary general, and Guan Lu chose to retire and did not participate in the election.

The final election results of these key figures were basically expected by everyone, so it is not surprising at all.

Therefore, all the audience at the scene, the most attention at this time, is naturally the election for the post of Minister of Logistics.

Originally, the election for this position was the least interesting, because everyone felt that the only candidate was Cao Ze, and the so-called election was just a little bit of process.

But now, in the middle of the way, a newcomer came out, still a freshman... Isn't this exciting?

[Melon-eating monsters] They began to gear up again, and they were ready to move...

In Chen Yilang's field of vision, it was not long ago that he threw a bomb and cleaned up all the mobs in the audience. In the blink of an eye, in the map of the [Grand Conference Hall] A large group of [melon-eating monsters] appeared again...

Sure enough, eating melons and gossip is the primary productive force...Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are melons to eat.

However, Brother Lang naturally has no time to deal with these [melon-eating monsters] who are jumping around.

Because next, the feature film will start soon.

At this time, on the big screen, the voting progress of the post of Minister of Logistics began to be updated.

It means that the staff has started to count the votes of him and Cao Ze.

When the [Melon Eaters] arrived at this meeting, they basically held their breaths in unison, staring at the changing vote count dynamics on the big screen.

At the same time, the votes of the two people began to rise.

Not long after the catch-up match started, Cao Ze had a whirlwind and felt a little bit about to suffocate.

——Because of the number of votes between him and Chen Yilang, they were actually bitten to death!

This is not at all the situation that he imagined to be directly crushed by the big score!

The votes of the two were bitten to death at the very beginning, wouldn't that be evenly matched?

"Equally against each other..."

"How could I be evenly matched with this guy?" Cao Ze's face became ugly.

However, it is not completely evenly matched. Cao Ze stared at the numbers on the screen for a while ~www.readwn.com~ and found that he was actually more than ten votes more than Chen Yilang.

But this gap has never been widened, and the two of them just maintained the difference in votes, holding on to it, like two seeded players on the 100-meter race track.



"I didn't expect it, my mother..."

[The people who eat melons] are also beginning to be undecided.

This time, they are afraid that they have not really caught up with a good show!

After all, even across the screen, they could smell the smell of gunpowder.

"Cao Ze, 68, Chen Yilang, 57..."

"Cao Ze, 94, Chen Yilang, 85..."

"Cao Ze, 114, Chen Yilang, 103..."


As this catch-up match began to intensify, the atmosphere in the venue became more and more tense.

The sword was drawn, and the needles could be heard falling.

After a while, the votes between the two were stuck at 168 to 177.


(I can’t finish writing, I will get up tomorrow morning to make up for QAQ)

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