If The Real World Is Suddenly Gamified

Chapter 31: 【City of Fear】

Chen Yilang was all stupid.

So, the banknote ability can really do whatever you want...

Chen Yilang was really afraid that she would suddenly activate the skill [Let me fight for 20 years less], and slapped a stack of hundred-yuan bills directly on his face...

"What's the matter?" Lin Jie hurried over just now, "Do you need any help, classmate Jiang Linguo?"

Chen Yilang glanced at Lin Jie and simply handed Lin Jie the suitcase in his hand.

Lin Jie was stunned for a moment, then exchanged glances with Chen Yilang knowingly, and took the box in Jiang Linguo's hand.

"As expected of Brother Lang, you have seen through this, hee hee!"

Lin Jie showed a hint of shyness, then bumped Chen Yilang with his shoulder, and happily pushed Jiang Linguo's box and ran away.

Chen Yilang: "..."

Is this the man in the puberty period?

I'm afraid, I'm afraid.

It's a pity.

Lin Jie's happiness did not last long.

Because his ticket seat number was not with Jiang Linguo, but with Chen Jiahui.

He could only look at Chen Yilang and Jiang Linguo who were sitting next to each other across the aisle with resentment and admiration.

But in fact, Chen Yilang was not chatting with Jiang Linguo at all.

Chen Yilang thinks that he is not usually a boring person. Even if most of the classmates are not very in tune, they can at least chat a few words.

But after sitting with Jiang Linguo, the atmosphere was inexplicably awkward.

Everything that Jiang Linguo is interested in seems to be related to the second dimension.

Chen Yilang didn't quite understand it, so the two of them chatted awkwardly for a while and then stopped talking.

"Do you want to change your seat?" Chen Yilang tried to ask, "Do you want to sit with your best friend?"

"No need." Jiang Linguo shook his head and said, "You have to help me with things later, how troublesome."

Chen Yilang frowned slightly.

Although she spoke in a soft voice, Chen Yilang always felt that these words were strange, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But Jiang Linguo immediately said:

"By the way, you can buy a bag of instant noodles for me. I'm so hungry now that I haven't eaten in the morning."

"We are on the train now, and the instant noodles may taste a little big." Chen Yilang reminded, "Would you like to eat something else?"

"No, I just want to eat instant noodles." Jiang Linguo shook his head like a rattle.


Out of courtesy, Chen Yilang had to agree, "What do you want?"

"It's fine, I'm very casual." Jiang Linguo said.


After speaking, Chen Yilang walked over to the carriage at the service desk and bought a bucket of braised beef noodles.

After soaking, he brought it back and handed it to Jiang Linguo.

"Thank you."

Jiang Linguo smiled sweetly, then happily took the instant noodles.


After just taking a bite or two, her expression turned ugly.

"Hey, classmate Chen."

Jiang Linguo frowned and said with a look of disgust:

"This tastes so bad, I don't like it! Did you see Laotan sauerkraut or other brands of instant noodles over there when you went there just now?"

"Yes." Chen Yilang nodded, "It's quite a lot."

"Then go buy me a bucket of Laotan sauerkraut." Jiang Linguo said.

"What about this barrel?" Chen Yilang asked.

"No." Jiang Linguo said, "Do you want to eat it? It's so unpalatable anyway, so I'll give it to you to eat, it's okay."

Chen Yilang: "????"

I really thank you, sis.

"Then thank you." Jiang Linguo said.

"Thank me for what?" Chen Yilang asked.

"Ah? Thank you for helping me buy instant noodles again!"

Chen Yilang frowned and said, "I'm thinking, I don't seem to have promised you yet?"

"..." Jiang Linguo suddenly choked.

【Ding! 】

[You have caused huge mental damage to [lv5 daughter]! 】

[Get ①Gold +78 ②Experience +56]


Jiang Linguo's health was visibly cut by almost half.

The degree of exaggeration made Chen Yilang a little startled when he saw it.

How much mental damage does this have to be in order to have this effect?

How could his understatement have so much lethal power?

I can tell.

Jiang Linguo is a girl who is often admired by many stars on weekdays. It is estimated that few boys have spoken to her like this. She is more or less pampered and arrogant.

So when I was responded like this by myself, I probably broke my defenses a bit.

The two were speechless for a while.

The atmosphere seemed to become a little awkward all of a sudden.

But Chen Yilang didn't care.

This kind of thing, as long as you are not embarrassed, then the embarrassment will be others.

"Why don't you buy it yourself." Chen Yilang shrugged and said, "It's just a few steps away, I'm afraid I can't figure out what you like."


"It's stingy."

"If you don't help, you won't help. I'll go by myself."

Jiang Linguo pursed his mouth a little unhappily, got up and walked away.

Chen Yilang was a little dumbfounded.

This little girl is not very tall, but her temper is not small.

About ten minutes later.

Jiang Linguo just returned to his seat with a new bucket of instant noodles.

Chen Yilang saw that she clumsily tore open the seasoning packet and poured it into a bucket of instant noodles indiscriminately.

During this period, he also spilled a bag of seasoning powder on the ground because of his fuss.

"..." Chen Yilang simply closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

He could see it.

Jiang Linguo is basically a charming lady who is used to being served by others~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The self-care ability is almost negative.

So [Qianjin] means something like this...

A few hours later.

The train slowly stopped at Yunzhou Station.

After getting off the bus, Jiang Linguo never paid any attention to Chen Yilang again.

Lin Jie, who knew nothing about this, only felt that happiness seemed to come too suddenly...

For some reason, Jiang Linguo's attitude towards him suddenly became very good. He was chatting with him all the time, without even looking at Chen Yilang.

"I really didn't expect that Brother Lang, who has good grades, can fight and is inspirational, would have a day at Waterloo."

Lin Jie couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Chen Yilang didn't care.

Anyway, he didn't know Jiang Linguo well, and she didn't have much to do with herself.

The ultimate purpose of his trip was just to complete the check-in and punch-in task issued by the system.

When Chen Yilang stepped out of the motor car and stepped on the city with his feet.

The system's voice rang out of his mind.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations on completing the task: start from signing in! 】

[Get ①Gold +499 ②Experience +59]



Chen Yilang felt a little uncomfortable.

He didn't expect the bounty of this sign-in task to be so low.

I always feel like I've come here for nothing...

After all, Chen Yilang lives in a small fat house in his heart. Most of the time, he prefers to stay at home and drink happy water while driving in the dark.

Until the sound of the system sounded again:

【Ding! 】

[The limited-time copy has been opened! 】

[Dungeon name: City of Fear! 】

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